exact syllable matches

biting point
biting points
shut down
by Big Oil
Bye, Detroit
drying oils
presence of a
dying boy
became his
eyes, his voice
firing point
firing points
I cannot have,
Why must
I destroy
I destroyed
In sorrow,
I rejoice
just be you
the women that
I've destroyed
festival of
lights, with joy
I feel
like Eloise
are represented look
like killjoys
starting to
like this boy
like this, boy
in me,
my dear boy
Nyquist noise
the same as
striking oil
he shouldn't over-
wind his toys
gaping mouths and
writhing coils

with 1 extra syllable

an infinite and
abiding joy
theoretical reason
behind this choice
force and the
deciding voice
Their most
decisive point
behaviour at the
decisive points
will have the
decisive voice
dagger, and
defies its point
churchmen take
delight in broils
for a dramatic,
exciting voice
goodnight, dear void
pairwise disjoint

with 2 extra syllables

teaches clearly that
compromise destroys
It was a
Compromising voice
repeat and
emphasize his point
That is the
overriding point
society with no
unrequited toil
vaporising oil