exact syllable matches

act should have
an aim
in this day
and age
no more cakes
and ale
out of mothers
and babes
ye gifted, young,
young, and curious,
and brave
violent thunderstorms gather
and break
own seal, conditioned
and chained
wasn't about whips
and chains
down to sixteen
life and movement
things to move
and change
always be erased
and changed
can be Pure
and Chaste
for me night
units ran night
was like night
was rearming night
and day
flicker and flash
while they decline
and fade
men fumble, falter
the right thing
and fail
by physical force
French tried it
others have tried
we have tried
and failed
boundaries to courage
not in knowledge
reconciliation between reason
shrewdness, and persistence
work, patriotic devotion
and faith
levels of relevance
of our race
and fame
conquest, over Time
and Fate
on human anxieties
and fates
centuries of sword
rent by noise
with purple, red
and flame
based on war
and games
Rainbow includes lesbians
and gays
life of charm
them with wit
time of mercy
and grace
as their wealth
and grain
touch more soft
and grave
O Union, strong
the most glorious
and great
furry, they're big
More like black
two kinds, green
and grey
difference between love
fire and wit
which creates intolerance
and hate
in The Globe
and Mail
fight it tooth
to fight tooth
and nail
and money, place
and name
and nameless torments
direction of pleasure
dream of suffering
hate my loneliness
misery and crime
much horror, anguish,
power, provide refuge,
so much pleasure
and pain
all his worth
and pains
trooped by faceless
and pale
choice of word
and phrase
at that time
in its time
of yourself, time,
and place
if in blood
and plague
is very simple
and plain
line between work
play and play
warning, To joy
and play
their novels, poems,
and plays
hearts to faith
I offer thanksgiving
me unstinting gratitude
and praise
of both predator
and prey
heaven shall tremble
pillars shall tremble
and quake
shakes, he quivers
and quakes
difference between nationality
reason of birth
and race
equivalent of fear
product of dissatisfaction
and rage
therefore refuse steam
and rail
live wood, wind,
Rain, sun,
and rain
Murder and All-Bran
and rape
children are fed
strong, and free,
to be alive
and safe
for the Rishis
revolutionaries are philosophers
and saints
people, generous, decent,
and sane
just been baptized
you have earned
and saved
the traditional modes
and scales
and causes light
and shade
its myriad tones
and shades
fears of rejection
feelings of pride
filled with anguish
and shame
definite in time
order and rhythm
and shape
all kinds, sizes
distance, true colours
science of numbers
and shapes
has been met
and slain
him their subject
and slave
and annihilates time
barriers of time
dream of time
has overcome time
limit of place
of visible time
point in time
restricted by time
and space
of the field
separation of church
and state
union of Church
and State
love are hard
place both wonderful
and strange
in white tie
and tails
has to give
and take
you, and I,
and they
an immediate track
and trace
at best shadowy
will become problematic
and vague
arguments, I witness
and wait
tape its tremors
and waves
All is truth
and way
and its winds
and ways
herself be used
as bait
I'm as good
as changed
many demonstrations exposed
as fakes
ahead, as sure
as fate
and innocent
as gay
itself is well-nigh
my kingdom
as great
She's hard
things, as tough
as nails
no such thing
as race
atheists, sometimes also
as saints
death than live
foreigners and sold
Is it not
than to live
as slaves
of literary work
as vain
and the chin
end I stood
the power-hungry maniac
at bay
mental illness are
at play
humanitarian interests were
the great issues
your life is
at stake
wrote a book
at Yale
some of the
back pay
will kept his
back straight
guy having a
bad day
given us a
bad name
just like a
bad play
movie is in
bad taste
a case of
Bass Ale
- by a
black flame
With a
black name
story about the
Black Plague
or the honestly
progress of the
black race
a fleet with
black sails
7 times at point-
blank range
debunked in The
Blank Slate
Someone who
can blame
can break
So constitutions
can change
or what they
can gain
higher than men
can make
only things we
can pay
Any number
game than you
I think I
can play
all that I
I think I
than most Poets
can say
Nothing gold
can stay
equal cheerfulness I
wiring again, it
can wait
and you just
can't wait
the whole god
damn base
things done every
damn day
to run the
damn place
to thee, thou
damned whale
Dan Quayle
was given on
Flag Day
Frank Hague
surface of a
glass plane
in a spherical
glass vase
how little he
had aged
reassessed because everything
had changed
knew that it
Plan B
the US effort
had failed
lakhs of people
had faith
which his head
had lain
the things I
tremendous profit he
had made
the other passengers
had paid
the music we
had played
said that I
had raved
has stopped short
half way
meet them at least
and social environment
Fortunately, the world
generation, all this
Or perhaps he
role of Ministers
The culture
to maintain deterrence
until human nature
what women mind
Your hair
has changed
in practice it
in which it
not democracy that
that his strategy
The artist
The West
has failed
job your God
men whom God
moral choice be
other mistakes she
the universe He
world that Industry
has made
objections that he
has raised
where is the
hat made
Kansas that you
have brains
and do well,
our eyes that
the brain cells
The rules
have changed
at war, you
But they
him, but I
reclaim your sanity
sense and nonsense
have failed
Do you
their duty and
you have to
have faith
lose what we
have gained
like what you
months of extremism
not known to
that white men
the beginnings we
the world we
things which we
tough decisions I
have made
arguing, I must
have paid
all, totality can
finite, all these
have place
Replicants don't
have scales
the baby can't
have steak
for what you
have tamed
you like this,
have they
prom in the
Jazz Age
rather after its
twilight of his
last day
fulfilled in the
me, in these
last days
this is our
last game
listed, ordered by
people by their
quotations alphabetized by
last name
It is the
last phase
All bibles are
that climate change is
his appeal to
man's brain
out of the
man's face
bigger than any
man's weight
burn in His
mass graves
Max Payne
dreams of a
past age
ahead in the
out of the
rat race
what we always
shall say
steps that we
shall take
You're a
SHAM, Shame
give you the
tax rate
feeling more fortified
than drained
It's better
than hate
reasons and facts
than names
more like fear
than pain
Blame is safer
than praise
is rather lamentable
than strange
for it better
I astonish more
little children better
make more noise
than they
scientific image of
that age
Captain, you remember
that case
learns to avoid
that cave
to participate in
that chase
might be about
that date
an Eagles game
Asiatic, power of
bravest person on
I wasn't hungry
must have come
said or done
she died later
that grassy Golgotha
the Klan in
voice I heard
walked twenty-five miles
that day
gone out in
who belonged to
that face
suicide but sometimes
that fails
going to play
I couldn't design
souls, cannot play
that game
I'm in
not be in
that grave
people with minds
that hate
what difference would
What does
that make
but not by
Do you like
know anybody by
that name
Are you always
that pale
the senses of
that phrase
ever hear of
I've heard of
of souls in
the looks of
that place
You'll miss
that plane
of what's on
that plate
against the powers
that prey
in the faith
that saves
Everything occurred in
that space
likely is at
mast countries, represents
that stage
and abide in
had transited into
that state
want the businesses
that stay
You got
that straight
is the force
that takes
old and broken-down
that they
a great society
a risk taker
about 15 miles
are planning it
be no progress
can't see it
come to you
Did you feel
does not create
don't do things
express the matter
for the advertisers
Get better seats
going to stay
have expressed it
have handled it
have to live
him introduce me
him to stay
how it got
I can write
I can't leave
I feel
I grew up
it can't happen
it didn't happen
It doesn't seem
It is not
it was planned
it's just not
I've stopped thinking
just worked out
keep it going
live together in
looked at it
majority may be
make it available
more and more
Never go
never win it
not turn him
of war is
our age feel
rather prefer it
San Francisco is
scarcely any attempt
serve the President
take shape in
that'll always be
their Catullus walk
their problems in
they were designed
They're born
to be treated
to like it
to treat him
to want it
to work out
winds, this way,
wisdom, doesn't work
wish it wasn't
would we develop
write or play
you cleanse yourself
you were born
that way
I think
that's great

with 1 extra syllable

render treacherous icy
footpaths safe
get through the
goddamn day

with 2 extra syllables

extinguished at the
Birmingham jail
on a slightly
overcast day