exact syllable matches

Aaron Carroll
bela vrana
Bella Abzug
belted magnum
belted magnums
Benjamin Stanton
besser stumm als dumm
times the
best doesn't happen
Better and worse
heads are
better than one
bless Nebraska
bless the captain
breasted merganser
Brennan's absence
caramel apple
caramel apples
care of the balance
care of the planet
Carolus Magnus
central angle
central angles
Cleanse the planet
credit transfer
credit transfers
crescent spanner
crescent spanners
Darrell Hammond
Daryl Hannah
death of a rabbit
death of one's master
decimal candle
decimal candles
decimal fraction
place to the
decimal fractions
is translated into
definite action
a fixed and
definite manner
had the most
I have
delicate ankles
state of most
delicate balance
of this extremely
delicate matter
required a very
delicate palate
body is fascinating,
delicate, fragile
in a
dense urban battle
devil grasses
Edwin A Abbott
Edwin Cannan
Edwin Manners
Edwin Ransford
What's There with
effortless action
wrote pure and
elegant Latin
fruit is the
elephant apple
elephant apples
extracted from
elephant grass From
elephant grasses
this ceramic
elephant, and um
elephants have trunks
with powers of
eloquence ample
else from a language
Emerald Tablet
end of a halberd
end of a mantra
end of term and er
end of the barracks
end of the battle
end of the cabin
end of the chapter
end of the handle
end of the matter
Ensis magnus
attempting to
dragon to
enter the castle
Enter the Dragon
it first
entered the language
Satan has re-
entered the planet
a new
era of balance
of that
era, the flapper
become the
essence of matter
material operations are
ever abandoned
Ever After
ever come back from
denying the
evidence at first
is not
evident at first
not be
evident at once
it off as
excellent patter
fantastic reveries and
exquisite passions
feather alum
of state and
federal taxes
with that
fella from NASA
act in a
in the proper
feminine manner
Friend of phantom
gelatin salad
gelatin salads
legendary in its
general absence
a general, Allen,
General Allen
admonished by the
general answer
more and more
general answers
going to see
General Hammond
We need a
General Patton
I, good old
wish to stop
General Rancor
of depression or
general sadness
my report,
general, and judge
There's the
gentleman's glasses
get numbers back up
get the hang of
come he
gets a banana
gets others back up
Gregor Strasser
guerra santa
guess what just happened
Hair, stuck, glasses
head of a dragon
head of a panda
head up and strut
vast, are
heaven and earth
Heaven and Earth
Heaven and such
heck of a dancer
held a candle
held up at work
Helen Hunt Jackson
hell of a dancer
Hell of a dancer
hell of a paddle
hell of a talent
Helmut Kaplan
heritage language
Karel Appel
Karen Handel
Steen and
Ken Hudson Campbell
Kendall answered
leather glove and swung
School at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas
left of the planet
from Arthurian
legends, perhaps from
legs of the masses
lemon basil
length contraction
length contractions
Lennon glasses
Lennox must answer
Leonard Calvert
Leonard Mandel
Leonard Randall
present a far
lesser challenge
lesser galangal
lesser panda
lesser pandas
lesser scaups
Let's just have fun
letter balance
letter jacket
letter patent
letters patent
to the
level of badness
lever action
plausible as blaming
the President or
Marilyn Manson
rule or
measure of angles
the largest
measure of madness
dropped out of
medicine after
Professor of
Medicine at the
medicine dances
melon cactus
member classes
Did I
mention the apples
not to
mention the masters
did he
mention what happened
merit badger
merit badgers
metal master
metal masters
method actor
method actors
and legal
methods of action
place in New
Mexican annals
of brightly colored,
Mexican blankets
From a
Mexican language
nested classes
discover a
network of caverns
network, a castle
motivated was
never a factor
be relaxed and
was adopted and
never abandoned
We would've
never attacked first
Never backwards
transparency, I've
never done battle
that the Holocaust
never happened
Shit hadda
never of happened
Fighting is
terrorism is
yourself is
never the answer
Violence is
NEVER the answer
Never the answers
pair of glasses
pair of ladders
pair of nerd glasses
pair of nutcrackers
pairs of glasses
pairs of ladders
para grasses
Paras Khadka
pen of a master
pepper gases
death and
pestilence and stuff
famous are
pethas from Agra
Prayer of Manasseh
of the
to the
presence of matter
for the
presence of salmon
have a
present from Santa
pressure canner
pressure canners
all a
question of balance
all a
question of status
not a
question of talent
It left no
question unanswered
unexplored and many
questions unanswered
questions were answered
qualms, no
questions, just action
questions, just answers
rare earth magnet
rare earth magnets
red banana
red bananas
red rubber stamper
has eyes
reddened from passion
reference angle
reference angles
names or
referenced as the
that illustrate the
referent action
she's a
regular bad one
which is his
regular habit
regular language
and soon a
regular madness
be killed with
regular matter
also follow a
regular pattern
or shape as
relevant factors
allusion to the
relevant passage
resin acid
resin acids
rest doesn't matter
rest of the album
Reverend Mather
Sara Paxton
Sarah Adams
Sarah Sanders
scared of the bad stuff
down for being
I would be
second banana
yes, we have
second bananas
second language
tiny, crystalline
second of laughter
sacramental dimension, quite
secular matters
Selman Waksman
see this
sense of abandon
atrophy any
your greater
sense of compassion
us a
sense of unbalance
sentence adverb
sentence adverbs
sentence fragment
sentence fragments
response to
that, we'll
settle the matter
settle up after
that have
settled the matter
ourselves from
several at once
thirty percent, in
several battles
There are
several factors
who trains under
several masters
several matters
often with a
very, very big
severance package
severance taxes
share of the action
shell of a planet
you get some
special adapter
special master
special masters
spectral classes
Stella Adler
stem of the adverb
steps of the palace
strength of the Dragon
Tell 'em what happened
Tell her, Malcolm
tell us what happened
Tell us what happened
temper tantra
temper tantrum
temper tantrums
Ten Commandments
nine or
ten, doesn't matter
in a logically
tenable manner
walks, Thy
tenderness and love
tener a gala
tener calor
tener ganas
tener gases
tennis rackets
Vitti was a
You are a
terrible actress
here is
terrible at love
to wage this
terrible battle
cause such a
terrible damage
an exemplary and
terrible fashion
stop using your
terrible glasses
Why did nothing
terrible happen
he landed, something
they wished, something
terrible happened
pushing ourselves, something
terrible happens
to wreak its
terrible havoc
have been
terrible last words
is a terrible,
terrible planet
terrible tantrums
conception according to
feeling locked into
let alone reversed,
still further in
their circumstances
Their customs and stuff
to determine
their structure pattern
sign of
their submerged status
Their work attracted
them from the Spaniards
them from the tablets
and made
them her companions
then from lung cancer
There's the Captain
They'll come after
Mankind, and
threatened the balance
Treasure Planet
tremble dances
vela quadra
velvet antler
velvet handcuffs
weather anchor
weather anchors
Welcome Wagon
Well, commander
Well, doesn't matter
Well, what's the matter
a Million
went double platinum
when the attack comes
Where's Cassandra
Where's the challenge
Where's the glasses
Where's the passion
Where's the salmon
Where's the travel
old questions are
yet unanswered

with 1 extra syllable

stated in clear,
accessible language
turning them
against the attacker
against the young master
aspect of the matter
aspects of the language
aspects of the masters
assets of the Black world
befriends a young dancer
being the
Collection of Pappus
Compare burgomaster
your rare and
complex companions
by the
concept of action
the classic
conception of atoms
the constitutional
conception of language
the office of
Congressional Chaplain
consent of her master
consent of the planet
in the
context of fandom
outside of
contexts of action
almost always,
conventional and dull
of all classical,
conventional standards
defect comes from matter
degenerate matter
descendant of that word
all were
descended from Adam
who will
develop the cancer
somewhere along the
dimensional axis
stacked in a three-
dimensional lattice
in your
direction of travel
effect of a habit
effect of the planet
eleventh commandment
Not with the
Eleventh Commandment
eleventh commandments
forces up an
he has one
he was an
exceptional talent
self through
excess of attachment
such as
exemption from taxes
We're the
expendable masses
expense of the masses
Apollo lunar surface
experiments package
greeting to
expression of passion
powers and
expressions of matter
extension of that term
extent of the damage
its deformation of
its deformation or
Fitzgerald contraction
Fitzgerald contractions
talent - this
incredible talent
Him in your
ineffable language
a more archaic
inflectional pattern
explanations for complex
inheritance patterns
insufficient payment of
inheritance taxes
us is
intelligence and love
as much
intelligence as love
Office of Secret
Intelligence, Samson
means for general
intelligent action
a series of
intelligent answers
much more
intelligent than us
indicated transitive or
intentional actions
intentional passes
English translation is
the rank of
lieutenant commander
is promoted to
Lieutenant Commander
lieutenant commanders
loanword from a language
molecular masses
object from a plant From
be an
object of compassion
is an
object of fashion
Spinozism an
object of scandal
destroyed and
objects were scattered
complement and reinforce
parental attachment
us a powerful
potential assassin
which indicates
potential nerve damage
in Ehime
prefecture, Japan From
understudies are actually
professional actors
gonna be
professional and firm
professional classes
a fair and
behaving in a
in a very
it in a
operating in a
professional manner
up to contemporary
professional standards
Professor of at the
at the
prospect of battle
protect her from Malcolm
Rajendra Prasad
Remember the Campbells
Never could
remember the password
Remember the password
able to
can hardly
can't we
make him
remember what happened
any animal
remembers what happened
modern form,
resembles a tasseled
because it
resembles the latter
Rotwelsch, perhaps from
sequential compactness
Stilwell from the Canons
subject of the action
be an entirely
successful commander
themselves from the rabble
we'll go back
together, Commander
welfare of the masses
welfare of the planet
the sheep
whatever the banner

with 2 extra syllables

architectural panel
architectural panels
architectural pattern
architectural patterns
in a simple,
comprehensible manner
confidence of the master
the probable
consequences of action
existence to
imperfections of language
it is
independent of language
union and
intersection of classes
the soul are
permanent companions
fact that
presidential words matter
sentimental attachment
promoting it through
unconventional channels
in a deliberately
unconventional manner
in a highly
unprofessional manner

with 3 extra syllables

want to see
interdimensional travel
innovation through
overprotection of patents