exact syllable matches
Written by
Abby Mann
For I am
Acts, Sugar
Acts, Tea Acts
into a damn
with a 30-pound
alley cat
alley cats
Who likes
an ear scratch
go ahead
and be as
your cold
and be damned
suffer anything
and be glad
and be hanged
heal people
and be thanks
as birds
and beasts have
for producing honey
and beeswax
an able
and clean man
Natural Rights
and dreams back
a quarter
and eat that
for their play-testing
public, for testing
and feedback
three nails
and he asks
he drank
and he drank
the money
and he had
would fail,
and he has
to sit
and he sat
and leaseback
your senses
and leave Frank
daughter, Ollie
and me, yeah
hands of power
and priestcraft
look at us
and react
upon the Babe
and recant
Compare and
and recatch
is only remission
and relapse
I can reshape
and revamp
fly over Amman
and Riyadh
old man
and screamed at
the door
and see that
I think,
and she has
team up
and she's Pam
F, Ti,
and Si, and
James Woods
and Steve Zahn
a bed
and stream banks
and smart,
and sweet, and
the string
the strings
and we dance
I did
world -
and we have
the Star Fleet
and Z-Stacks
least sit on
Andy's lap
say you get
angry and
who to be
would you be
angry at
You're getting
angry, Max
I'm very
angry, Ralph
and check out
Annie's flat
denounced as unjust and
it mean you are
Darren is the
It's because he's the
antique brass
stands for High explosive
as varied
as each man
Last night
as free man
a court
a person
as brightly
as fast
as hard
as magnificently
as quick
man does
other side
so far
to fend
as he can
as far
thought right
as he has
a tree
as he laughs
greet him
staring ahead
as he passed
and dancing
as he ran
his own
as he stands
and dad
as he's had
as kneecap
as fast
As long
as well
as she can
flesh soil
as she passed
slip off
as she ran
is almost
as sweet as
a way
and luxuries
as fast
as high
as long
as much
as perfect
as quickly
as quiet
as well
far away
nearly reached
of cruelty
sprint fast
unnecessary ones
with them
with us
as we can
insulating themselves
as we had
as long
same origin
to live
as we have
as we planned
My name is
Ashley Banks
not just
of people
please don't
would even
you even
ask me that
you even
asked me that
at creak, crack
at eke, wax
sing, can
at least dance
should have
at least half
me with
at least that
at leech, craft
good look
at me and
at me, Dad
at me, man
hand Look
at these hands
Mom's nightgown
at three AM
at work
at three and
he sneaks
back here and
brings me
back me back
ahead boy,
bad dream and
backs and
bad knees can
bad week, that
bad, feels bad
supposed to be
baggy pants
batty man
me, because
black means bad
sends out
black sea bass
your old
black sheep man
difficult that
can be asked
or revolutions
can be bad
but life
can be cramped
law and
these conditions
can be grasped
bomb shelter
sufficient bearing
can be had
of us
can be that
subspace they
can be tracked
can feel that
before Bog King
can react
and he
can, I
Charlie, anyone
mean, I
Okay, I
Well, we
Yeah, I
yes, I
can see that
from man
can she stand
creepy characters
can we add
What influence
can we have
candied yams
straight up your
candy ass
candy cap
candy caps
candy glass
candy gram
candy grams
Because this isn't
candy land
I'm your little
My little
candy man
front of the
candy rack
back, and your
candy sack
line at the
candy stand
'em straight up your
can't be back
know that
then it
can't be bad
can't be black
But it
then, it
can't be that
Can't beat that
And I
can't eat that
can't freelance
can't keep track
can't teach that
capri pants
carry bag
carry bags
look, I don't
carry cash
be vindictive and
catty and
me a
chance here, man
the same
chance she had
realize the
chance we have
How did our
chaps react
an election with
parents is the
clammy hands
each other
close,And we danced
in fact, a
crafty man
You are a
crappy piece of
crappy crap
sentimental over the
crappy past
Kris is the
Some call me
Daddy Mac
Repeat, in
Daddy's lap
Daredevil, Luke Cage,
want to be
you to be
Danny Rand
und auch
das nicht ganz
dassie rat
dassie rats
You can't
drag me back
go is that
faggy lamp
A real
fancy Dan
fancy Dans
excitement in a
fancy hat
fancy pants
fancy rat
fancy rats
fancy that
Written by
Fannie Flagg
of that show,
Fannie Flash
fanny flaps
a New Kids
be Elton John's
reached for his
fanny pack
fanny packs
fanny pad
fanny pads
the bad
fat real fast
A real
fattie man
It was your
flabby ass
this girl,
Franky, and
You look
ghastly, man
granny flat
granny flats
granny tax
grassy ass
hackney cab
hackney cabs
hacky sack
hacky sacks
and one subject
had relapsed
what coarse
hands he has
to call a
handy man
so warm and
happy and
happy is as
happy as
Happy Camp
dinosaur, does a
happy dance
happy gas
happy Jan
am a very
are truly a
be a broke,
can die a
Donnelly is one
have been a
indeed be a
just being a
make me a
me a moderately
was a happy,
you'll become a
happy man
out with Father
Happy Pants
happy path
happy paths
happy slap
happy slaps
happy snap
happy snaps
to make mankind
happy, and
Hey, my hat
has ear-flaps
has she had
They only
have cheap skanks
Gloucester would
have me hanged
have needs, man
dog could
He could
I should
You must
have seen that
of luck
what thanks
have we had
that doesn't
have wheels and
and beat up
sounds suspiciously like
that worked with
the meddlings of
to look like
Jackie Chan
sometimes spelled in
kanji as
lacky band
lacky bands
langue de chat
Name of
Lanky Hank
Not Liv and
Maddie and
mal e mal
the lead-off
man, Steve Sax
Mansfield, trans
nancy pants
need some help,
Nancy Pants
nanny cam
nanny cams
nappy rash
nasty gram
give her a
nasty rash
Oh, those
nasty yams
pan de sal
my p-
panties, and
time has
passed, we can
then a
plan D, and
matter what
plan we have
It's a
rally cap
rally caps
rat de camp
rats de camp
Sally Ann
Sammy Cahn
you, Miss meddling
sassy pants
The first
shall be last
negro slaves
shall be passed
Shall We Dance
which side
shall we stand
spanky pants
stand, kneel, stand
marry such a
tacky man
period, cloaked in
tacky rags
appeared in a
taxi cab
Airports, train stations,
taxi cabs
taxi rank
taxi ranks
taxi stand
taxi stands
less fortunate
than he and
something more
than he can
better connections
better plow
than he had
more successful
than he has
are worse
than sea rats
and better
than she can
incomparably faster
stories better
than we can
powerful guns
than we had
even more
lot more
more damage
than we have
properties, P,
that B lacked
Santa, and
that be that
wanna lie in
that beanbag
that Cheap-Ass
biggest pygmy
that he can
He admitted
least thought
same life
the guts
the judgment
that he had
him all
not all
seize all
the ones
the way
that he has
away all
that he hath
the family
that he lacked
after-school clubs
red light
that he ran
the fact
that he's black
that leaves Sam
See what
that means, Sam
know what
that means, yeah
the stuntman,
that reels back
presence in
that seat, man
show her
that she can
or compassion
that she has
cameras reveal
that she's fat
and believe
convince NASA
do all
guidelines so
I believe
I think
the demonstration
the enchantment
that we can
a conversation
figured out
the closeness
that we had
in all
monetary system
of selfness
other things
porous border
private militia
recorded literature
the hardware
the knowledge
the problems
that we have
tumbles down
that we laugh
every bill
that we pass
What is
that, he asked
That's deep, man
trackie daks
valley land
valley lands
charge of Green
Valley Ranch
van de Slang
hacky sack is
wacky sack
waxy cap
waxy caps
Yankee land
You're a
Yankee, Blanche
yeah, we're bad
with 1 extra syllable
advance fee scam
advance fee scams
attacked me and
exactly planned
Adam she gets
and we did
confidence to do
disintegration beam is
I did do
Kool-Aid which was
new law does
people, I mean
revealed to be
systems have done
they will do
think he did
was gonna say
would do
exactly that
Miami bass
perhaps he had
I rehabbed,
rehabbed, rehabbed
a confused and
am a most
unhappy man
with 2 extra syllables
Joe, Transformers,
Thundercats, He-Man
vigilante cat