exact syllable matches

Everything's comin' up
aces, aces
apes in danger
baking paper
Just pure, simple,
basic cable
faith in people's
basic nature
things that are
basic staples
discharged before completing
entire course of
find themselves in
high school was
Internal monologue on
mentioned it in
was injured during
You're gonna finish
you've had excellent
basic training
on the street,
breaking cases
breaking changes
breaking spaces
and johnny
cake in bakers
caking agent
caking agents
wobbles that
came in later
only a
change in flavor
can always
change it later
money that
changed him, Rachel
then, but
changed it later
me, no one's
changing Damon
I built that
Like that
changing table
changing tables
punk, he's only
chasing paper
I just keep
chasing pavements
claiming races
From the
dative case of
dative cases
it's a
David Cage twist
Do the
David Cage Twist
David Davis
Dan Harris, and
Screenplay by
David Hayter
David Laidler
been your host,
David Staebler
Nick Thiel and
David Taylor
day cicadas
year, every
day in April
Drake equation
originally consisted of
eight equations
Eight photographs,
eight lives taken
Every girl's
face is naked
face with great things
but great
faith still greater
Faked it, maked it
fates will take him
gaelic gaelic
give the
game it's flavor
that covers a
gaming table
glazing agent
glazing agents
grade inflation
would be the
great betrayal
me a
great big favor
is playing the
great dictator
Great Dictator
side of the
great Dictators
to feel any
great elation
hate him, hate him
Kane displayed some
that has
who had
made it famous
History has
made it sacred
Dante never
made this statement
family, you'd
war to
make him famous
make it rain blood
it and
make it shameful
make it stay still
make this day one
make this place run
and that
makes him greater
It only
makes things painful
balanced course, without
making changes
which I'm still
making payments
controller is the
matrix patient
that we
may escape it
that nothing
may escape us
name is Peyton
name is Rachel
name is Raymond
From the genus
name Zenaida
all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-
Named did great things
foreign management and
native labor
Native name, from
journey from their
native places
take more
pain in breaking
businesses on a
payin' basis
run on a
paying basis
of our
place in nature
on Bernard Shaw's
play, Pygmalion
hail Satan and
praising Satan
race, which they were
in this country is
your father's murder was
we let
racing change us
racing stable
in with this
racist framework
in the
rain with strangers
raising agent
raising agents
claim credit for
raising wages
rate equation
Reyes Station
armor, the
saint is naked
to much the
same behavior
same equation
precisely the
same mistake of
save his bacon
saved his bacon
saving graces
say chicks, say birds
say it, say it
look and
say it's sacred
a house
slave in Salem
snake his way in
conditions of the time-
space equation
space invader
space invaders
Space is great, um
football that
Spain is playing
in Vegas
stays in Vegas
Sakata about Leo's
strange behavior
account for this
strange behaviour
cameras in the
up in the
strangest places
is already dangerously
tainted bacon
you could almost
take dictation
take it, take it
Take it, take it
take this, take this
taste it, taste it
great with the fishy-
tasting bacon
they been failures
They built cases
they give great gifts
nation that refused,
No wonder
they invaded
effectually to what
they related
they will change it
three months
they'd been dating
That's what
they've been saying
tracing paper
tracing papers
as a globally
become a major
trading nation
Trading Places
It was
waiting waiting
at the river,
like you're waiting,
waiting, waiting
Wave equation
is in no
way degrading
The middle
way is safest
the easiest
way is taken
way will they turn
whaling station
whaling stations

with 1 extra syllable

ablative cases
abrasive paper
abrasive papers
alleys had
always been safer
that has
always been waiting
felicity which
always escapes him
we can
always exchange it
society is
always in danger
thing which
always remains clear
has taken
away his bracelet
Picasso throwing
away his paintbrush
chelating agent
chelating agents
had a
cognate in Dacian
Cognate with macer
Cognate with native
Cognate with patience
Cognate with sabre
achieve immortality through
creative greatness
the Ocean of
Creative Labor
from outside the
debating chamber
delative cases
nightmare of ignorant,
depraved behavior
Dromaius ater
Began first to
encastellate it
A person
engaged in reigning
gyrating angel
gyrating angels
Innate behavior
insane behavior
invades Grenada
Lagrange equation
Lagrange equations
mutating table
way to
obtain this training
the facility of
obtaining data
okay if they touch
to be
okay with waiting
Okay, this takes work
Identical with
outdated native
insult and
outrage his neighbors
are principles largely
pervading nature
a connection with
Conspiracy is natural
primate behavior
prolative cases
anovulation and hormonal
related changes
best sauce or
related phrases
created with my
remaining data
shotcrete for the
remaining facing
know what
today is Matrix
translative cases

with 2 extra syllables

an antacid and
anticaking agent
anticaking agents
back to his
celebrating players
comitative cases
and the census-
designated place of
home or certain
designated places
as to
educate his neighbors
to nature, to
elevated nature
advantage of our
everyday behaviours
Fabricate it, paint it
fascinating places
philosophy starts by
legislating greatness
difficulties and
liquidate its hatreds
have him pre-
medicate this patient
that will
mitigate this danger
can also mean
it's an
on to the
they're on the
operating table
operating tables
time gave to
procreative nature
a very sophisticated
resonating chamber
resonating chambers
never found
separate in nature
similative cases
with cultivating and
stimulating hatred
of a highly
stimulating nature

with 3 extra syllables

guilty of criminal
administrative failure
know, destroying cities,
annihilating places
able to
appreciate his greatness
system which Hippocrates
appropriated later
Assimilated nasal
associative cases
reliably storing and
communicating data
an enabling or
facilitating agent
of a more,
investigative nature
at the Brussels
issues at the
sit around the
negotiating table
negotiating tables
reintegrative shaming
technologically advanced and
sophisticated nation
brilliant and more
sophisticated natures