exact syllable matches
bias tape
bias tapes
the Dykes on
Bikes parade
Brian Bates
Brian May
bridle trail
bridle trails
what four dollars
buys today
if fastened
by a nail
was attacked
by a snake
out as
by a veil
voluntary association than
by constraint
Make him walk
by Sunday
that restaurant
by the bay
by the Bay
getting smaller
well as
by the day
ball's blocked
by the eight
my hands
by the plate
cat has
by the tail
and nerves,
Clinton scandal,
dead on,
did that,
didn't happen
didn't happen,
does that
for that,
have fallen
I'm God,
I'm Zach,
is back
is Daniel,
is gone,
is often,
is Ralph,
Its Scott
king crab,
matching pajamas,
my pocket,
name's Van
Nice cat,
Nice jacket,
nice job,
Nice scar,
Oh, and
on that
on that,
on watch,
open channel
said that
she's not,
the mask
with that
with that,
would fall
by the way
need it back
by Thursday
hafta go back
I just dropped
which I stand
by today
make that
child a saint
meet that
child one day
fought for that
child today
China clay
China clays
china plate
china plates
client state
client states
address this and
be taken on
dioxide emissions and
nuclear risk and
nuclear war and
scientific consensus on
System change not
the facts of
the impacts from
climate change
Climate change
Intergovernmental Panel on
the Committee on
Climate Change
cycle lane
cycle lanes
dial gauge
Diamond Age
diamond frame
diamond frames
diamond lane
diamond lanes
diamond paste
diamond pastes
diamond plate
diamond plates
Diamond State
Dian Lake
diaper pail
diaper pails
die away
cut, and
die of AIDS
He's gonna
was gonna
die one day
all gonna
die some day
grow old and
that was gonna
We'll all
die someday
he's probably gonna
who was gonna
why you're gonna
die today
We're gonna
The music has
died away
many men have
died today
born and
dies a slave
dies away
I had the
diet plate
Dinah Craik
I watched her
present into and
squad car and
the car and
turn around and
your car and
drive away
are we gonna
drive someplace
a u-turn, and
drives away
eye fillet
eye of day
takes the black
eyes away
fight the tape
fighter plane
fighter planes
file away
case and the
to form the causal-
final case
does have the
people have the
universe has the
final say
Final Space
I can
minds and
we're gonna
find a way
we shall
find the way
fire bay
fire bays
fire break
fire breaks
fire clay
fire clays
fire grate
fire grates
fire lane
fire lanes
fire main
fire mains
fire sales
is hit and
lit, and love
nesting doll and
squirms out and
flies away
You can't
fly a plane
a bat and
snog box and
thing that can't
to go and
fly away
giant cane
it past the
giant snakes
guy's a saint
all the bad
guys away
hide away
things on the
higher planes
ourselves at a
taxed at a
higher rate
places, as the
highest name
hours and the
highest pay
Highland games
Me, am
So why was
I afraid
Why can't
I attain
I loved Chase
I must say
Guardian of all
master of all
I survey
How was
I today
idle game
idle games
a big fan,
a god, and
And I'm glad
most of all,
I'm afraid
collect, I'm gone,
I'm away
of that,
I'm from Wales
When was the
Iron Age
iron cage
iron clay
iron game
surrounded by an
iron gate
iron gray
iron grays
on a goddamn
iron plate
Iron Range
iron scale
iron steak
iron steaks
Barry White and
Isaac Hayes
This is an
island age
island chain
are part of
island chains
island maze
We're an
island race
island state
island states
No man's an
island, Dave
Isle of Grain
a backwards
kind of day
has that
have that
wearing that
kind of face
kind of game
kind of grace
survive that
kind of pain
in that
kind of phase
Baptist, full-on
kind of place
in that
kind of shape
quiet and
kind of waits
an odd
cheesy, Sam
his car
kind of way
got all
kinds of change
called all
kinds of names
get all
kinds of strange
knife-a say
licence plate
licence plates
license plate
license plates
is destroying all
life today
no part of
life unscathed
will have the
Light Brigade
cold, harsh
saw the
light of day
Light of Day
come and
light the way
A cavern
like a cave
like a drain
and damp
like a grave
like a pain
It was
like a plague
like a train
did not
do not
like her name
Oh, ya
like the game
avoided that
your pack
like the plague
an abstraction
like the state
did not
like the wakes
of peg pants,
like today
My mom
liked hers straight
line of play
lines of play
human beings that
live today
Karl Malden and
Michael Bates
Judy Davis and
Michael Caine
Michael Che
Michael Frayn
Written by John
Michael Hayes
Michael Shea
a cop a
about half a
Half a
He's a half-
is half a
shot, half a
mile away
pin drop from
miles away
well as
minds must change
you threw all
mine away
minor scale
minor scales
and eggs on
And on
bought me on
But it's not
fucked me on
It was
It's not
later, again on
me this on
murdered Jake on
They fucking forgot
week ago on
when it was
my birthday
say it's not
MY birthday
top, from
my club days
a cause of
my complaint
I got
my first case
it on
up on
my first day
that as
Tuesday was
my first name
doing on
MY front page
met on
my lunch break
finger on
my lunch tray
Victor was
my nerd name
to piss on
my parade
my words fade
shave hours off
my workday
even at
my young age
has a
nice dust tray
I was
nice today
They've lost
nine today
pilot snake
pilot snakes
pilot wave
pilot waves
pilot whale
pilot whales
pine away
pined away
pines away
playa lake
playa lakes
must be half-
price hump day
pride of place
pride parade
pride parades
with hookers on
private planes
quiet, safe
I've had
You had
quite a day
I was
quite afraid
being alert, not
man who was
quite awake
although not
is not
they aren't
quite the same
ride a wave
And we all
ride away
ride the rail
ride the rails
anyone can
ride the train
ride the wave
Blondie turns and
from Bruno and
rides away
rifle range
blossoms fell off
bring him back
call her father
eating animal products
fan mail started
find The Man
In my office
level just start
open my camp
Please start
recognize the answer
see a doctor
slice and scan
something was wrong
the riot squad
they come back
to be kidnapped
to call her
we understand that
with a mark
work on that
right away
got the
had the
to have
right of way
right of ways
not quite all
right today
rights of way
a man of
science, Ray
shied away
shies away
worship at
shrines of saints
shy away
silent h
and a
slice of cake
spider vein
spider veins
Strike the cage
tidal train
tidal trains
tidal wave
tidal waves
on the
tides of fate
tiger snake
tiger snakes
tiger tail
is a long
time away
was a
time of change
pass the
time of day
else longer
time the same
time Thursday
to miss Elena
time today
Times must change
times of day
I see bad
times today
tire chain
tire chains
tire gauge
Titan AE
Titan crane
Titan cranes
title case
name on the
title page
On the
Title Page
impact on the
title race
You wanna
try some, Dale
It happens
twice a day
more than
twice her age
, a
type of veil
Is that
Tyra mail
tyre chain
tyre chains
tyre gauge
the mental and
vital planes
institutional variables on
vital rates
while away
whiled away
whiles away
White Sunday
in Boots are
wide awake
a central and
wider pale
tragic on a
wider scale
I lost a
wife today
wild purslanes
wile away
wipe away
wire bail
wire bails
wire frame
wire frames
scrotum on a barbed-
wire plate
writers change
with 1 extra syllable
acquired taste
acquired tastes
mother I
admire her taste
that I am
alive today
containing a vanadyl
with a uranyl
anion base,
Archive, The Hague
flatiron steak
flatiron steaks
Hawaiian steak
possible escape for
mankind today
crossdresser with this
online surname
over the prized
sapphire vase
Sometimes a day
location of the
Starfighter base
I cannot
supply a name
survival game
survival games
botanist, incorrectly
transcribed the name
with 2 extra syllables
hat, so the
advertisements say
sharp spine
alongside the tail
virus that induces
homicidal rage
your plan of
sacrifice today