exact syllable matches
no missiles have
been fired
been frightened
It's never
been higher
I have
been idle
Elvis has
been sighted
a vast Empire
into a froth
prospect of happiness
waist and dovetailed
behind her
the guiding motive
behind the
bargaining finally being
before and not
it was all
on the waves
they were so
was always close
behind us
The battle's
hell of a
big fire
planet did the
big firework
being led by
Bill Ayers
Bill Bryson
Chink dyke slut
shone with a
clear brightness
to be clear-eyed and
the values that
You can't
define us
dignity which poverty
denies us
citizenship and be
deprived of
life, we just
describe Burke
will ignore or
despise us
did five months
Uh why
did I come
but I never
disliked her
all of which
and not further
than things that
those problems which
those who would
divide us
another wall that
than that which
divides us
inspiring with the
Divine love
it, but
fear I must
a pair of
fish slicers
Planetology is a cut-and-
fit science
magnitude that render
him frightful
didn't give
him mine first
wanting to quit
his diet
Westerns, Eastwood at
his finest
Goblin hops off
his glider
one feels, is
his life-blood
part of
his life's work
and successfully in
his life-work
him, creating in
his likeness
to how
his mind works
and none of
his niceness
applied only to
who can be
his rivals
be offended by
his silence
have never achieved
his title
the prosecution at
his trial
animal in satisfying
his vices
up three filthy, unshaved
for the people
in Bible
an incident,
progress or regress
Russia, it's wrong
seek political asylum
series of lectures
the communist revolution
what I said
in China
,We are
in crisis
for my change
in diet
What is there
in Dryden
was subsequently engulfed
in fire
African huts imitated
almost wholly represented
in iron
fed and clothed
in kindness
the military's
in my blood
I'll be
in my bunk
the bill
in my shirt
goes down
in my skull
you found
in my trunk
I believe
in my tusks
conduct me
you believed
in my work
by insulting them
don't kill yourself
painful than thinking
talk to you
would acknowledge him
in private
and are interested
be greater than
discoveries are made
find no support
have had careers
have no place
He invented nothing
I believe
increase her interest
my biggest blunder
not attainable even
of them, fluent
the brightest minds
the Cartesian revolution
we are engaged
in science
a long time,
conqueror to listen
introduces the speaker
joining him
nation tremble away
or passed over
probably be questioned
worked hastily, but
in silence
I trust
in thy love
slay thee
in thy turn
mine had been
in triumph
enough evidence to
indict her
She's a f---
ing liar
actually, it came
inside of
stars that live
the frozen sea
the sea frozen
what goes on
inside us
country seem to
invite us
As an orange
created equal, that
inalienable rights, that
Selling out
the governed, that
is final
And their tongue
phenomena in Nature
is fire
true playwright's blood
is fired
mind freely, everyone
is frightened
is frightful
is guidance
way unless he
is guided
protest that fact
there is design
is idle
My religion
is kindness
that the universe
is lifeless
but fairness
is like love
of the world
is mind-stuff
Boys, this
is my church
is my nurse
Monk, where
is my stuff
But this
the better
is my work
is my world
ease of everything
is priceless
My temptation
is quiet
call of modernity
is science
html What
the secular arm
is Science
And the rest
is not music
the heights there
The rest
is silence
even when he
slavery, the Church
that the Church
The class
the noon it
Th-the W
is silent
because two
is twice one
and non-fossil fuels
Creating that situation
what they conceal
is vital
electric motors that
is, iron
called the Fuck
It Diet
No, seriously, move
it higher
What will
it light up
it as
it lights us
benefits from
it like us
I think
it might work
I swept
it right up
American spirit at
its brightest
Capitalism at
its finest
and now
it's my turn
Sometimes, when
it's quiet
party can become
its rival
Look it up,
it's science
astronauts to violate
its silence
it could even
kill Gaia
people were
killed by guns
in the Rodney
King trial
which called the
King tyrant
those whose
lives I touch
and splendid than
mere kindness
It is a
mere trifle
Finally, both sides
picked pilots
more noble than
pig iron
glittering sword-points of
pink fire
Sid Meier
tells me they
spit fire
still like her
elements which are
still vital
slice him into
thin slices
going to solve
ourselves out of
your response to
this crisis
I can handle
this diet
and all
this I heard
many captains on
painful disorder of
race came to
the folly of
this island
that it's been
this quiet
be derived from
this science
will bring about
will pay for
this silence
main issues of
the record of
this trial
this nobility or
this vileness
are infected with
getting rid of
this virus
the first
trick I learned
bones the truth
revolutionary culture that
will triumph
wouldn't be one
wit wiser
a bigger problem
companies which trade
lot of power
with China
with diamonds
hearts were touched
to fight fire
with fire
Allen who failed
And he failed
much in common
with ISIS
like Superman
with kind of
speak to them
with kindness
was fighting
with my son
nothing to do
save the day,
the Bible agrees
with science
Restrain us
with Thy love
You tarried
with trifles
with 1 extra syllable
some South Park
Atkins Diet
exists, exists to
beautify her
and why I'm
without a shot
being fired
is better than
being idle
Beach Adder, or
Blowing Viper
of compassion, sacrifice,
courage, kindness
Cricket lighter
are you
doing, my son
red with fall's
dying fire
the peoples of
Ellis Island
nothing could be
even higher
before I
even liked girls
And that is
even nicer
that can
finish my work
shall have
finished my work
It should
fortify us
founded ISIS
He was probably
getting tired
Greetings, my, uh
a living and
growing science
rooted for the
housing crisis
Jennings Bryan
special display of
Jewish fireworks
Kenneth Tynan
most famous recently
living writer
the kinda
music I love
I'm having a
panic spiral
a small boy
playing fireman
kingdom for a
plumbing license
created before from
scorching fire
great round arse
shitting fire
should much prefer
sinking prices
discontent, detesting boasts,
smashing idols
an impulse to
divinely called to
of dependence on
something higher
to know of
Something higher
nobler, at least
something kinder
underestimation, in a self-
stoking cycle
the grandstand in
sweeping triumph
for cutting and
trading diamonds
It's like
watching flies fuck
with 2 extra syllables
Navy forces on
Bougainville Island
nymphomaniac, I'm a
compulsive liar
does not kill
computing science
that deathly inner
consuming fire
Kurds than on
countering ISIS
can give no
decisive guidance
they're not busy
defiling iron
It becomes an ever-
descending spiral
home against the
dumbfounded Criger
last of an
erotic science
take at the
established prices
teachers, with their
humanist bias
traffic in everything,
including migrants
buy food at
inflated prices
Katherine Heigl
heeded no wisdom
offering guidance
seas that submerge
Pacific islands
the lights of
perverted science
the blame on
Pontius Pilate
recurrence with a
related virus
need to
replenish my funds
Head for
Sakhalin Island
Taiwan and its
surrounding islands
he was a
terrific WRITER
within, has
underpinned my work
with 3 extra syllables
with a decidedly
alternative diet
public places with
automatic rifles
overcome the smallest
economic crisis
is becoming an
economic giant
the stuff of
economic science
on, in an
escalating spiral
show you a
muttonheaded tyrant
argument about religion
persecuting science
for this completely
unexpected crisis
with 4 extra syllables
and the most
invigorating diet
a ruthless and
manipulative tyrant
very fast in
precipitating crisis