exact syllable matches

of Commerce on
12 Jan
when I was
12, and
air bag
air bags
air bath
air baths
air draft
air drafts
air fad
Air France
air gap
air gaps
air gas
air mass
air plant
air plants
air sac
air sacs
air shaft
air shafts
Not hot
air, gas
bare hand
bare hands
bear cat
bear cats
Bear Flag
I could not
bear that
bear trap
bear traps
bell crank
bell cranks
bell trap
bell traps
Ben Sasse
bent grass
best man
blende ab
bread bag
bread bags
breast pang
breast strap
breast straps
brecht ab
brecht an
brems ab
cell sap
cess path
cess paths
chair mat
chair mats
check valve
check valves
chest pass
dare gas
dead bat
dead bats
dead cat
the obstacles are
dead cats
dead hang
dead hangs
dead last
So long,
dead man
Dead Man
dead pan
dead panned
dead pans
good ones are
if I was
dead, man
death camp
death camps
has done all
death can
death cap
death caps
death mask
Death Masks
Death tax
death trap
death traps
deck ab
den gang
ne font pas
des chats
des lands
desk lamp
desk lamps
dress fan
dress fans
egg bank
egg banks
egg sac
egg sacs
egg wrack
egg wracks
em dash
en banc
en dash
en gang
en mass
en masse
en panne
en plan
en rang
end cap
end caps
end lap
end laps
erst mal
Education of Topeka,
similar to Rumbaugh
et al
F clamp
F clamps
f flat
F flats
fair catch
That's not
fair, Max
faire cas
faire gaffe
faire mal
faire tache
femme fan
femme fans
flare path
flare paths
flare stack
flare stacks
French Camp
French flap
French flaps
French franc
French francs
French sash
engines one cannot
get at
do we all
I could not
get back
can you not
I do not
get mad
get past
Do you all
you still not
get that
gets at
then my Mom
gets mad
glen plaid
grenz ab
guest ranch
you were all
hair and
hair band
hair bands
hair grass
hair sags
hair wax
head band
head bang
head crash
head lad
head lads
head man
head rag
head rags
head tax
they were all
held back
and I cannot
death, we cannot
He could not
help that
hen ad
hep cat
hep cats
Hest Bank
Jen Wang
jet ant
jet ants
what is all
jet black
jet lag
jet lags
jet pack
jet packs
keg stand
keg stands
kelp bass
Ken Ham
kept man
Even there, Ross
kept rank
lead glance
lead glass
leche flan
left back
left backs
left bank
left banks
Wax off,
left hand
thing we got
left, Jack
all I've got
left, Kat
leg ab
leg an
leg glance
leg lahm
leg man
leg vast
legge vast
lehn ab
lehne ab
lenk ab
lens blank
lens blanks
lens cap
lens caps
les camps
less than
less thans
lest ab
let past
Come on,
let's dance
med mal
mer Blanche
Nernst lamp
Nernst lamps
net als
peck at
peg back
pegged back
pegged pants
pegs back
pen pal
pen pals
Penn Yan
pet flap
pet sat
prayer flag
prayer flags
prayer mat
prayer mats
prayer plant
prayer plants
Press Gang
pressed ham
pressed hams
red an
red ant
red ants
red ash
red back
red backs
red band
red bands
red brass
red cap
red caps
with a small
red flag
red flags
red man
red rag
red rags
red tag
red tags
rest mass
grain crops are
s and
S trap
S traps
scent gland
scent glands
scent pad
scent pads
schlepp ab
schmeck ab
schreck ab
sedge grass
sem sal
send back
senk ab
senk an
sense strand
sense strands
after he got
sent back
set back
me in an on-
set snack
sets back
sex act
sex acts
sex gland
sex glands
sex pact
sex pacts
shelf bras
shell sac
shell sacs
shell sand
sketch pad
sketch pads
smell trap
smell traps
speck ab
square dance
stealth tax
steck ab
steck an
stell ab
stell an
stelle ab
stelle an
stelle vast
stench trap
stench traps
Come on,
step back
step dance
stepped back
steps back
streb an
streng an
swear at
sweat gland
sweat glands
sweat pants
sweat rash
swept path
swept paths
tear gas
tear gassed
tear gland
tear glands
tear sac
tear sacs
Ted Chiang
ten sack
ten sacks
Test match
test track
test tracks
text hand
text hands
cruel in all
their acts
down right on
the critics on
their ass
a sheep on
that hump on
the whip upon
their back
many are on
mountains away on
of men on
the shirt off
they wore upon
thick skin on
to pieces on
their backs
These guys forgot
their bags
which grow along
their banks
sound coming off
their bats
Such was
their cant
put it on
their flag
maple syrup on
their ham
other players on
their hand
ball player on
bloody affair on
doctors to wash
got jam on
have blood on
have murder on
little pillows on
much time on
strange devices on
take it off
the pesticides on
with blood on
with time on
their hands
small pins on
their hats
and set on
foreign soldiers on
not even on
will not rob
their land
their fingertips, on
their lap
Fringe experience was
their last
that he was
their man
that we are
their past
luckless beings cross
their path
hadn't stumbled on
it to stop
their plan
people's abilities, not
who seldom forgot
their rank
leaves that want
their sap
looped garlands on
their shafts
to lay off
their staff
the tracks off
their tanks
That was
their thanks
keep me off
their tracks
and I want
easy to call
have to call
I ever want
I want
I wouldn't want
Nevertheless, Cimon brought
you cannot call
them back
She watched
them flash
please don't call
why we call
You could call
them that
else, and got
them trapped
stop resting on
them, pal
I don't belong
of your car
there, man
they're black
Tien Shan
My votes are
Trev, and
twelfth man
vent stack
vent stacks
Wealth gap
and they all
wear black
web app
web apps
web chat
web chats
wehr ab
wend ab
wend an
wende ab
wende an
went at
went back
but the op
went bad
went halves
went past
West Bank
West Branch
West Ham
West Van
wet back
wet lab
wet labs
wet mass
wet rag
wet rags
wet sand
wet sands
when as
wreck grab
wreck grabs
yell at
yelled at
yells at
yes and
Yes Man
I do not
yet ask
me is not
yet cast
I do not
yet have
danger has not
yet passed

with 1 extra syllable

Arnhem Land
Carcel lamp
Carcel lamps
complex and
center of the
concept map
Concept map
concept maps
Internet, advertising its
contents and
katakana in biology
contexts, as
suffering in the
Dalek camps
kamen ab
kamen an
kamen ran
not to be
marveled at
object glass
object graph
object graphs
the way external
objects can
offset staff
offset staffs
political strategy could
offset that
strong sense of
process and
is like a
process plant
I just couldn't
process that
process, and
part of the
process, Frank
Project ALF
these kind of
projects have

with 2 extra syllables

Psychoanalysis is a
permanent fad