exact syllable matches
1 L
photograph propped on
a chair
A check
A checks
a del
a hare
a hem
a pair
and fall off
a shelf
a tear
a tel
idiots are not
a threat
birth cert
birth chair
birth chairs
birth sex
blood cell
blood cells
blood red
blood reds
blood sweat
blood test
blood tests
brush pen
brush pens
buck fence
bum sex
bunk bed
bunk beds
burnt ends
burr cell
burr cells
bus fare
bus fares
but then
butt breath
butt breaths
butt heads
butt sex
church bell
church bells
church text
club cell
club cells
Club Fed
club hair
club hairs
crush pen
crush pens
cul sec
curled hair
Curse spell
Curse spells
curved edge
dirt bed
dirt beds
work was not
done well
drug test
drug tests
drum head
drum heads
drum set
drum sets
drunk text
drunk texts
duck egg
duck eggs
duck press
duck test
duck tests
dum ke
Dutch elm
Dutch elms
Dutch tear
Dutch tears
first chair
first chairs
first death
flood test
flood tests
flush deck
flush decks
From Hell
front desk
front desks
front end
front ends
front men
fuck 12
fuzz test
fuzz tests
germ cell
germ cells
girl friend
girl friends
gun deck
gun decks
Gus Speth
gut bread
gut breads
gut check
gut checks
her head
hung ten
jump jet
jump jets
jump lead
jump scare
jump scares
Just Friends
just then
just yet
Khon Kaen
Le Caire
Le Pen
le tien
love egg
love eggs
love nest
love nests
monk chair
monk chairs
monks cress
much less
mud sedge
Mum Bett
musk pear
musk pears
nerf net
nerf nets
nerve cell
nerve cells
nerve net
nerve nets
null set
null sets
nut head
nut heads
nut wrench
of death
of flesh
of ten
of text
all pods, all
at heart, all
But not all
crumbles on top
guards, not all
have not thought
I want all
I've got all
knocked off all
Not all
notions on all
There are lots
watch on all
Well, not all
of them
what's on top
of there
grass on wall
of well
one flesh
one L
one pair
one tenth
pearl edge
pearl shell
pearl shells
per cent
per cert
perle rare
pub test
pub tests
pulse jet
pulse jets
pup tent
pup tents
purse net
purse nets
run scared
runs scared
Rust Belt
rust belts
scrub hare
scrub hares
smudge cell
smudge cells
sperm cell
sperm cells
spud head
spud heads
spur cell
spur cells
stern sex
stub end
stub ends
stud mare
stud mares
stunt men
sub bench
sun bear
sun bears
sun deck
sun decks
sunk fence
That was on
thoughts are on
the air
a car on
Gaius falls on
I got on
the bed
the bench
the bends
Dogs are
Ty Cobb was
the best
erupts hot on
the breath
A cop on
just fall off
the edge
The Edge
red blob on
the end
The End
the fence
a knock on
can't squat on
knock on
the head
the heck
the hell
the lead
one barb, on
the left
garter marks on
the legs
the less
The Meg
the mend
The Mets
all along on
the NES
The Net
hot off
the press
The Ref
a ball on
the sets
the sex
a box on
the shelf
the square
the turps
The Wrench
third leg
third legs
third men
thumb sketch
Trump Care
tub chair
tub chairs
turn bench
turn heads
tusk shell
tusk shells
up there
us selves
word square
word squares
world egg
world eggs
World fair
worm fence
young men
with 1 extra syllable
Alban Elfed
aller mest
altar bell
altar bells
Arjun Nair
Arthur Helps
Arthur Kemp
Barnes, Joseph Charles
Arthur, ed
August 10
August 12
balsam pear
balsam pears
barber chair
barber chaired
barber chairs
blocker bet
blocker bets
bonded debt
bonded debts
bonnet laird
bonnet lairds
Boston Mess
bottle sedge
bottom edge
bottom edged
bottom pair
bottom pairs
Bramah press
carbon debt
carbon debts
carbon tet
carle wen
Carsten Held
cartridge belt
cartridge belts
cartridge pen
cartridge pens
causal set
causal sets
chocolate egg
chocolate eggs
chocolate spread
chocolate spreads
coddled egg
coddled eggs
common men
common murre
common sedge
other people called
That's called
That's not
common sense
Common sense
common thread
Cotton, ed
in the far
darker web
daughter cell
daughter cells
Father Ted
foster care
garden cress
garden net
garden nets
garter belt
garter belts
glaucous sedge
goblet cell
goblet cells
Goddess bless
my consciousness was
the world was
gonna end
world, that's not
gonna help
I'm not
gonna tell
gotten dressed
haltest fest
The pogroms
hardened them
harness bend
harness bends
Heartless wench
devoid of all
honest depth
Java men
Kraken Mare
lava bear
lava bears
lava ware
mala leche
mama bear
mama bears
mamma bear
mamma bears
marble egg
marble eggs
marker bed
marker beds
marker pen
marker pens
market bell
market bells
market share
market shares
market square
market squares
Martha Kent
Martin Beck
Martin's Press,
Model Prayer
Modern French
in the broad
modern sense
nonstress test
nonstress tests
gift that was
offered them
office chair
office chairs
otter shell
otter shells
parcel shelf
Parker square
Parker squares
pocket bread
pocket breads
pocket pair
pocket pairs
pocket pet
pocket pets
pocket square
pocket squares
problem bear
problem bears
profit share
quantum well
quantum wells
quatre cents
Robert Blair
rocket belt
rocket belts
rocket sled
rocket sleds
rotten egg
rotten eggs
salted egg
salted eggs
Saunders ed
sausage fest
sausage fests
has a large,
scarlet crest
scarlet red
scarlet reds
Slaughtered them
were a lot
smaller then
socket wrench
softer sex
Sovereign debt
sovereign debts
target cell
target cells
target men
target text
target texts
Thomas Hesse
Thomas Ken
Wada test
Wada tests
wampum belt
wampum belts
else all along,
knew that God
wasn't there
water bear
water bears
water bed
water beds
water cell
water cells
water hen
water hens
water jet
water jets
water lens
with 2 extra syllables
Zapata wren
Zapata wrens