exact syllable matches

Alban Elfed
Hyatt's and Stan's
all connect
all correct
all pods,
already lost,
at heart,
better than
But not
cheating on
dad, Batman,
guards, not
I want
I've got
knocked off
No, not
notions on
number than
smarter than
stronger than
they are,
to stop
watch on
We want
Well, not
wiser than
worse than
all of them
We are
all oppressed
the tests are
all perfect
may we not
all possess
writers, activists are
all suspect
all the best
all the less
dogma than
all the prayers
that spanned
all the realms
bigger than
Devil and
faster than
further than
Kauffman and
might recall
murder and
umber and
all the rest
gonna have
all the sex
aller mest
altar bell
altar bells
other languages and
are compared
elements of that
are correct
are perfect, stars
are perfect
bad, but all
are suspect
Our fans
are the best
Arjun Nair
arm of flesh
arm the lead
And an
armored bear
arms of flesh
Arthur Helps
Arthur Kemp
Barnes, Joseph Charles
Arthur, ed
August 10
August 12
balsam pear
balsam pears
barber chair
barber chaired
barber chairs
a dog and
bark oneself
a dog and
bark yourself
a dog and
barked oneself
a dog and
barks oneself
blocker bet
blocker bets
bonded debt
bonded debts
bonnet laird
bonnet lairds
Boston Mess
bottle sedge
bottom edge
bottom edged
bottom pair
bottom pairs
after all, a black-
box subject
Bramah press
call collect
of God, and
calm yourself
carbon debt
carbon debts
carbon tet
card of ten
cards of ten
carle wen
Carsten Held
cartridge belt
cartridge belts
cartridge pen
cartridge pens
causal set
causal sets
cause of death
led to international
chart success
chocolate egg
chocolate eggs
chocolate spread
chocolate spreads
dirty little rat
claws again
coddled egg
coddled eggs
being heavier than
common air
people agree on
common ends
common men
common murre
common sedge
all science and
from tradition and
intuition and so-called
is based on
longer recognizable as
of candor and
of heresies was
of intelligence and
only an enlarged
other people called
praise that as
That's called
That's not
to awaken as
to intuition and
common sense
Common sense
Don't you understand
Common Sense
common thread
balanced by knowledge and
strength that can
conquer them
cos celeste
it at all
costs, unless
Cotton, ed
out and got
crocked again
cross oneself
in the far
darker web
daughter cell
daughter cells
as touch that
dog again
drop astern
of plums not
far ahead
Father Ted
foster care
enraged Tyrol snaps
Foster's neck
garden cress
garden net
garden nets
garter belt
garter belts
glaucous sedge
goblet cell
goblet cells
God and
God heard them
Goddess bless
the things are
gone again
gone against
gone ahead
minute and
gone the next
my consciousness was
the world was
gonna end
shove, it's not
slowly is not
Solomons is not
world, that's not
You're not
gonna help
many we was
gonna sell
I'm not
gonna tell
got a pair
got ahead
gotten dressed
guard against
because God has
guarded them
haltest fest
Hans Lundgren
The pogroms
hardened them
case they are
harmless vents
harness bend
harness bends
Heartless wench
devoid of all
honest depth
only intelligent and
honest men
And an
friend and an
honored guest
be young and
hot again
Somehow it was
hotter then
Java men
jaws of death
learned that
job up there
John Battelle
Kraken Mare
lava bear
lava bears
lava ware
your son and
lawful heir
make those arms
long again
I never saw
Long again
lost her head
lost oneself
lots and
lots of sex
lots and
There are
lots of them
mala leche
mama bear
mama bears
mamma bear
mamma bears
marble egg
marble eggs
marker bed
marker beds
marker pen
marker pens
market bell
market bells
market share
for prices and
market shares
market square
market squares
Jonathan and
Martha Kent
Martin Beck
Martin's Press,
Model Prayer
Modern French
in the broad
modern sense
nonstress test
nonstress tests
idiots are
we are
not a threat
I really was
the individuals are
not aware
not consent
of morality are
not correct
work was
not done well
We are
not done yet
it was
not from there
not much else
laws and
not of men
'Cause they are
Recovering idiots are
the light are
The parallels are
not perfect
the noun was
not possessed
not reflect
they are
not the best
religion and
not the end
gardener and
not the fence
one, and
not the rest
my ice attack,
not unless
credit to God,
You are
not yourself
not, unless
and fall
off a shelf
Cargo falls
it on and
off again
that ad
off the air
just fall
off the edge
off the press
off the shelf
gift that was
offered them
office chair
office chairs
photograph propped
on a chair
it was
on a dare
on a pair
on a tear
and off and
do a hard
it off and
the speeches are
turn her back
on again
her back
on her chair
on her head
cockroach-shaped splotch
those marks
on her neck
That was
thoughts are
on the air
a car
Gaius falls
I got
on the bed
on the bench
Bar and
on the Bench
erupts hot
on the breath
to walk
on the dead
A cop
a man
we are
on the edge
red blob
on the end
on the fence
a knock
a pat
can't squat
got wanged
hands and
I belong
the band
on the head
one barb,
on the left
garter marks
on the legs
on the mend
all along
on the NES
renegade, lost
on the net
this attack
on the press
very calm
on the set
a ball
as co-stars
on the sets
a box
put God
on the shelf
on the square
on the turps
are too hard
be so hard
be too hard
being so hard
make thinks hard
You're too hard
on yourself
opera del
opera delle
otter shell
otter shells
I perfected at
Palmer Tech
parcel shelf
Parker square
Parker squares
pocket bread
pocket breads
pocket pair
pocket pairs
pocket pet
pocket pets
pocket square
pocket squares
problem bear
problem bears
wagon, there's not
problem there
profit share
quantum well
quantum wells
quatre cents
Raj Patel
Robert Blair
David Mitchell and
Robert Webb
rocket belt
rocket belts
rocket sled
rocket sleds
rotten egg
rotten eggs
salted egg
salted eggs
Saunders ed
sausage fest
sausage fests
any of that
sausage left
has a large,
scarlet crest
scarlet red
scarlet reds
by his strong
Scotch accent
when he saw
Scott again
of plunder and
slaughter meant
Slaughtered them
years of hard
slog ahead
were a lot
smaller then
smart alecs
socket wrench
soft hand, and
softer breast
softer sex
song again
Sovereign debt
sovereign debts
start a hare
start afresh
sexual past and
start again
We all
start somewhere
an arc that
started there
starts afresh
to help, romp
where my job
starts again
Now he got
stopped again
we laugh and
talk again
target cell
target cells
target men
target text
target texts
Thomas Hesse
Thomas Ken
have not
thought of them
lackadaisical situation was
thought perfect
wouldn't have
thought were there
be back on
Man on
top again
crumbles on
top of them
what's on
top of there
top oneself
Wada test
Wada tests
scarecrows will not
walk again
wall of death
wall of text
grass on
wall of well
walls of death
walls of text
wampum belt
wampum belts
they all
want us dead
was a guess
was a mess
was a test
was a threat
Gabrielle thought
was her friend
she actually saw
was herself
mission, but Henshaw
was obsessed
Even that dance
goodness of God
was perfect
was purrfect
and that
Ty Cobb
was the best
was the end
was the spell
all you saw
was yourself
wasn't fair
else all along,
knew that God
wasn't there
water bear
water bears
jumping on that
water bed
water beds
water cell
water cells
water hen
water hens
water jet
water jets
water lens
the plant, and
water well
then everything's all
Wrong, and
wrong again
then everything's all
wrong, again

with 1 extra syllable

announcing that one
cannot attend
Put on
Dodgeball again
grandfather chair
grandfather chairs
Mahatma Gandhi, and
Sardar Patel
sailors always wore
thalassa shells
Zapata wren
Zapata wrens