exact syllable matches

- had to -
blue ant
blue ants
blue badge
blue flag
blue flags
blue flash
blue grass
blue jack
blue mass
Blue Max
boom vang
boom vangs
he was at
boot camp
boot camps
booze can
booze cans
brood patch
is parasitic on
broom plants
brute fact
brute facts
coo glass
cool cat
cool cats
cool hand
cool hands
cool jazz
That's not
you -- Not
cool, man
coon cat
coon cats
coup franc
coups francs
crew cab
crew cabs
crude sap
cube van
cube vans
Basil can't
belt, can ya
but I cannot
Can all bodyguards
Can your god
Computers simply cannot
Hayek did not
he would not
I could not
I did not
I will not
I've gotta not
know, Islam cannot
Let's not
Nah, better not
No, you cannot
only God can
Only gods
Only warlocks
repeatedly to not
that you not
The damned can
The novel can
we could all
We do not
We must not
we need not
Why would God
Why would Scar
Why'd ya
would you not
You cannot
You gotta not
you would not
you, do not
do that
doob grass
douche bag
douche bags
du Lac
dude ranch
ewe lamb
ewe lambs
flu jab
flu mask
flu masks
flue gas
food bank
food banks
at a snack
food plant
food plants
food stamp
country are on
people are on
people were on
this country on
food stamps
fruit bat
fruit bats
over the goddamn
fruit stand
gu grad
gu math
hoo man
hou van
hou vast
and Malia are
huge fans
Hugh Plat
Hugh Platt
Joon Chang
June Nash
because God
people, we all
We all
knew that
knoop vast
lewd man
lewed man
loom band
loom bands
loon pants
loop vast
lose track
moon bag
moon bags
moon rat
moon rats
Come on,
move back
Mu Dan
got a brand
new bag
new class
New France
new jack
new lad
new lads
New Man
new math
know these are
new pants
of people on
new paths
news flash
nu jazz
plume grass
poop bag
poop bags
death penalty are
poor blacks
there he was,
poor chap
poor dab
God love that
poor man
roof rack
roof racks
roof rat
roof rats
roof tax
rouge sang
rude, man
rufe ab
rufe an
school band
school bands
school class
screw back
screw cap
screw caps
screw valve
screw valves
targets that can't
shoot back
shoot blanks
smooth clam
smooth clams
smooth jazz
just as
soon as
threw hands
how I got
I got
through that
act and not
as I want
found excuses not
free man ought
listen and not
persuade Hitler not
they didn't want
to listen, not
waited too long
to act
something you want
What he forgot
to add
It may belong
to and
Death turns all
to ash
I have longed
I never thought
like a lot
not a lot
that's a lot
was a lot
who had thought
to ask
Stand back
to back
even have had
to bat
philosophy with regard
to blacks
returning Confederates, not
to blacks'
along from camp
head on back
shipped me off
the car back
to camp
fast and hard
so fucking hard
something really hard
to catch
when you want
to chat
we have hands
to clasp
and you're off
to class
control, just falls
to crap
a Diamond want
do not want
do you want
I just want
I want
makes me want
meantime, you want
stars how not
you want
to dance
to draught
before I got
to run off
to France
to gan
made me want
than we are
to gasp
anyone might want
to grant
reviewers find hard
to grasp
and hand
pass from hand
to hand
We've got plans
to hatch
a householder wants
all he wants
all I want
an easy job
an entertainment ought
conversation anyone wants
of job not
than it wants
the writer ought
virtue you ought
want but ought
what you want
you ought not
to have
she didn't want
to land
Casper stops
funny I forgot
Gibbs came along
He starts
I want
ironic, courage wants
just, I want
makes you want
probably even start
to laugh
emotional element belongs
God and not
had been taught
highest that belongs
immediately from God
Let's chat man
providence in regard
ways of God
to man
and an arse
to match
to nam
come, at last,
if you want
I'm gonna have
that one has
you know not
to pass
We've gone
to plaid
have a prom
They start
weddings, it's hard
to plan
You talk
to plants
to smash
having done all,
On a mountain-top
to stand
to task
take an axe
to tax
a fitting response
And hang on
And women respond
came at last
goes smack back
going to respond
have no response
High Sparrow saw
Hold on
I'll cop
I'm holding ya
My mother saw
nanny who saw
of emotional response
put a stop
she didn't applaud
supposed to respond
The Age saw
the Israeli response
think Ranger saw
to cling on
to hold on
was a response
What's your response
Yorkshire rain saw
You hang on
You saw
to that
maybe they belonged
to Zach
tomb bat
tomb bats
had a lab
too and
- is all
too apt
- That's
and my songs,
frustrating, but not
George was not
It's not
late, and that's
listens, it's not
That's not
They are
what she wants,
won't beat ya
Yeah, not
too bad
brought you along
But not
is clearly far
too fast
Someone not
too fat
tool path
tool paths
toot plant
toot plants
tooth pad
tooth pads
trou blanc
true dat
true that
true yam
true yams
You got
two hands
are the last
two rats
U Thant
you do not
use fans
use tax
documents, it was
used as
usque ad
view shaft
view shafts
Vu Lan
The Man
Who Laughs
whoop ass
come to regard
you as
Where are
you at
And He wants
did Amanda call
Gotta call
have to call
He wants
I don't want
I just want
I never called
I want
I won't call
I'll call
Let me call
look I'll call
meeting, I'll call
more God wants
sea shall have
the Earth wants
they don't want
Until Willow brought
We just got
We just want
Why are
you and brought
you really want
you back
ahead, hard as
as far as
as fast as
as hard as
as long as
as much as
as often as
backwards fast as
Eat all
on doing all
services, fast as
Use all that
you're doing all
you can
you cracked
, Where are
you Dad
Think of all
you fans
you gals
life you thought
that really all
that, what have
were all that
What have
you, is all
you had
If not,
you hang
a big heart
All that
And all
as long as
as much as
collection of scars
have, the chance
is this all
Just as
live, however long
minutes, that's all
now I'm all
smiley bomb mascots
son, that's all
such Oxen as
That's all
time is all
way longer than
What's all
your brother's all
you have
nothing I thought
you lacked
see how long
you last
wham, bam, thank
you ma'am
Oh, are
Ursus, are
you mad
Who taught
you math
may I call
you Max
you rang
wherefore are
you sad
rusty knife across
you scalp
goes off and
you snap
you sparkled and
you stank
Anyone ever call
did they call
gonna dawn on
Haven't we taught
he's gonna ask
I even call
I may call
me to call
Odin would've taught
we had taught
your mum call
you that
you, Brad
you, Cass
you, Jack
the hell are
you, ma'am
than I taught
Who are
you, man
What are
Where are
you, Max
better man than
you, Sam
you, that
crash in on
you, trash
we will rock
you, yeah
zoom bag
zoom bags

with 1 extra syllable

Andrew Lang
Andrew Yang
backroom staff
reserved for Western-style
ballroom dance
bamboo grass
bamboo rat
bamboo rats
only works on
cartoon cats
Supergirl as the
costumed Flash
dogtooth grass
globule blanc
detach the scope
module, yeah
tattoo flash
vacuum bag
vacuum bags
vacuum flask
vacuum flasks
vacuum pack
vacuum packed
vacuum packs
vacuum pan
vacuum pans
vacuum valve
vacuum valves
value add
value adds
Value Tax
Cognate with
Walloon and