exact syllable matches

situation has not
been contained
Bill of sale
bills of sale
bit array
bit arrays
Bitter plate
Bitter plates
business case
business day
business days
chicken lane
chicken lanes
chicken snake
chicken snakes
to waste on
children's games
chip away
has shaken off
Christian faith
Christian Frates
Christian name
Christian names
Christian state
Christmas cake
Christmas cakes
you cry On
you down On
Christmas day
divorced parents on
every year on
got them on
over London on
Christmas Day
Christmas Days
civil day
civil days
clear away
clearance space
the ruins are
cleared away
crimson lake
crimson lakes
Crystal Bay
dessert grape
dessert grapes
dinner plate
dinner plates
disperse phase
its prominence in long-
distance trade
much equipment, not
enough planes
That's not
enough space
That's far
enough, James
Fig Sunday
figure eight
figure eights
figure skates
figure space
filter cake
filter cakes
filter lane
filter lanes
finger nail
finger nails
finger paint
finger paints
finger steak
finger steaks
Fisher Ames
frit away
I was
gettin' changed
gibber plain
gibber plains
ginger ale
ginger ales
give away
given name
given names
given way
gives away
A ball
grid array
grid arrays
Here's some games
Hilbert space
and lock
him and walked
last tide wash
the constabs haul
him away
dumped him on
Imperial Palace on
my dad on
his birthday
guy on
his first date
hit parade
hit parades
hit the hay
hit the trail
Hit the weights
hits the hay
image space
in a bake
a lot
in a day
wave was
in a flame
came on
in a haze
stock car
in a race
summer locked
in a safe
I'm not
in a state
it's bizarre
in a way
That is not
in debate
summer was
in her gaze
desire was
in her veins
errands, all
just all
star all
thought alarms
in one day
color all
ones all
We are
in one place
going on
him off
wronged God
in some way
are not
get shot
in the brain
the arse
in the cage
of law
in the case
be shot
get shot
him shot
Just not
least not
my mom
in the face
in the flame
balls are
in the game
look upon
in the grave
in the hay
are lost,Lost
in the haze
and fall
it was
in the lake
got lost
gotten lost
This was
in the mail
in the main
in the name
toughest job
in the place
fights Bond
in the plane
a walk
gettin caught
God was
soon dissolved
in the rain
in the sales
and toss
in the spray
protoform belongs
in the stage
a baton
in the taint
fate got
greed got
gun was
I got
I was
it got
just got
one was
people got
she got
they got
things got
we got
in the way
inter se
Sex talk
is a game
we want
is a taste
A heart
is just pain
weak spot
is the face
Chinese massage
is the same
that was,
is, her name
Issa Rae
they call
it a break
and call
just call
let's call
we call
we'll call
it a day
Some call
it a phrase
but I swat
the tide wash
it away
than the stars
it contains
me off
it one day
back on
it some day
They called
it The Flame
will regard
it the same
He lost
I want
it today
my God
it's a whale
disclaimer on
its front page
It's just great
It's just whales
jingle mail
ex-girlfriend Mia was
killed today
killer game
killer games
killer whale
killer whales
My part's
kinda gay
Thought it was
kinda strange
James Bond
kinda way
king of spades
kings of spades
kitchen cake
kitchen cakes
Lifted weights
limit case
liquid phase
liquor gauge
List of names
litter tray
litter trays
little name
little names
of work on
little pay
lizard brain
lizard brains
lizard tail
lizard tails
have something on
Liz's change
remedy prescribed was
middle age
middle eight
middle eights
middle game
middle games
it's a strong
true, what's Vaughn's
middle name
Middle name
middle names
Middle States
middle way
middle ways
midterm break
mid-term break
Millers Dale
Milton Hay
Milton Keynes
minute steak
minute steaks
mirror stage
Mission grape
Mission grapes
near the bane
and draw
near the grave
pick a lane
pick-up game
pick-up games
picture plane
picture rail
picture rails
pinyon jay
pinyon jays
piss away
pitcher sage
Prince of Wales
prison base
Prison Break
prison breaks
prison gay
Quick, some paint
reserve grade
reserve grades
reserved case
return ace
return day
return days
reverse rape
reverse rapes
rhythm game
rhythm games
ribbon brake
ribbon brakes
ribbon cane
ribbon canes
ribbon snake
ribbon snakes
Richard Yates
Richter scale
Richter scales
River Plate
River Range
river snail
river snails
river way
river ways
Rivers State
scripture cake
scripture cakes
shrink away
shrinks away
signal phrase
silver age
silver grain
silver lace
silver plate
silver plates
Silver State
silver tape
simnel cake
simnel cakes
sinker nail
sinker nails
sinter claes
sizzle steak
sizzle steaks
slip away
slipper game
sniffer plane
sniffer planes
Spirit Lake
spirit way
spirit ways
we are
still the prey
People are
still the same
Still, girls wailed
strip away
stripper cake
stripper cakes
system tray
system trays
Things must change
what Khan
thinks of gays
This must change
This one's great
to your backyard
this Sunday
thistle sage
tick away
ticked away
stock prices on
ticker tape
ticker tapes
ticket day
ticket days
ticket gate
ticket gates
ticks away
Timber Lake
tip the scale
tip the scales
triple play
triple plays
twist of fate
twists of fate
Which one, Snake
whisk away
Whit Sunday
Whit Sundays
wicket gate
wicket gates
William Blake
William Hague
William James
William Mayne
win the day
Windsor wave
Windsor waves
wins the day
winter break
winter breaks
Winter Games
winter grape
winter grapes
wish away
Miss Lamont
with a cake
writing start
with a name
With some grapes
let's start
with the day
get on
with the game
of all,
with the grain
it starts
with the mail
I start
with the pain
on par
with the pay
matter, on
with the race
I'll call
with updates
a profession was
years away
Zimmer frame
Zimmer frames
zinc sulfate
zinc sulphate

with 1 extra syllable

congratulations on this
auspicious day
6 is
calling her name
Calling her names
the west by
Cardigan Bay
cardinal vein
cardinal veins
Carling Sunday
Carling Sundays
from notion of
chopping away
not the
crossing of blades
ship's lights
crossing the bay
months in
crossing the plains
My faith is
falling away
concern about
falling birth rates
falling from grace
and him
hauling the freight
Hells Pass
Hell's Pass
Hospital, day
logic array
logic arrays
limits of a
logical phrase
of fat
marbling the brain
resources in an
optimal way
someone was
robbing the place
not disappear but
rotted away
are silent and
growing and just
rotting away
salting away
Starfish cupcakes
be taking order
dollars a year,
We rebuild,
starting today
down by the
tropical rain
see my Marianne
Watch me
walkin' away
and he obliged,
assailant, who was
Later, as they're
my costume and
the rule about
You're not
walking away
when I
wanted a raise
a diary everything
washes away
Washington Blade
Carnegie Institution in
of coronavirus-- in
the government of
Washington state
Washington State
our crown-stealing, lantern-
watching first date
last night
watching the game
someone was
watching the place

with 2 extra syllables

haste to
abolish the State
Look at the
Acknowledgements page
adnominal case
it in a
bipartisan way
she just
massages the clay
appear a little
psychotic today
conspectus -
synopsis, survey
systolic array
systolic arrays
of an
unwanted third race

with 3 extra syllables

costs grew at
astronomical rates
of geometry and
astronomical space
could help reduce
biological age
a very interesting
biological case
chronological age
cosmological scale
a kind of
diabolical fame
tools, a great
ecological change
by an insidious
economical plague
machines, hierarchies,
economics, love, age
holonomic constraint
holonomic constraints
he becomes a
pathological case
in terms of
pathological states
it in a
pathological way
have any coherent
philosophical base
not be playing
philosophical games
as a great
philosophical sage
and in a
psychological age
into a fragile
result of our
psychological state
of variation in
psychological traits
much mechanical and
technological aid
leading edge of
periods of accelerating
primarily caused by
the notion of
technological change
sets of a
topological space
Topological space

with 4 extra syllables

determinate sorts of
physiological change
very simple ways,
unparadoxical ways

with 5 extra syllables

collations on the
dendrochronological scale
around in the
postideological age