exact syllable matches

the wrong thing -
investigating have all
been crimes
canonization has not
been high
laissez-faire has not
man has not
been tried
beer die
beer line
beer lines
bid price
big blind
big blinds
big eye
big five
big flies
big fly
big guy
big guys
big lie
Big Lies
big light
big mind
Big Night
Big Pine
idea caught on
big time
big times
Bill Nye
bit slice
bitch fight
bitch fights
bridge strike
bridge strikes
bring ein
bringe ein
chip time
chip times
clear ice
deer flies
deer fly
deer mice
did time
diff file
diff files
disc drive
disc drives
disk drive
disk drives
drift ice
drip line
drip lines
finde ein
fing ein
fish eye
fish fries
fish knife
fish knives
fish lice
fish slice
fist fight
fist fights
flick knife
flick knives
flip side
flip sides
frit flies
frit fly
gib ein
gib frei
ging ein
ginge ein
give by
give cry
Electricity cannot
give light
give rise
gives by
griff ein
griffe ein
hill climb
hill climbs
could have fought
him blind
down and watch
him cry
court can watch
there and watch
him die
What was
his crime
right hand clawed
What colour are
with cucumbers on
his eyes
a cipher all
religion of all
throw light upon
his life
a lot on
about what's on
and has lost
but not on
says what's on
the pressures on
what was on
his mind
love have all
his rites
books are on
commoners are on
I was on
luck was on
no longer on
of Commons on
she was on
the gods on
his side
infinity and on
his style
What was
His Thighs
You, madam, are
his wife
who murdered all
his wives
you are not
in Christ
in dies
in fine
in flight
degree and not
It was all
in kind
It's our lot
quite a lot
in life
1, Start
in Life
in line
have John Murdoch
of such harms
in mind
sure God walks
in mine
and got caught
in my
all that was
isn't a cop
in sight
in stride
send her off
in style
Just not
ripe and rot
in time
In Time
gets covered all
in white
is calm, all
is bright
that the Law
is fine
says that God
is light
from the Box
That card
is mine
- The car
is nice
Ron Paul
is right
and wonderful,And strong,
is thine
And the chalk
is white
image and calls
it Christ
dry and hard,
it dies
it fine
What was
it like
it mild
Oregon has got
it right
his hand on
it twice
That was
it, right
itch mite
itch mites
throw light upon
its crimes
And above all,
it's kind
wine opener on
its knife
the car's fault,
it's mine
real encroachments upon
its rights
with God on
its side
Jill Stein
kill file
kill files
kill time
killed time
kills time
kim chi
Kim Wilde
king size
king tide
king tides
link time
list price
mic fright
milk line
milk lines
mince pie
mince pies
misch ein
Miss Right
Miss Rights
Ms Right
near side
near sight
pick slide
pick slides
pig pile
pig piled
pig piles
pink slime
pink tide
pink tides
pitch pine
pitch pines
pitch pipe
pitch pipes
Queer Eye
Queer rights
quick light
quick lights
quick lime
quick time
quid ais
quik lyme
rib eye
rib eyes
Rick Bright
rip tide
rip tides
shear line
shear lines
shit eye
blood has long
since dried
Sinn Fein
sit tight
door and knocks
six times
in Persia got
six wives
skin signs
slip by
spear side
spin ice
spring line
spring lines
spring tide
spring tides
stick by
sticks by
still life
still lifes
still wine
still wines
stink eye
stink eyes
strip mine
strip mines
swing by
Swiss pine
Swiss pines
thick wind
walked as upon
thin ice
right and all
things mine
it, and not
think twice
do not want
this fight
Can someone stop
There's blood on
you can stop
this guy
in pranks on
this night
I'm done on
this side
after all
and all
anti-bending sentiment all
back after all
But not
crossword puzzles all
each other all
fake murder, not
free after all
Great Hall all
her after all
I'd had, all
Illegally, after all
is after all
kept her all
Oh, god, all
out on all
revenge after all
someone after all
that after all
wanted that all
this time
your husbands are
thrilled, right
tick bite
tick bites
Tim White
Tim Wise
tin cries
tin cry
tin mine
tin mines
Trick Night
triff ein
tritt ein
twin prime
twin primes
twist tie
twist ties
weird wife
whit like
or my thunderbolts
will strike
Will Wright
with child
five perps armed
with knives
else's suggestion along
with mine
What's wrong
with nine
fills our hearts
look back on
services and stock
What's wrong
with pride
with time
zinc white
Zip drive
Zip drives
zip file
zip files
zip line
zip tie
zip tied
zip ties
His hands are

with 1 extra syllable

slowly inside the
Arctic Ice
a simple and
austere life
Boss, not the
Boss's wife
Neal has a
calming smile
carving knife
carving knives
caustic lime
chronic Lyme
coffin flies
coffin fly
coffin ride
coffin rides
guts, you smart
college guys
college I
college tries
college try
universe and the
cosmic mind
Crawling Eye
Crossing Like
cantaloupe patch just
drawing flies
drawing knife
drawing knives
drawing right
drawing rights
dropping by
dropping dimes
catch a
would catch a
falling knife
falling knives
Falling Skies
the rising and
falling tides
week of the
garbage strike
garbage time
garlic chive
garlic chives
garlic vine
garlic vines
halting site
halting sites
I'm, uh,
Hodgins, Dr
Mother and Father,
locking eyes
lofted drive
lofted drives
But she was
We weren't just
marking time
marline spike
marline spikes
marling spike
marling spikes
Martins, right
years, and the
offspring died
he fucked an
ostrich, right
rejected by the
Polish side
tinned peaches and
polished rice
quaffing wine
quaffing wines
shopping guide
shopping guides
I'm missing valuable
shopping time
sparkling wine
sparkling wines
Starfish site
Starfish sites
starting five
starting fives
am at the
point is our
spot a the
they cross the
starting line
starting price
eyes of a
starving child
stoppage time
stoppage times
stopping by
a couple of
waltzing mice
washing line
washing lines
the sense of
washing rice

with 2 extra syllables

in half the
allotted time
atomic pile
atomic piles
atomic time
and re-focusing on
harmonic types
bringing out the
melodic line
Platonic lie
Platonic lies
natural to the
Slavonic mind
I am an
virus, or an
unwanted child

with 3 extra syllables

men paid a
catastrophic price
different spheres of
nature of our
our social and
relations in modern
state control of
the core of
the rationalization of
which shape leisure-class
economic life
share of the
economic pie
McCarthy is a
hegemonic lie
hyperbolic sine
hyperbolic sines
isogonic line
isogonic lines
telescopic sight
telescopic sights