exact syllable matches

be a dead nigger
be a lead singer
it should
be again disturbed
that would not
You'll never
be America
ashamed to even
not enough to
of it would
be American
on, and all
them up to
be Americans
be direct, Philip
they must
be protected first
I will
supposed to
We should
be protecting her
be the best system
going to
be the president
and speak of
deepest existence
each of their children
we sacrifice
evil temptress demon
that make you
feel, American
fetus fetishists
straight edge, drug
free America
still be a
free American
Green Americans
times that
he again deferred
He protected us
He's just getting worse
he's obsessed with her
dare to deny
Jesus' existence
keep from getting hurt
yourself off,
keep yourself distant
Down on your
knees, America
making the
least direct Return
least some senses, a
not even a
legal resident
legal sense is a
steady thing, give
You saw
me America
me of helping people
you accusing
me of sexism
me the President
me, Americans
but, for
me, compelling reasons
I don't
mean the President
about to
did you
meet the President
She just
needed help, Silver
the world still
needs America
people fell in love
chances of
people getting hurt
People helping people
actions, and
people stepping up
lot of
people yelling stuff
all just to
please America
this, had I
reached America
bigotry, is a
find me a
is, is a
that you're a
to sound like
You are a
real American
Taliban government, are
they're throwbacks to
real Americans
and which constitutes
real offensiveness
and you
reap a character
in intestinal and
renal epithelia
be David Benton,
research technician
than a
scheme of merriment
see a dead Indian
the water,Like to
see America
and the Caribbean,
see Americas
see the end result
Are those
sequins French crystal
doesn't even
they don't even
speak American
speed ahead, Mr
friend and collaborator,
Steven Erikson
streets of Hell's Kitchen
on our
streets, protecting us
Team America
thee What then is Love
fall for
these pathetic creatures
out of every
three Americans
We must get things done
inclined to say
we're American
we're Americans
We're Americans
It's like
we're the president

with 1 extra syllable

anti-woman, anti-gay and anti-
they are pro-America or
I am not
I wouldn't say anything
It's inhumane, it's
into fronting for professional
So are our
provided for
any affected people
don't have
any protective fur
I'm not a
bloody American
bury yourself in work
a Winchester
carry a Deringer
form Legos is
chiefly American
from the
city of Ephesus
City of Westminster
clearly against this scourge
had already
completed their mission
as vicarious
cruelty against women
Danaus plexippus
of the same
deceitful character
happen, it'd be
deeply unethical
self-reliant outlook of
early America
Everyone else is just
than doing
everyone else's work
ten to
fifteen percent return
see thirty,
forty percent returns
they never feel
fully American
guilty of shedding blood
Originally a
highly offensive term
Hurry up, Jessica
decide to
impeach the President
India relishes
Indian relishes
grudge us, O
knightly America
and also by
he had given
then, so do
many Americans
many of them children
maybe the best things, the
medial lemniscus
All-Glorious, the
Mighty, the Well-Beloved
way of a whites-
only America
unity, I see
only Americans
the universe,
only One Existence
elected the
party's first president
to live a
penniless existence
in each
period men differ
Pretty pathetic, huh
Pushy Americans
of this is
really American
be absolutely
redeemed from existence
the dull
routine of existence
Selina Sheridan
series of lead singers
we call ourselves
simply Americans
into 8
simply connected regions
inkling of their
spurious character
Stokely run red with blood
than a
strictly reflexive one
the gladiatorial
theory of existence
end of your
trivial existence
ugly American
magazine called The
Ugly American
Ugly Americans
now considered a
variant character
various senses of
she's a
very aggressive girl
themselves truly and
wholly American
yet not
wholly subjective either
did for
wholly unselfish reasons
only things
worthy of existence

with 2 extra syllables

lessening the
agony of existence
already the head cheerleader
after the
Armenian spelling of
exceed the
boundaries of existence
each other in nineteenth-
of revolt in twentieth-
rights movement in nineteenth-
century America
of the nineteenth
century, Americans
classically American
ending in the
colloquial register
of British
colloquial senses of
completely unethical
decency somewhere in us
the Englishman think
embodies America
be fully and
equally American
especially a net income
European herring gull
European herring gulls
and satisfaction by
at stake for
better future for
else, fair to
equal rights of
it should concern
of each and
of work for
the attention of
the lives of
every American
persuasive, an
extremely compelling speaker
way of
finally forgetting her
the huge
heresy of Precedent
history of Hell's Kitchen
life of an
illustrious character
more of an
imperial character
had an anti-
industrial character
Industrial Strength Mixer
Christians, says the
lies, says the
Iranian president
plans to house
the internment of
Japanese Americans
interning of Japanese and
the expectations of
Kaohsiung residents
dark unconsciousness of
there is no
material existence
course, the
notorious pelvic thrusts
or horizontally stays
the situation is
perfectly symmetrical
the brown and
Peruvian pelicans
of Independence was
profoundly American
prophecy of their return
life and
purity of character
brains or
qualities of character
mere hum-drum
quality of existence
He's not
remotely a president
remotely compared with her
mode of a
Shakespearean character
to a purely
spontaneous existence
for a totally
terrestrial existence
things that are
typically American

with 3 extra syllables

against the
absurdity of existence
atrocity against his people
what seemed
austerity of character
affinity towards
authority, a President
Herbert Maxwell's
Biography of Wellington
alleviate the
catastrophe of existence
richness and
diversity of existence
to do something
entirely unethical
essentially a selfish one
fineness and
integrity of character
among the
necessaries of existence
in the
the bare
necessities of existence
raise three
neurotically perfect children
garb, we're perfectly
so have many
ordinary Americans

with 4 extra syllables

grammatically correct insult
for the
opportunity of existence
ideological orientation,
particularly against women
probability of getting one
constitutionally required, nor
traditionally American

with 5 extra syllables

inferiority of their system
superiority of their women
vulnerability of getting cheated