exact syllable matches

Give me
a break
a child for
a cake
lasts for only
quart of whiskey
the wealth of
thousand years is
we'd perish in
a day
injuries sustained during
a game
if it were
a nail
a crime without
What's in
a name
had read but
a page
its honor for
a phrase
and we are
good health of
man to run
a race
him, isn't he
a sage
So was he
a saint
or approaching such
a scale
Round is
a shape
and voluntarily become
be free than
bound to become
deserves to be
than to be
to make me
a slave
the development of
the founder of
a state
all men, in
freedom will find
is sad, in
through Communism, in
a way
tired of fucking
Earth Day
watch on your
first day
fuck in the
happening in the
it in the
surplus in the
us in the
first place
breasts to the machine-
gun hail
have seen too
much hate
and no need
of change
and equally out
of date
heavier his load
truths as matters
of faith
accepted religious creeds
of faiths
an inevitable decree
for the study
of fate
by impenetrable walls
me with cries
the ever-rising tides
this self-defeating path
of hate
than one out
of jail
believe in equality
is an affair
on the question
of race
are all makers
of slaves
because of lack
caused the warping
in the depth
of space
a high officer
two black secretaries
of state
of fact and
of taste
of the Board
of Trade
all be condemned
one day
the possession of
one race
Alas, what can
one say
have more than
one trait
a shape to
one's fate
sir, hail
with you again
some day
surpasses ourselves in
some way
as Aurora the
sun's rays
and you are
the bait
as well as
the brain
about, if that's
such is not
that is not
that that's not
This is not
this was not
way of opening
the case
What caused
the change
and Cantor saw
corporate bodies of
had done during
hard to plan
run into during
sure to carry
the end of
the stand for
the statesmanship of
to speed up
way of seeing
the day
background color matches
the background matches
the drapes
heart but spare
world frankly in
the face
did not extinguish
the flames
puts them above
these salamanders of
the fray
else, interest enters
how to play
the rules of
verified, retires from
the game
It cuts against
the grain
the cradle to
the grave
the table of
the great
Look at
the jail
religions worthy of
that will fit
the name
glued corrections onto
the page
it unquestionably stops
the pain
this version of
the phrase
helluva time running
the place
the carrier of
the plague
she is enjoying
the play
the knowledge of
very beginning of
the race
Do you hear
the rain
at seven times
the rate
and January, just
countries is just
fifty-five can do
fundamentally they are
love it just
may not be
my men just
necessarily two times
or departure of
or fortune are
the people are
to all of
universe always remains
we are all
would always be
would have done
the same
not yet reached
were already across
the Seine
of pity for
the slave
something greater than
the snake
you get off
the stage
burned Luther at
slow fire at
struggle with liberty
the stake
others struggled for
the stakes
brood mare for
communal aims of
greater crime against
himself appointed by
of executions by
respect science resembles
the city, in
who suffer, not
the state
abject worship of
Away with
contending Parties in
expression, that is,
I, not
the citizen to
the defence of
the power of
the task of
they must overthrow
the State
within and between
the States
catch time by
the tail
is fitted for
the trade
between me and
to read in
the train
heart swells with
the waves
has changed, by
in yesterday, by
that love is
the way
The Door was
The Way
good days and
tough days
power to keep
us safe
increased if less
were claimed
child, till all
were slaves
America on the
world stage
anecdotes about the
world's greats
even be a
worse case
us through the
worst days

with 1 extra syllable

are really something,
aren't they
What an
awful day
are marching towards
better days
is in a
better state
maidens laugh and
children play
tenets of the
Christian faith
What did
Clinton say
Danforth Quayle
one of his
deepest veins
queer in the
deepest way
and it simply
doesn't say
to be right
either way
can alone keep
England great
historic telephone call
ever made
the broader and
fuller age
word, all worthy
gentle blades
living with a
giant snake
of the world's
greatest faiths
That opposition
hasn't changed
human moral and
human aims
deadly to the
freeing the whole
marvel of the
minority of the
overthrow of the
possibilities for the
section of the
that of the
will be the
human race
in a decent
human way
if his theology
isn't straight
perhaps on a
larger scale
task at a
later date
has a long
Latin name
dangerous and the
latter safe
where the free
market fails
belonged to the
master race
a kind of
mental Braille
have kick-started the
modern age
way-is not the
moral way
Elliott was my
mother's name
but you can't
you do not
murder hate
Arab background or
Muslim faith
one that would
never fail
practical than any
other age
began like any
other day
against men of
other faiths
O, be some
other name
anybody coming the
can be no
is exactly the
voice is the
we look the
well in any
other way
others too in
other ways
are to make
others great
intellectual movements of
terrible midnight of
our age
Nazidom will have
our aid
ask, what is
our aim
do it in
near-lost hopes of
particular thoughts of
our day
and greatest of
our race
more than twice
our rate
hours' traffic of
our stage
do not know
our ways
Visitors from
outer space
Now I am
to a more
peaceful state
found a German
Peoples State
is the deduction
reason makes
been precipitated by
reckless haste
Einstein succeeded where
Riemann failed
and a pair of
worships under many
sacred names
story, drama, and
sacred play
easier and a
safer prey
It is a
single page
presented upon a
single stage
groups with a
single state
this period of
social change
Religion, form the
solemn scale
subjugated and enslaved
Southern States
solved only the
true in every
special case
Stephen Crane
could never have
taken place
Empty space is never-
wasted space
O woeful, woeful,
woeful day

with 2 extra syllables

attach it to
another train
we must follow
another way
the manner of
Aryan States
not a terrible,
criminal waste
passing through a
critical phase
same images in
different planes
truthful in a
different way
delightful, though in
in a thousand
different ways
almost impossible in
assailed in its
earlier days
underlined by an
enormous tail
up in a
horrible way
them on an
important scale
should be an
infinite place
an island in
infinite space
government down since
Jefferson's day
utterance of Thomas
Jefferson's name
look at that
Marilyn Quayle
independent and free
national States
the true enlivened
natural way
seems to require
personal change
is the only
possible way
the pursuit of
posthumous fame
pursuance of the
religious aims
ethnic background or
religious faith
and in the
several States
works in a
similar way
meek address, the
suppliant strain
accomplices of the
and for the
apartheid on the
Bank of the
budget of the
country except the
Court of the
deadliest in the
disaster for the
enemy of the
flag of the
government of the
happen in the
immense industry of
interference from the
laws in the
officer of the
people of the
President of the
progressives in the
purely to the
saying in the
scale within the
security of the
solved in the
threat to the
to blackmail the
visitors to the
was just plain
wave in the
United States
and doctrines of
various states
into English in
the world, in
various ways

with 3 extra syllables

al-Qaeda and keeping
America safe
them to the
appropriate page
about having a
comfortable place
imagine avid for
continual praise
certainly, deny his
detestable fame
Mastery of the
Emotional Plague
lamentable day
even its own
miserable aims
Also the
occasional snake
service of radical
political aims
will the necessary
prosecutions wait
the mental and
spiritual plane
a mental and
spiritual slave
things of a
superior age
I stop in
Victoria's reign

with 4 extra syllables

tools, a great
ecological change
read at an
impressionable age
product of an
individual brain
clear for the
individual case
failed player of
mathematical games
he becomes a
pathological case
and in a
psychological age
of its own
territorial State