exact syllable matches

ample reason to
that's left will
be bitter
He's supposed to
be brilliant
feeling can
be built up
a movie need
be cheerful
next day would
be Christmas
not impossible to
be discerned
are not to
be disturbed
it may never
season's best-sellers would
so, this should
be enough
it can't
Waiting to
be filled up
is said to
be gifted
they can only
be given
at last cannot
these mistakes will
be hidden
romantic to
be in love
be in touch
component events cannot
be inferred
which may thus
be injured
always willing to
be little
only emptiness will
be mirrored
It can't
be printed
begins, it cannot
courts would also
halted, it must
this process could
those changes can
be reversed
too paltry to
be sinful
might still
They should
time to
be with us
more books will
be written
used to
beat him up
hard and I
beat Mr
freely and publicly
beat women
men objected to
being burned
being buzzed
know what's really
that business is
being done
great danger of
next step to
being dull
the need for
being first
the internet is
being heard
experience loving and
being loved
you of its
being one
I hate
being shunned
no blows were
being struck
chronicle of this
breathing world
shooting the
breeze with us
Be very
brief, Mr
somebody's gonna
the women
clean it up
You were simply
cleaning up
forced to
deal with us
compare oneself at
each instant
him up,
man to
eat him up
girls to
eat it first
they'd still
eat it up
nobody else has
even one
even tucked
and make them
better than cows,
cosmic intelligence is
don't, you feel
heaven would be
immediate future are
it could be
seems to me
Well, mine are
even worse
nest to
feed its young
the fountains of
feeling run
to suit this ethic-
free system
before we can
free women
he called himself a
What he thinks,
he becomes
his life, that
he deserved
earned the stature
the Republican lifestyle
to getting what
he deserves
Four years,
he figured
enemy and
he is us
the first person
he kisses
to Pompadour that
he listened
doing the greatest
healing work
wait to
hear this one
Come on
here, Mr
the person that
he's become
And if
he's been crushed
He's tricked us
had to
work, and
keep in touch
methods and the
least results
touch, I
leave in love
emotional turmoil of
leaving her
Lines fired Kathie
Lee Gifford
It makes
me fearless
He left
me his guns
had never given
me insult
me timbers
does sometimes give
me visions
you make for
you will help
me, Mr
clear that you
mean business
All you
need is love
need mirrors
To triumph, we
need results
need rivets
answering natural
need with her
will buy
peace with none
greater power
please him much
that would
please Him much
Will you
please listen
and well
pleased with her
be either improvised or
would not be
real enough
five percent of
real income
blips are not
real missiles
leader who gets
real results
pictured as a
real villain
She has a
real wisdom
never have any
secrets but
Trafalgar Square can't
see England
want to
see it work
that the seeing
see little
how I can
Stopped to
see Mr
this whole matter
seems simple
now I have
seen enough
has the opportunity
she deserves
She thinks
she's in love
did not
sleep with her
to wake a
sleeping world
Because I
speak in tongues
style I am
think I was
were not worth
speaking of
warfare to be
speeded up
clocking sound was
speeding up
the people you're
stealing from
in forbidding the
teaching of
and pushers who's
teaching us
taking care of
these children
not how
these things work
common element in
seeking to understand
these visions
war, I've raised
three children
inhabitants of the
three kingdoms
do it in
got you for
in an excruciating
three minutes
death is all
get the government
that we know
we deserve
This isn't something
we discuss
the sword like
we discussed
we miss her
because of who
we've become

with 1 extra syllable

be world-famous for
shower from every
supposed to last
15 minutes
or if it's
20 million
here for about
20 minutes
dying, wanted the
Aeneid burned
Mandela and Mohammed
Ali Jinnah
Annie Dillard
without wires to
any distance
last illness, or
any illness
they'll be back
will be here
any minute
not get you
any nearer
does not bring
any results
prophets offer him
any witness
had never been
anything but
forever to get
anything done
He never picks
anything up
have wished her
anything worse
And other
armies will come
took my
babies with her
a religion, a
belief system
Do you
believe in love
Rooney would never
believe Mr
her, and
believed in her
since he
believes in words
guy actually
believes this stuff
of Elliot and
Bernice Pritchard
Bette Midler
The difference
between Mr
kind of bond
between women
defend or justify
same cell with
Bobby Fischer
Carrie Fisher
kept them from
carrying guns
to be a
Chinese villain
I have some
coffee, Mr
save our
country is us
spirit or the
country's spirit
whether it is
crazy enough
we had to
defeat England
will learn by
degrees, Winston
drugs is a
dirty business
You are a
donkey, Mr
and figures is
and go nowhere,
easy enough
It is very
easy, Mr
Eddie Izzard
the number is
eighty million
state authority and
elite interests
loan here to
Ernie Bishop
Eugene Dickson
Time, that meant
everything burnt
when love comes,
everything comes
Sullivan Show and
everything just
Hail Caesar and
everything sir
understanding of how
everything works
the rapture and
everything, but
figure on
Four farts every
it - for
fifteen minutes
a hundred and
fifty million
working here and
fifty women
you'll be KAPUT,
What say there,
fuzzy britches
seems a very
gloomy business
that, ya dirty,
greasy nigger
up with their
grimy fingers
yet I'm not
happy enough
met with one
happy result
are, in moderation,
healthy symptoms
Henry Miller
it is the
holy spirit
and of the
full of the
humanization of the
I am the
peace, through the
wind is the
Holy Spirit
world, all the
hungry children
you are not
hungry enough
Dean Martin to
Jackie Wilson
Johnny Richter
nervy feeling of
journey begun
that memorable
journey with us
put down the
kitty litter
it helps this
lady's business
It was
Larry Williams
Webb Pierce or
Lefty Frizzell
long been the
lofty symbol
shares with so
that is still
the lives of
many millions
I've loved that
united labour of
many women
of tea and
Marie biscuits
you do not
marry Mr
men or women
marry women
maybe millions
that very often
maybe Mr
Have a merry,
merry Christmas
for ourselves a
him Elvis said
Merry Christmas
and Galbraith not
mighty enough
don't buy that
monkey business
moves into the
movie business
Duke, a neo-
Nazi, Mr
don't see it
nearly enough
between eighty and
ninety million
ninety-nine who have
only interests
and they
only killed one
There are
only middles
and not
only with words
hands of his
party, Mr
a bad
penny, this one
but your own
petty interests
this cave was
pretty dismal
Computers are actually
pretty simple
but leave is
rarely given
Are you
ready, Ilsa
has a
really big gun
of the
really big ones
know I'm
really in love
out there that
really listens
will utter the
redeeming word
released pictures
And it is
richly deserved
of whores and
saintly women
to enjoy the
serene picture
on with their
silly quibbles
forty, fifty, or
sixty millions
either laughable or
slightly wicked
hers and there
softly lingered
to exchange
stories with us
strictly business
I would not
succeed Nixon
of ten minutes,
thirty minutes
Trudy will come
designed in about
had been only
probably at least
twenty minutes
his time in
unneeded work
will always have,
varied results
feels at this
your throat this
very instant
all amount to
as a rudder
Creeds mean
he actually does
interfered with them
She talked
very little
intricacy of the
It is
the truth is
this army is
this country, its
Well, it's
very simple
but it was
very skillful
is a very
wearying one
and contempt for
worldly interests
not good enough,
worthy enough
was its most
worthy mirror

with 2 extra syllables

the new has
the uprising has
already begun
the Good is
already given
Did they search
carefully enough
Christ, the
centerpiece is love
certainly, it does
Companies will come
virtuous and our
enemies wicked
going to push
every limit
eye on you
it every hour,
it, every hour,
killing him at
masses every hour,
of children die
People are working
was Berlin, bombed
with troubles almost
every minute
There's one in
every picture
alter it
every six months
horrors of our
Factory System
source of the
family income
drifted into the
grocery business
all united behind
already seen from
Carlos Slim and
Republican, I'm backing
would be crooked
Hillary Clinton
one isn't
insanely in love
He is
lastingly with us
a bunch of
lottery winners
Street Journal, then
nobody listens
a tune like
away like it's
nobody's business
think his
poetry is punk
He was
These I accepted
readily enough
could have killed
somebody, nigga
It is
terribly simple
very difficult and
unhappy business
intellectual analysis is
uniquely Christian

with 3 extra syllables

more than your
ability deserves
He was
absolutely brilliant
that are
actually in love
over the Mopla
atrocities Mr
ideas it is
beguilingly simple
remains, and human
capacities differ
same as our
category system
decency, humility and
community spirit
stage of New
Democracy emerged
I knew
imperfectly, with love
in a single
isosceles prism
of the Reagan
military buildup
not from a
momentary impulse
often brings about
momentary results
ordinary world as
ordinary women
readers unacquainted with
philosophy, Mr
of this kind, for
man would be
prodigiously quickened
mind can see
reality, Winston
be continued with
satisfactory results
well as the
secondary symptoms
also advance our
also serves our
to Santa's vital
security interests
a genuine world
in the national
security system
is thus a
solitary figure
No matter how
violently Mr

with 4 extra syllables

the city's corrupt
circulatory system
men may do
comparatively little
and they are
comparatively simple
wrought by the
contemporary spirit
excited by
electricity, will burn
who are only
imaginary sinners
He was unimaginably,
overwhelmingly gifted
the human
personality is just
the Massachusetts Abolition
University, Mr

with 5 extra syllables

to suspect these
extraordinary results
Marxism has a
them with a
revolutionary spirit