exact syllable matches
of Hell, late
12 century
Bed smells funny
people and its
best energy
often bear the
best memories
blessed memory
Care Bears were here
careless of me
cell therapy
one hundred per
cent guaranteed
then you
DARE question me
chest of a long-
dead enemy
Dead Kennedys
and the
dead never sleep
for enforcing the
death penalties
and deserves the
and enforcing the
away with the
being against the
believe in the
countries reject the
don't meet the
drug kingpins, the
elimination of the
equivalent of the
got me the
like the
live without the
not suffer the
offense incurred the
opinions on the
she deserves the
to abolish the
to deserve the
to seek the
up with the
was against the
will carry the
will outlaw the
death penalty
Death penalty
favor of the
DEATH penalty
life, and
dwell there supreme
en dehors de
Traces alone
engender dreams
surging sea, Slowly
enveloped me
being, is my
essential deed
to have stored
essentials here
term an
excess of zeal
F Kennedy
faire semblant de
will be a well-
fed enemy
Iraqis have
fled their country
Fred Emery
Fred Weatherly
gel, gelatine
though, you'd
get endless streams
you to
get there early
feeling as the
gonna be the
Rodriguez the special
guest referee
tight, his
hair smells yummy
Hare-Breadth Hurry
kept them from me
man to
lead their country
left their country
left their purse here
leg, they're machines
to be no
less stareworthy
let them hurt me
let's get some sleep
Let's never leave
characters written in
men's memories
necked parakeet
necked parakeets
colossus of the
composition for the
date into the
forward into the
quarter of the
you into the
next century
Next question, please
of the
next seven weeks
jobs well have
rare expertise
wants to be
read carefully
redneck culchie
rest energies
rest energy
was and he
said 17
saying will be
said endlessly
Said Fred must feel
said wearily
he got glamour and
September 3
sex therapy
and life from this
history and a
shared destiny
Phonetic respelling of
They give me
strength, clarity
sweat equities
sweat equity
about my friend,
me the female
worked with was
Ted Kennedy
relation to
Ted Nelson here
tent embassies
tent embassy
half of the
tenth century
are limited to
their century
be masters of
their passions and
They cannot complete
their destinies
being masters of
deserved mastery of
feet, So sad
I will share
keep them from
lead them toward
the guardians of
them to realize
they can't escape
What is
your people to
their destiny
And God help
and protection from
been defined by
being captured by
but not from
circle and charging
Crusaders did to
defend them from
fond of surprising
from all of
fur to frighten
is to anathematize
made only for
more feared by
nice things to
of them for
polite warning to
power to bury
protecting them against
reliably dispatching of
shred, and slice
so long considered
the character of
their lives for
thereby escaped from
they view as
time, polemically, by
ways to kill
We're not
their enemies
and republicanism was
between them and
how to fight
it while encountering
keep pace with
safe havens to
their friend became
they can't disarm
this person is
want dead is
their enemy
a stimulant to
to keep up
their energy
constant practice increase
their expertise
for them as
their guarantee
their help the least
forbidden things, and
punished for
their heresy
Is this
least someone remembers
who would abuse
their legacy
be there in
Bees and restore
faded out of
his image to
personalities, I experience
to them, or
You have erased
their memories
a stain on
an embarrassment to
are strengthened by
react, he jogs
you to honor
their memory
the winds
their revels keep
rid them of
their self-conceit
of what
their sentence means
him to
their special chiefs
must know of
their treachery
answers and phrase
them carefully
He grumbled about
them dreadfully
one could catalogue
points, and repeat
them endlessly
I've never considered
them enemies
could help
them get money
and insofar, degrade
them heavily
then set us free
Then There Were Three
Then there's the deal
nor can
nor will
there ever be
better than
they'll ever be
the Google-fu
they'll ever need
They'll never leave
They're scared of me
Tread carefully
early as the
Latin in the
twelfth century
Twelfth century
had done in
twelve centuries
a man furnished
well mentally
Well, where were we
Wes Bellamy
West Leicestershire
Free the
West Memphis Three
Rose, the
West-End of St
down like
wet melon seeds
when men were free
most beautiful
when they're asleep
help people
when they're grumpy
a pop album
where every
where men were free
where, where's the Seam
x squared must be
with 1 extra syllable
other ways to
access energy
resistive random
access memories
dynamic random
non-volatile random
resistive random
static random
access memory
thought that cannot
affect destiny
again, bend the knee
one continuous struggle
against destiny
take the fall
against Kennedy
bad things
with aggressions
against their country
the Earth, please
attend carefully
Compare jet, jutty
Compare kedgeree
Compare plenary
Compare prelacy
the fields of
complex therapy
him by their
imposed by its
propagated by my self-
who are our
declared enemies
combat to
defend their country
patterns and patterns
use them to
direct energy
yet open,
direct yet oblique
the old-fashioned virtues,
except jealousy
expect them from me
he managed to
express ecstasy
all of the
intense devotees
have a
perfect setup here
You're the
perfect vessel Dean
jokes and
pretend they're funny
And it also
prevents pregnancy
process led us here
out to
protect their country
protect them from me
innocent were
themselves never free
yourselves squared up here
with 2 extra syllables
Adrienne Kennedy
become of our
It is
It's like
There was a
manifest destiny
Sources Expansion and
Manifest Destiny
there are no
permanent enemies
to know his
postmortem destiny
Must be a
repossessed memory
right to
represent their country
eighteenth, nineteenth, and
late nineteenth and
nineteenth and early
the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries
acceptance in the
accomplishment of the
achievements of the
and into the
art before the
artist of the
artists of the
attested in the
Attested since the
attuned to the
back in the
been in the
beginning of the
Britain in the mid-
child of the
climax in the
come into the
computer in the
correctness in the
crisis of the
culminate in the
decades of the
developed in the
end of the
equal to the
event of the
fiction of the
figures of the
fortune of the
from in the
half of the
in Britain in mid-
in the early
in the late
in the mid-
Ireland in the mid-
lessons of the
madness of the
mandolin in the
mid or late
middle of the
most of the
name status since mid-
Nations of the
needs of the
nineteenth and early
norm in the
of the early
of the late
of the terrible
or by mechanistic
orthography in the
out-of-place in the
period to the
perspectives of the
phenomenon of the
philosophers of the
physicists in the
place in the
prayer before the
president of the
progress in the
psychopathology in the
repeal the entire
revived in the
right into the
savagery in the
saying in the
seal of the
since the early
since the late
tallywacker since the
task of the
theologians of the
thought in the
times to the
to the demented
tone for the
turn of the
until the early
US in the mid-
use in early
used since the
war during the
well into the
wilderness of the
will make the
would be a
written in the
you remember the
twentieth century
Twentieth century
cons of the
Myth of the
to our own
Twentieth Century
anonymously from the late