exact syllable matches

the move -
some life
as smart as
Boo sometimes
boodle fight
boodle fights
You're not the
boozer type
the love of
Bruce's life
He's not
brutal like
the Hindu and
Buddhist mind
You can
choose a side
dog cannot
choose but bite
while others
choose the light
of mean and
cruel vice
cuban prime
cuban primes
deuces wild
what persistence can
do sometimes
right and
do stuff right
do you wanna
in the land
that I wanna
what you wanna
do tonight
up and
you can't
You gotta
do what's right
Doodle Pie
Dude abides
Feuer frei
short on a
few supplies
and there are
fewer strikes
of the astronauts'
poor and irregular
food supply
Fu Kun-chi
tone for all
future fights
God and the
future life
Gary at some
marked in all
to the present----and
world for all
future time
that's what the
future's like
it up on
Google Fight
hoof fungi
caricature of a
human child
part of a
human eye
and love all
on destruction of
human kind
a divine and
and, by consequence,
conspicuous facts of
fountain of all
full current of
governing principle of
great principle of
implacable limitations of
in all of
in terms of
lower levels of
of animal and
of plant and
of taking another
spiritual revaluation of
taker of another
th world and
the detractors of
the sadness of
to take another
values placed on
waste of a
weight of a
whatever limitations burden
will destroy all
word and of
human life
achievements of the
act of the
acts of the
affections of the
comprehension of the
creations of the
demons of the
development of the
effect on the
excellence of the
exercise of the
hold on the
horizon of the
human heart, one
improvement of the
knowledge of the
layers of the
limits of the
memes and the
operations of the
power of the
powers of the
progress of the
revolutions of the
Self-polluter of the
state of the
structure of the
will boggle the
human mind
manifold demands of
such things as
human minds
aspiration, but a
classified as a
course, as a
human right
Human right
a violation of
and dignity and
civil liberties and
democratic liberties and
enjoyment of all
environmental protection and
first charter of
for instance, as
for justice and
for peace and
freedom, democracy and
gross violations of
guarantee self-determination and
important class of
impressive record on
international law and
larger program of
natural rights and
of all possible
of views, and
on democracy and
protected violators of
should be universal
sincere advocate of
that I have
the catalogue of
the level of
the tenets of
the world as
These are
these defenders of
to religion and
true of all
world's cause of
human rights
Human rights
on Law and
Universal Charter of
Universal Declaration of
Universal Declaration on
Human Rights
country of law and
that the
Jew must die
Benedict Arnold,
Judas, Dr
Julia Child
Julia Stiles
as big as
junior high
junior highs
junior right
Calvin's Boogie and
Junior's Jive
not gonna
lose a dime
lose her mind
lose the smile
loser sign
loser signs
right and the
movement right
controller and
moves the pipe
From the von
Neumann Style
New Ageist
New Ageists
noon of night
noons of night
to rich and
poor alike
proof of life
This group has
proven quite
end he was
proven right
Slavik has
proven time
root of strife
from the
root of tight
of falcon
rules the sky
Cruel and
ruthless crime
must have a
ruthless side
costume award at
school tonight
It was a
sewer line
shoot the guy
sooner child
Spooks Run Wild
contact with Martha
Stewart, right
Stewart's right
student strike
student strikes
make up some
stupid lie
You want a
stupid tie
medium, large, and
super size
the suggestion of the
Susan Rice
the world
through gun sights
in all
through the night
sun burst
through the sky
yielding passage
through the tide
Thru the Night
bitter medicine
to a child
a dollar
to a dime
moreover, liable
to a fine
we're back
to a five
and a struggle
declaring open violence
for you all
is better than
normal body parts
to arrive
are hard
been hard
bulls are
much harder
was hard
to come by
what happened
to her eyes
I talked
to her twice
life than
to love life
I'll be glad
to oblige
head cocked
I started
kindly stand
to one side
order of casual
to polite
ass off, just
to provide
the water
to run by
strive further
to serve life
intense excitement began
to subside
one wants
to suck mine
knife will have
to suffice
What happened
to Sunfire
the present work
to supply
one we have
to surprise
a last chance
at all costs
chance, no chance
cliff and happened
do you want
early man's struggle
essential problem was
for the battle
glorious cause, but
how you managed
If I am
if they want
if we are
if we want
if you want
itself so often
makes you want
mind needed that
of old waffles
one another's blood
one precious world
peaceful civilization just
repaired instruments just
struggle, the struggle
than you are
the endless struggle
there gotta struggle
this world wants
uncool, you have
We adapt
We just have
We must adapt
what we want,
whatever you can
With no chance
to survive
from blacks
to the blind
a problem
giving water
Kingship belongs
What happened
to the child
more evident
What happened
to the eye
later back
Welcome back
to the fight
to the grind
you talk
to the guy
my regards
to the guys
get back
of service
to the hive
your father-in-law
to the ice
rock bottom
to the life
back up
from darkness
give contrast
long walk
the darkness
to the light
What happened
to the lights
closet belong
to the mice
came back
to the mike
denoted and
to the mind
to the mine
to the nines
electron scatters
hand belonged
Merrill runs
the knob
the man
the person
twenty-five yards
uptown and
went off
to the right
his hand
part off
shunted off
sitting off
someone off
standing off
staring off
step off
to the side
they ran
to the sides
nearer, alas,
to the sight
green flags
to the skies
flung up
to the sky
can adjust
to the times
mantle belongs
to the tribe
offers answers
to the why
to the wide
throw caution
throwing caution
throwing grammar
toss caution
to the wind
a word
to the wise
What happened
to tonight
can be hard
to unbind
You're valuable
to us, Dr
us as
to what Dr
he had
too much pride
wasted far
too much time
wise man
too must die
that we are
too polite
tooth fungi
trudel ein
of the
truth a crime
of the
truth of life
what's on the
Tube tonight
union pipes
unit fine
unit fines
unit price
usage guide
usage guides
user guide
user guides
user time
user times
View of Life
from the
womb of night
anyone call
you a knight
a part of
How are
reason Hector wants
Why are
you alive
am concerned that
you arise
as soon as
same way that
you arrived
where I've had
you assigned
you just died
do that,
One of
you must die
and mighty as
you sometimes
why Debbie calls
you Sunshine
you surprised
How long can
You're strong,
you survive
absolutely incredible that
hurt, but that
you're amazed that
you survived
How are
I don't want
I watched
Jinx, how are
to ask of
you tonight
girl and
you were fine
I thought
you were Kyle
wish that
you were mine
off, but
you were nice
Hey Nana,
work, and
wrong, and
you were right
What are
you, a child
You'll just die
promise me that
you'll survive
You've done time

with 1 extra syllable

to persons
accused of crimes
Andrew Bernstein
difficult especially in
arduous times
to pay for
classroom supplies
of India along
communal lines
a bottle of
communion wine
the self-protection from
computer crime
consumer rights
keep your
costume of lies
look like that
Dracula guy
conduct the
lawsuit of life
back out
onto the ice
motion of a
peculiar kind
Because I'm the
producer, right
quadruple time
until new Continental
recruits arrived
is worse an
untruthful child
the progressive
the real
values of life
if one
values one's life

with 2 extra syllables

against this
the right
attitude of mind
war are
attitudes of mind
walk on Columbus
Avenue tonight
constitutes a child
Let the
constitution live
only one person's
contribution, Dr