exact syllable matches

was it -
one sentence
bank vaults,
because guess what
Because guess what
Because, then what
Become vengeance
Been a pleasure
have left
behind a present
or concept
behind a question
cleverest wait
behind the clever
creature lurking
behind the legends
Deserters, stay
behinds, whatever
naive, is
beside the question
bill of credit
bills of credit
bitter melon
bitter melons
brilliant pheasants
Bring protection
bring together
Build a shelter
business venture
business ventures
chicken tender
chicken tenders
Christian Era
Christian metal
Christmas carols
Christmas melon
Christmas melons
Christmas Present
saw a long
cigaret butt
cigarette girl
cigarette girls
Cygnus X-1
Cyril Tourneur
are supposed to
decide together
you're the best
decider ever
decline, they will
decline together
Was I
deprived forever
to their existing classic-
design collection
who couldn't buy
designer dresses
any aggressive
designs against us
the important
designs of heaven
the man
did live forever
DISC assessment
DISC assessments
seemed to
dislike the question
distance vector
divide the rest up
measure of the
divine perfection
approach to the
Divine perfection
control over this
entire level
he knows my
entire method
keystroke of this
entire network
thereby begged the
entire question
and my
entire self yearn
to serve his
entire sentence
Fifth Amendment
film directors
fit together
fitness center
fitness centers
fitness centre
fitness centres
fitness centrum
worthy to
fix my attention
Fix the breakfast
Fix yourself up
Give yourself up
here's a present
Here's some ketchup
Here's the next one
hidden treasures
I bought
him a present
can't depend on
him forever
never got
him the message
I call
him the Shepherd
force themselves on
least I got
his attention
his eyes were careful
gone from
out of
would change
his life forever
he gets
his life together
out of
his mind forever
kingdom and all
novice of all
his possessions
death of
his pride forever
client and
his wife together
if I possess worlds
image sensor
image sensors
those A's, that
implies perfection
in a Harem
passed along
in a lesson
him off
in a letter
in a measure
ones gone
in a second
they are
in a sentence
a drop
a fall
in blood pressure
that are strong
in compression
in contention
in der Regel
in especial
dragged, bound
in iron fetters
in like a second
central point
in my conception
even look
is looking
lordly head
once flicker
open book
to move
in my direction
I wrong
in my perception
a fusain
is now
no longer
old originals
this game
in my possession
myself and
in my potential
asses frequently
in my profession
awful lot
in one letter
and fear
in science lessons
gonna stay
in style forever
it was,
in the cellar
It's raw
in the centre
night lost
in the desert
but not
in the epoch
It's all
in the letter
in the next one
I was
in the presence
in the sense of
stay frozen
in time forever
Olive Garden
psychotic break
in, like, forever
in, like, one second
never been
inside a temple
also charted
inside the temple
Not even an
insightful question
insights, affections
elevated potential for
inspired error
instant message
Internet hunt
of Mars
is a desert
whom Ararat
is a heaven
My richness
is Life, forever
and it
is like forever
is like the weather
is my confession
is my objection
is my obsession
Since music
is my profession
is my son Nelson
is my third session
is the next one
is the question
and call
it a lesson
can get on
it forever
it just gets worse
It just wells up
it like a devil
from making
it my profession
hurt and calls
it protection
wouldn't I want
it selected
they call
it the present
it, Bethesda
it's a French cup
It's a henge fund
It's a necklace
It's a pleasure
It's a presence
It's a question
It's connection
maintained at
its highest level
It's just letters
It's just weather
it's like a lemon
It's much better
It's my obsession
confers honor on
its possessor
it's quite a weapon
It's the engines
It's the weather
its times of peril
It's, like, awareness
killed by a Western
Killed by Collectors
desire, is
killed by possession
killed by the second
Killer 7
king of metals
King of Terrors
kitchen dresser
kitchen dressers
knit together
Lincoln Center
Lincoln Steffens
linen tester
linen testers
lingua centum
linkage section
linkage sections
It's all
linked together
liquid measure
liquid measures
erroneous conclusions on
liquid pressure
little egret
little egrets
little penguin
little penguins
have one small,
little question
Little Shelford
will of God
lives forever
Middle Breton
Midnight Whatever
mirabelle plum
mirabelle plums
less they are
mixed together
but not
near the centre
nickel nurser
nigger heaven
nigger heavens
Philip Kemble
picture message
piston engine
piston engines
print the legend
the living cannot
reside together
reverse ferret
reverse ferrets
reverse harem
reverse harems
reverse question
reverse questions
rhythm method
rhythm methods
rhythm section
rhythm sections
Rich, successful
Richard Behar
Richard Edwards
Richard Menta
Richard Reynolds
Richard Serra
Richard Spencer
risk assessment
risk assessments
silver medal
silver medals
silver pheasant
silver pheasants
simple engine
simple engines
simple present
simple presents
Simple question
simple sentence
since I first met her
friends, like,
since, like, forever
single parent
single parents
sit like a lemon
I was
mother was
six months pregnant
six perfections
spirit level
spirit levels
people, they all
stick together
chocolate, they are
still confections
sun will
still shine forever
I was
still the Sheriff
you guys are
your parents are
still together
stingless nettle
stingless nettles
string together
strings together
in the overall
systems effort
that held all
things together
things, like the devil
who have lost
this awareness
This conception
This concession
this connection
This correction
he asked
this final question
this kind of sentence
this kind of terror
this kind of weather
on living
to live
this life forever
gonna leave
this life together
this type of weapon
urgency of
this vital question
triple seven
triple sevens
Victor Lebrun
virile member
virile members
weird connections
the landlords,
which I contested
Which one's better
whisper network
whisper networks
wiggle dresses
and everyone
and son
will die together
will find some remnant
and I
And they
and we
But you
her legacy
if they
lives and
love that
Magic that
My soul
story that
wherein they
will live forever
Classic that
will live Forever
will live together
William Brennan
William Empson
William Feather
William Feller
William Jevons
William Lever
William Shenstone
William Temple
we can all
win together
winter melon
winter melons
Die Hard
with a Vengeance
With a Vengeance
with dialectal
With Earth weapons
snap, along
with her parents
with my dumb questions
about talks
with the Kremlin
With the lemons
With the letters
always starts
with the melon
Now stop
with the questions
walked off
with the treasure
Here's Tom
with the weather
with what else what
With what weapons
is the international
women's network

with 1 extra syllable

autism spectrum
Compare and
British dialectal
advantages involving a
cardinal measure
These are the
cardinal questions
presided over by
Cardinal Spellman
cardinal tetra
cardinal tetras
ideas at another
college commencement
father is a
some kind of
college professor
College Professor
What a
comical error
a treatise on
conical sections
the purpose of
drawing attention
Related to
English dialectal
even my first question
armed and
facing my oppressors
How's it all
falling together
fucking child molesters
fucking life just ended
trying to
fulfill my potential
garbage collected
garbage collection
garbage collections
garbage collector
Garbage collectors
heading my direction
was in the
hospital helpless
knocking together
the dialectical
logic of Hegel
a system of
logical method
associated a particular
logical peril
It's a
logical question
longeing cavessons
be my
loving wife, forever
This was
Marsh's agenda
optical spectra
optical spectrum
optical spectrums
parking attendant
others were
plotting against her
rule out
popping the question
to you, my
popsicle melted
postilion sentence
the purity of
quantified conception
Quoted by The Herald
gonna keep on
rockin' forever
for the
shortest trial ever
be called
something like Vanessa
crazy people,
We were
spending time together
Cognate with
Swedish dialectal
about the
talking fire engine
They are
they went on
talking together
Toxic Avenger
wanted a French one
within miles of temples

with 2 extra syllables

Cassie and I
accomplished together
acknowledged by the experts
such an
amazing time together
and issues
awaiting my attention
banishing light forever
being justify
defending child molesters
harmonic progression
harmonic progressions
procedure was
increasing my connection
moneyless life of leisure
punishments for
neglecting my profession
family love or
platonic affection
poisoning my perfect world
recruited by the best firms
the man
riveted my attention

with 3 extra syllables

apostolic succession
apostolic successions
biological expert
reduce to the
biological level
biological parent
one or both
biological parents
obtained history's greatest
biological weapon
as chemical and
labs to build
nuclear, chemical, and
weapons, chemical and
biological weapons
diastolic blood pressure
diastolic blood pressures
my opponent's failed
own political and
economic agenda
from social and
various forms of
economic oppression
dynamics of the
elders in the
influential inside the
research in the
economics profession
intellectual pretensions of
economics professors
Doublet of
inherited dialectal
is termed the
noological method
the need for
philosophic reflection
philosophical method
philosophical methods
This is the
philosophical question
was guided by
without answering certain
philosophical questions
a course of
Phrenological Lectures
physical and the
psychological level
the ideological and
psychological levels
called with the
psychological method
Psychological methods
let out this
psychological wreckage
relationships, my profession
Some sort of
subatomic connection
exchange for some
technological lentils
developed purely by
theological methods
Intelligent Design asks
theological questions
charged forwards,
unimpeded by conventions

with 4 extra syllables

anorthoscopic perception
anorthoscopic perceptions
position in the
ideological spectrum
intermediate kind of essence
radiological weapon
radiological weapons

with 5 extra syllables

comprehend its revolutionary
epistemological lessons