exact syllable matches

laid in
3 months either
happened to
be a Beatle
be a cheese bum
I must
be a creature
I not
be a diva
also may
I must
she must
be a genius
practicing to
be a Keeper
China will
order to
want to
write again,
be a leader
meal would
be a pizza
be a real JERK
must surely
that would
There must
be a reason
seemed to
be a secret
he will
want to
be a teacher
His destiny must
process can never
the ritual could
be completed
have to
be earned, either
who's going to
be luckiest
people may
be one people
There must
be some reason
don't wanna
be the leader
be the real world
got to
be the reason
the natural state
be ugliness
we can
beat the Reapers
do than
beat up people
am a
cheap drug dealer
Cleveland Steamer
New York, and
Creature Feature
has given that
creature freedom
no sense of
decency, sir
'Cause chickens are
contempt for ordinary
dinner out with
gentleman,Who came of
good, honorable clients,
home and be
life out of
neighbor's yard like
decent people
to consider all
demons evil
the American
dream of Eden
it a
only to
dream of freedom
given up
dreams of freedom
each one he cuts
You are an
eager beaver
There's an
eagle season
Are you
easily hurt
cannot be so
easily won
of Nod,
east of Eden
East of Eden
Northern Conservative Baptist
Eastern Region
eat a cream puff
trying to
eat one peanut
there and
eat the pieces
the bar,
eat the pizza
our Daedalus
either, we're just
saint two fairly
equal creatures
many are denied
nothing more than
equal treatment
harsh world of
evil creatures
to defeat the
evil demon
science to justify
evil demons
I am the
stupid or an
evil genius
people, folk-lore about
will not help
evil people
Feeble Feeble
Dracula wanna
feed 'em peanuts
which will
feed the Rebirth
should have been
fetal research
on the
field of reason
Fields of reefer
pastures, of
fields, of chieftains
and that of
free agreement
and less
free the people
Serbia and
freed the people
to achieve her
freedom reaches
Freedom, freedom
an oversized
green rugby shirt
he a teacher
German, that
he burned people
hear the Green Word
hear the real words
he'd hurry up
who wasn't
here earlier
come down
here one Easter
not happening
here, but Cleveland
sensed I was
here, Nerissa
he's a Dreamer
but, fuck,
for this,
Gordon here,
tell him
he's a genius
that means
he's a leader
He's a real jerk
funny and
he's a Senior
jeepers creepers
bum, Black Power,
Jesus people
Can you
how to
I can
like to
one can
that can
you could
keep a secret
Who shall
keep the Keepers
hold the
keys of Peter
the Evil
League of Evil
violation in the
lease agreement
understanding at
least the pieces
leave the seat up
can't say, for
legal reasons
Jose Stevens and
Lena Stevens
be known as
warning to find
Lisa Lisa
to offer
me a peanut
and brought
Now phone
me a pizza
Just give
me a reason
ahead, call
me a teacher
for saving
mentioned that to
Much was telling
rude abandonment of
that you asked
me earlier
humanitarian like
me loves people
me the reason
me what he's won
me what we've learned
were on to
me, earlier
one to kill
me, Severus
theirs was no
mean achievement
mean what we heard
means of real love
knowledge and
means of research
appeared to
meet, a demon
we do
need a breather
need a Kleenex
people will
need a leader
need a teacher
one or
need one, either
the nation
needs a leader
and it
needs a treatment
according to the
commitment to the
essential for any
peace agreement
actually very nice
prove ourselves a
We must be
peaceful people
advance a more
peaceful region
It's dedicated to
peaceful research
many, many, many
people eaten
does that make
What makes
people evil
does not give
people freedom
of the
people he loved
the innocent
people we hurt
and the
are the
choices for
love, the
people we love
all saw
people we loved
cost of other
people's freedom
Peta peta peta
peta peta
sure about that
Peter either
Peter Zenger
have the
Piece of Eden
the belly of the
themselves the
priests of Jesus
and only
Queen of Sheba
Welcome back
Queen Serena
have not
reached the evil
make any
real ones either
clues, doing
real police work
Rita Skeeter
is the
seat of reason
but, not too
secret either
see a Breather
do you
see a Caesar
see a peanut
He didn't
see Perseus
see what he does
was a
seed of evil
which is incomplete
seeks completion
was trapped in
seem uglier
You have
seen such people
seen the people
or is
she a demon
she a priestess
She dumps people
the way
she hurts people
She just needs love
as Yanni and
Sheena Easton
doesn't say
she's a demon
She's a genious
there buddy,
she's a keeper
tells me
she's a screamer
after all
she's the teacher
sleep of reason
the best directors,
Steven Spielberg
how'd we have
tea earlier
him to
hundred years,
teach the people
cares for
these Earth people
are all
could bequeath
these young people
and me twist
up,Secret creatures
we just leave, huh
We love freedom
we must be just
love and
we receive love
We struck demon
I think
we succeeded
low, but
we the people
people said
we were dreamers
we were here first
you're the
weak one, Reaper
enslaved and oppressed
weaker peoples
poverty poverty, nor
weakness weakness
fact is,
I mean
we're just people
we're the people
We're unrehearsed
Johnson was a

with 1 extra syllable

is necessary to
achieve agreement
Adrian Leaper
transform into different
alien creatures
advantages to an
alien people
alien reason
which I owe
any allegiance
we aren't
any country club
make the joke
any funnier
anybody come
you know, did
anybody, um
and didn't have
said good-bye to
anyone either
this to
anyone he loved
buckets if
anyone needs one
own private
army of demons
herdsmen of the
beastly plebeians
those who
believe the teacher
is trust
between the people
close ties
of peace
the walls
between the peoples
the relationship
between the speakers
never cleared
between us teachers
Cutters is a
bloody cathedral
took the
body of Jesus
bury the free ones
as they
bury the needle
summer is the
busiest season
of conscience, coldly,
calmly completed
carries the team up
softly and
carry a beagle
allowed to
carry concealed guns
live who
carry the secret
save the trapped
cereal people
and the
City of Evil
toward the
city of freedom
fantasies in its
look at its
than in its
concrete achievements
at some more
convenient season
in this
country were meagre
party, the
country, the people
event had a
curious sequel
know his
daddy, the preacher
is an on-going
daily procedure
Daisy's a reaper
had deliberately
deceived the people
helped him
defeat the demon
does not
defeat the teacher
Merlin, have we
defeated evil
may have
defeated me, but
the highest
degree of freedom
for their own
devious reasons
easy, but he does
I really
fancy some peaches
of the grassroots
Fijian people
Japanese and the
Fijian peoples
Friday's the real one
guys are the
funniest people
Funny, funny word
children, and no
happiness either
find peace and
happiness, either
Highly convenient
has an
idea speaks up
the model home
idea, either
man owed an
ideal allegiance
get these
ideas, these umm
represents an
increase of freedom
to the usual
India pieces
and the West
street, it's all
Indian peoples
partly due to
Keynesian reasons
stars for the
Korean people
about gay and
lesbian people
to the brotherly
Libyan people
It's the Australian
media, Gina
and about his
mighty achievements
is not
Nadine, but Rita
nosy of me, huh
hate list, for
is accepted for
to go, for
was anti-black for
with Phoebe, for
obvious reasons
path there was
obviously none
obviously nuts
outmost defences
only of freedom
scattered, there's
only one leader
there is
only one people
only one reason
small men see
only ugliness
American Indian
orgy of freedom
are the
party of freedom
Pity the readers
to hurt
plenty of people
They are
premium people
the Elvis
Presley of Cleveland
pretty gutsy stuff
Pretty runty, huh
with a
pretty ugly mug
finding consistent with
previous research
is this
really a weakness
Ukrainians are
really one people
and together
receive the aeon
will not
retreat from either
she has
revealed her weakness
and we need
I really dread
we are a
serious people
been comic for
serious reasons
would have been
seriously hurt
seriously nuts
Seriously, what
up for
sexy, funky fun
To some quasi-
simian creature
sorry, Sabrina
by the entire
Soviet people
not a
strictly complete one
responsive to the
slaughter of the
stand with the
Syrian people
Tasty Twirl either
not exactly Mother
Teresa either
Thaddeus Stevens
Tiny hurts people
so for a
trivial reason
be killed for
trivial reasons
render him
truly a freeman
truly loves people
I come home,
unfeasibly drunk
imagined conversations with
which appear to
various people
character of the
various peoples
century in this
very arena
It is
very convenient
up three
very lovely girls
like her
very much, either
temporal mission and
worldly achievements
personal, social or
worldly convenience
freedom, and
worthy of freedom

with 2 extra syllables

friend of the
once to the
Albanian people
played for the
appropriate people
and Saudi
Arabia teamed up
for that mighty
Arabian teacher
destruction of the
Armenian people
the Turkish and
Armenian peoples
away from
assemblies of people
to an
assembly of people
to help the
Cambodian people
Naples and the
Campania region
lived a few
centuries earlier
climax of
centuries of evil
preserved his
clarity of reason
opinion which matters,
colonial heathen
at my declared
enemies' convenience
defeat the
enemies of freedom
and an
enemy of evil
an all-round
enemy of freedom
is the
enemy of reason
fluid gives him
energy, completion
and is sometimes
equally convenient
with men,
especially ugly ones
applied only to non-
European peoples
somehow to Eastern
European regions
Eusebius, Demon
to erase your
every achievement
have many more
experienced people
among cultivated and
experienced readers
by a
family of lemurs
from a
family of weavers
fastidious creatures
Jean-Baptiste Perrin
finally succeeded
the best
guarantee of freedom
down by the
Helsinki agreement
than a hundred
imperial eagles
up the phone,
Imperious Leader
high content of
industrial cleaners
sleeping in an
industrial freezer
others are an
victory over an
inferior people
blessings to the
starting with the
vast majority of
Iranian people
Like a
Japanese Ophelia
all his
mastery of meter
into the same
mysterious regions
Nefarious Creature
of lawful and
orderly procedures
itself, is
probably the reason
liberty and
property of people
It's the
to find that
proverbial needle
be the
Purity of Evil
had a
quarantine some people
of the wretched
Romanian people
a model of
Salisbury Cathedral
Socrates were teachers
risotto, one
spaghetti, one Caesar
extraordinary talents and
superior genius
which would stump
superior people
It's just
unbelievably dumb
our friends at
That will be
Victoria's Secret
the complete
victory of either
little wibbly
wobbly touchy touch

with 3 extra syllables

food, of security-
just freedom
actually the real world
created by Ross
Bagdasarian, Sr
embodied the
banality of evil
two proven
categories of people
as a
community of people
in the
efficacy of reason
switch-over to the
emergency procedures
essentially what we've done
the sake of
your defence of
Ethiopia's freedom
in the
fraternity of dreamers
that alone preserves
humanity's achievements
to an
increasingly surreal world
I recall, yet
infinitely scruffier
educational facilities are
Nature, however, is
inherently unequal
an overwhelming
degrading the
to the
majority of people
protection policies in
military procedure
a small
minority of people
are the
moderately dirty ones
morality must be heard
town, and,
naturally, of Rita
nobility must be earned
return of the
Palestinian people
losers since the
Philadelphia Eagles
as a
philosophy of reason
human is
potentially a genius
the desire for
prosperity, worldliness
security procedures
of the
Society of Jesus
form a
totality of genius
we enjoy
varieties of people
a wide
variety of people
or at least
violently uneven

with 4 extra syllables

particular, has proved
exceptionally congenial
Potato isn't an
extraterrestrial creature
us the
genealogy of Jesus
to Rwanda for
humanitarian reasons
sacrifice, we have
magnificently succeeded
believes it is
politically convenient
grounds the
subjectivity of speakers

with 5 extra syllables

Evidentiary procedure
brilliantly, are
extraordinarily dull people
in the
universality of freedom

with 6 extra syllables

violates his own
confidentiality agreement