exact syllable matches

au contraire
boarder X
Borel set
Borel sets
re-made, re-formed, and
that I was
born again
prodigy that was
born perfect
day before you got
good at
have fought
I shot
important than
louder than
off at
out on
play as
that was
both of them
bars and
broke her neck
broken breast
broken breasts
broken men
I have
chosen well
see the gap
close again
close-up lens
coaster step
coaster steps
It's that
cold up there
coral bells
the hard
core of self
Cornel West
corner men
dober tek
Sylvester Stallone and
Dolph Lundgren
to it, and
don't forget
trip and
don't touch them
Don't trust them
donut spare
donut spares
Florence Welch
flow and
flow from them
flown the nest
focal depth
focal depths
focal lengths
binoculars and a long-
focus lens
the wall
for a dare
It was
take Abraham
for a friend
lean back
for a sec
mentioned are
for her bed
little dark
for her dress
buy a doll
Then it was
with no regard
young to stand
for herself
Majesty some cause
for offense
a better chance
struggle, but not
for success
all was
Isn't that
it's all
maybe, that's
probably all
suppose that's
this was
were all
for the best
Doc copped
for the bread
and not
bite-size snacks
by namaz
to God
for the dead
and not
for the flesh
is bad
for the health
for the help
right hands
for the pledge
for the rep
be strong
for the rest
to thank
for the tech
For what, Claire
all the land
do so bad
kept that watch
life you want
make things hard
maybe a low-fat
take it all
that you want
the fun all
to learn that
wanted it all
for yourself
foreign debt
foreign debts
adamantly refuse that
foreign help
primeval that has
forests bred
forge ahead
forged ahead
More at
former, geld
it was
four months then
bastards, all
She's got
with all
four of them
You have
four suspects
Georgia Tech
pick up and
go again
go against
now you can
or India can't
So you can
go ahead
Eve and
it and
with and
go from there
We can't
You can't
go up there
good child and
go upstairs
goes against
goes ahead
sideline you got
goin' there
golden set
golden share
golden shares
golden thread
Golden West
Gordon Bell
grolar bear
grolar bears
grow a pair
grow a set
take shape and
grow again
hold against
hold her breath
always seeking a hand-
hold somewhere
hold the breath
holds against
up and
holds her head
hand that
holds the pen
and be back
gonna go back
my lunch at
our way back
to be at
to get back
home again
written down at
home somewhere
homer men
kick up that
hornet's nest
I like small
horses best
Joseph Hertz
Joseph Welch
and will not
know again
do not
know what else
do not
know what prayer
alone, you cannot
that you shan't
know yourself
knows what else
Lawrence Shepp
loads and
loads of sex
our clean and
local air
mutant kids on
local BBSes
local cell
local cells
lone gunmen
Lover and
Lord of Men
the sun tan
lotion then
lower deck
lower decks
lower set
lower sets
relived my last
moments there
an understandable and
moral realm
more rapid and
more correct
We Swedes are
more direct
a lot
and kidnap
There are
we'll have
more of them
why I'm not
more upset
Morris chair
Morris chairs
Morris West
You are
mortal men
mortgage belt
mortgage belts
Moses Hess
book, and
drawn on
in cash,
light on
relaxed than
most of them
stronger stomach than
most possess
who laughs
most, learns best
mourn the dead
mourners bench
It's got
no front end
and I have
no girlfriend
no offense
art, and
no one cared
custard and
everyday, and
no one cares
Asquith, and
He, and
him and
I got
I have
me and
myself and
subject and
We have
no one else
I'll have
year and
no one left
Why can
no one read
reality that
no one tells
there was
no one there
kill and have
no regret
there are
no smurfs left
because it has
no subject
There are
no such men
the job
nor the friends
He played at
normal depth
normal depths
normal lens
common to all
normal men
Norman French
northern spell
his office and
notice them
to be an
ocean bed
so they can
ogle them
is a bad
omen, Ted
open air
closed eyes, and
open legs
open set
open sets
only you can
open them
post office was
opened there
a call
or a text
drawing on sidewalks
or cement
or girlfriend
one arm
or one leg
was a bar
or somewhere
never get mad
people are mad
or upset
oral sex
oral test
that dude has
orange hair
it's an
orange vest
ordered pair
ordered pairs
ordered set
crouching on an
organ bench
Mankiewicz and
Orson Welles
You're not
over Blair
them that are
over chef
over egg
teeth marks all
over em
phrase is arse
over head
over square
advantage I have
can walk all
had walked all
iced tea all
live chickens all
my coffee all
snowstorm has passed
The sound washed
the towers collapsed
their employers have
there, shitting all
Workmen, actors walked
over them
against the wall
and pretty pants
at that rock
Beyond that mountaintop
boat and ran
C'mon, my car's
down a restaurant
everyone else was
for Deke Shaw
get your ass
gonna put that
hell's going on
hey, what's that
in that pond
in that trash
in the dark
it's his fault,
Just stand
like a giraffe
like they have
Look, that man
missed a spot
move that box
my car was
Oh, and that
on that wall,
Put your hands
See that man
shit they have
take my dogs
that large saucepan
that see-through blob
that you have
themselves to that
Then what's that
There's Claude
under that rock
wars went on
We put that,
while you was
with that spot
you just stand
over there
over well
And it's not
are not
But it's not
is it not
It's not
ready to cross
the day's not
The game's not
This is not
over yet
they had suddenly gone
lies, our Patriarch
Poet, dead
poke the bear
for a sad
polar bear
And add
zoo jerking off
polar bears
quarter belt
quarter belts
quarter deck
quarter decks
quarter rest
quarter rests
got a long
it's a long
other on that
road ahead
rode the bench
roller bed
roller beds
Roman chair
Roman chairs
God has
sewn the hem
short subject
Ponies have
shorter legs
shoulder belt
shoulder belts
shoulder check
show a leg
Come out and
show yourself
he had
shown up yet
snow morel
biology and
so much else
own Ignorance, and
so perplexed
chance, it was
so unfair
why you are
wonder he was
so upset
So, what's next
Sobel test
Sobel tests
social death
of that damned
social mess
soda bread
soda breads
was a box
sofa bed
sofa beds
solar cell
solar cells
even a large
solar flare
solar flares
be all
sorts of men
bodies and
hearts and
souls of men
buying the Glock,
sources said
the world has
stolen them
storage cell
storage cells
with a small
storage chest
to re-form and
storm again
tear and
sworn from swear
manners, and
those of health
shall we not
toast again
torsion wrench
tortoise shell
tortoise shells
people's backs and
Religious Orders and
torture them
infrequently we have
tortured them
warm the bench
warmed the bench
warms the bench
bring up Star
Wars again
to see that
whore again
More at
woe, lament
in there and
Yoda says
nutsack on
your drum set
your Earth's air
Deena was
I'm not
you should ask
your girlfriend
Your girlfriend
right, that was
YOUR girlfriend
yellow custard on
your lapel
Congratulations on
for you and
your success

with 1 extra syllable

back to your
abnormal self
meat-eaters with distaste,
almost contempt
so helpless, it's
almost unfair
I'd be only
almost upset
also a friend
it was
also a test
the therapist was
also addressed
White House officials
also attend
Bakshi, are you
also aware
Earlier he
also compared
also contempt
accuracy was
also much less
Because that's
also neglect
however, some dialects
also reflect
painterly way, it
also suggests
also the when
is that not
also unfair
side to the
arsehole again
10 rouble
banknotes were red
need to
borrow a pen
obsolete and was
borrowed again
Borrowed from Rev
quite probably
borrowed from there
borrowed, compare
I load
cargo again
You know,
console yourself
try to
follow a trend
at all
follow from them
to just
follow her lead
Were you
followed again
the lathe --
followup, rec
It's pretty
hardcore up there
he was in
Moscow again
about Trump Tower
Moscow, correct
October 10
October 12
for no man,
Pandora Press
and the
in the
to the
under the
with the
shadow of death
be called
of the
Shadow of Death
rest is
shadows of them
is so
shallow of them
sighs and
sorrows of men
you easily, spontaneously,
transform yourself
Transform yourself
goes out and
transforms again

with 2 extra syllables

a ninja
commando from hell
sending one off
tomorrow again

with 4 extra syllables

Parasaurolophus sketch