exact syllable matches

all for
vowel length across
all forms
and walk on
much faster on
normally walked on
now crawls on
To walk on
all fours
citizens have lost
all hope
all told
alt for
ar bord
ar gau
arch rogue
arch rogues
how all Gods
are born
Rachel and Tom
are both
are gross
all the laws
vanish as laws
are known
ark load
ark loads
arm bone
arm bones
arm hole
arm holes
armed probe
armed probes
art form
art forms
Atholl brose
auch so
Ball Four
bar code
bar codes
bar phone
bar phones
barge board
barge boards
barge pole
barge poles
barn door
barn doors
blah clothes
block coal
block post
block posts
block scope
block scopes
blog post
blog posts
blog roll
blog rolls
Bob Dole
Bob Hope
bog oak
bog ore
bog roll
bog rolls
bon mot
box coat
box coats
box score
box scores
broad strokes
broad sword
broad swords
brought forth
brought home
brought low
call for
call forth
call loan
call loans
call note
call notes
call roll
Stronger methods are
called for
called forth
called roll
calls for
calls roll
car coat
car coats
car door
car doors
car phone
car phones
Carl Orff
caught short
Charles Fort
cod post
con hoang
con sord
cross bore
cross bores
cross swords
crossed swords
da jos
da no
dar golpe
dar mole
dar pau
dark flow
down a long,
dark hole
dark horse
dark store
dark stores
dog bone
dog bones
dog door
dog doors
dog roll
dog rolls
dog rope
dog ropes
dog rose
dog slow
drop goal
drop goals
drop trow
drop zone
drop zones
fall for
fall home
fall short
falls short
false loan
false loans
false note
false notes
and far, far,
far more
far post
far posts
floss hole
floss holes
fox bolt
fox bolts
fox holes
frock coat
frock coats
frost smoke
ga door
gall stone
gall stones
God knows
god mode
god modes
golf course
gone gold
gone home
gong show
gong shows
gonne stone
gosh knows
guard post
guard posts
guard stone
ha lo
Ha ha
ha, gross
hard coal
hard coals
hard code
hard codes
hard nose
hard nosed
hard roe
hard war
haunch bone
haunch bones
hawk nose
heart note
heart notes
depths are all
hearts born
Hong Chau
hop pole
hop poles
hot short
hot stove
hot stoves
hot war
hot wars
hot zone
hot zones
Chanel pumps are
hot, though
jaw bone
jaw bones
job force
John Cho
John Doe
John Holt
John Home
John Knowles
John Rohr
John Sloan
John Yau
Joss Stone
Juan Cole
Juan Doe
ka mo
Karl Rove
you knock a knock-
knock joke
She loved the knock-
knock jokes
The driver got
knocked cold
La Porte
law court
Law courts
law lord
law lords
lawn bowls
lock horns
lodge pole
lodge poles
log boat
log boats
long bone
long bones
They all got
long clothes
long coats
long for
Long for
long gross
long home
long homes
long mode
long o
long pork
long sword
long swords
long throw
long throws
some sort of long-
lost scrolls
lost soul
lost souls
malt floor
malt floors
malt loaf
malt loaves
mar go
March 4
moc toe
moss rose
na mon
nog toe
non quo
cold and are
not clothed
for mitigation are
not known
Even Sauron was
old love was
not so
off board
off coarse
off course
up and bog
off home
off stone
But everyone was
Chris Martin was
No one was
Smurf business, was
The President was
on board
on course
have a hard-
on for
on goal
on hold
on loan
on show
on tow
On War
onde corte
op orde
palm court
palm courts
par trop
parge coat
parge coats
pas toe
Paul Bowles
Paul Fort
heard of John
then, consider John
Paul Jones
Paul scholes
Paul Sloane
pawn storm
pawn storms
plot hole
plot holes
pond loach
pop smoke
popped corn
pot hole
pot holes
pot roast
pot roasts
prawn toast
prawn toasts
Ralf Jones
Rob Ford
rock cork
rock rose
rock soap
rock whore
rock whores
romp home
salt dome
salt domes
salt horse
salt pork
salt porks
sauce boat
sauce boats
saw gourds
sawed gourds
sawn gourds
saws gourds
Scotch crow
Scotch crows
Shark Swarm
shawl goat
shawl goats
Come on,
Shawn, float
shocked quartz
shop floor
shop floors
slop bowl
slop bowls
small coal
small gross
smart home
smart homes
smart phone
Wikipedia articles on
smart phones
smart quotes
soft coal
soft porn
soft roe
soft soap
soft soaped
soft soaps
spa groen
spot stroke
spot strokes
squad goal
squad goals
squash court
squash courts
staat los
staat toe
star fort
star forts
like some dark
star or
Star Wars
stock loan
stock loans
stond los
stond toe
stop short
straw poll
straw polls
strong force
swamp oak
swamp ore
swan boat
swan boats
ta bort
talk show
talk shows
sat alone upon
tall thrones
Thom Yorke
tolle bothe
Tom Ford
Tom Holt
Tom Jones
top drawer
top hole
top note
top notes
top rope
top roped
top ropes
wall wart
wall warts
war does not
want war
a daughter Shakuntala
From her, Shakuntala
was born
since the rock
was formed
where the ball
was thrown
on the car
wash float
I done was
wrong, Lord
Bird's arse,
but come on,
gotta stand tall,
like, come on,
ya know
ya no
yard goat
yard goats
yard rope
yard ropes
yong mone

with 1 extra syllable

cuando no
nada mau
Oswald Pohl

with 2 extra syllables

Catalan forge