exact syllable matches
1 Peter
I am not
a dealer
put handcuffs on
a demon
you are not
a diva
often not
a free one
The first was
The man was
a genius
A mob's got
You are not
a leader
correction, Shackleford wants
a pizza
old man was
a preacher
a real girl
thing that wants
a reason
mean, that's not
That was
a secret
a tema
strength and not
a weakness
bird feeder
bird feeders
blood eagle
blood eagles
bloodied up
bloodies up
bloody flux
bloody shirt
bloody up
buck fever
buddy up
bungee jump
bungee jumps
bungy jump
bungy jumps
bunny girl
bunny girls
bunny hug
bunny hugs
bunny hunt
bunny hunts
as not smart,
but genius
But he'll learn
But these were
But we've learned
'Cause we're the
Church People
come prima
causes are not
compleat ones
concrete term
concrete terms
concrete verb
concrete verbs
country club
country clubs
They are all
country girls
curry puff
curry puffs
curry stuff
curry stuffs
dirty bulk
dirty girl
dirty girls
dirty word
Dirty words
dirty work
drug dealers
dumb genius
dummied up
dummies up
dummy run
dummy runs
dummy up
dundy funk
dung beetle
dung beetles
dusky thrush
Dutch people
early bird
early birds
First People
First Peoples
first reader
first readers
fluffy duck
fluffy ducks
From cesar
From glebe, from
From Kiel, from
From reif, from
From Schieber
Funny Girl
funny stuff
little pranks are
funny, huh
fur beetle
fur beetles
furry muff
fussy cut
Fuzzy Duck
Girl Genius
Girl Meets World
girlie girl
girlie girls
gummy worm
gummy worms
gussie up
gussied up
gussies up
gussy up
gotta love all
Her creatures
America and all
unprovoked attack upon
her people
herb Peter
Hershey squirts
honey bun
honey buns
honey fund
hunky punk
hunky punks
hurried up
hurries up
Come on
Come on,
hurry up
hussy up
Jersey Dutch
Jersey girl
Jersey girls
Just breathe, girl
learned treatise
Love breeds love
lucky duck
lucky ducks
lung fever
Machine gun
Machine guns
mercy fuck
mercy fucks
Monday Club
monkey butt
monkey cup
monkey cups
Monkey Dust
monkey glove
monkey gloves
monkey nut
monkey nuts
monkey pump
monkey pumps
monkey run
monkey runs
monkey slug
monkey slugs
mucky muck
mucky mucks
mucky pup
mucky pups
muddy up
mummy nut
mummy nuts
you and all
of Egypt
You are not
of Ether
advance the cause
at the cost
rove and talk
of freedom
have a spark
of genius
That's a lot
of Jesus
A lot
have a lot
hurt a lot
Involves a lot
lost a lot
lots and lots
of a lot
take crap off
that's a lot
Yeah, lots
of people
The Law
of Peoples
a lot
of reasons
on the charge
of treason
prescribed as part
of treatment
of Venus
are the faults
of weakness
mother hasn't got
one either
we are all
one people
That was
one reason
per alia
phonies up
police burghs
That's not
police work
Pre-, from
puff pieces
puppy love
And not
quirks either
rough sleeper
rough sleepers
ruddy duck
ruddy ducks
ruffed lemur
ruffed lemurs
rugby shirt
rugby shirts
search leakage
some peanuts
people that rob
people that robbed
will jar on
You gotta call
some people
some pizza
stump speeches
Sturm sequence
sun beetle
sun beetles
sun fever
sun fevers
Surrey girl
Surrey girls
The Beatles
still waters are
the deepest
The Dreamers
The Eagles
too have caught
the fever
The Gita
hot on
the heels of
a man called
the keeper
the dogs are
weaken, and not
the leaders
far as all
my back on
of dolls watched
The work, not
the people
It was called
the People
and smash all
the pieces
might have on
the reader
The Reader
the real ones
and that was
But that's not
That's not
the reason
reasons are not
the reasons
But that's not
the secret
They can't stop
the Seeper
the wall are
the sweetest
the teaser
done that, bought
the T-shirt
The Week Of
the wheel turns
The wheels turn
thirsty work
thirty one
tongues speaker
tongues speakers
touch pieces
tummy tuck
tummy tucks
Uh, squeaks, thumps
um dia
undie run
undie runs
scratch on
us real ones
what three words
What we've done
What's he worth
What's she done
world beater
world leader
world leaders
worm fever
worm fevers
fatalities are not
young people
Young people
with 1 extra syllable
alla spina
ana bina
progress of an
artful leader
Such are the
when we're all
autumn people
Barbary dove
Barbary doves
in Dickens' novel
Barnaby Rudge
bonnet pieces
Boston Legal
that doesn't
bother me, but
Does that
bother people
bottle feeder
bottle feeders
bottom feeder
bottom feeders
brothel creeper
brothel creepers
carbon leakage
carpet beater
carpet beaters
carpet beetle
carpet beetles
carpet sweeper
carpet sweepers
Carter needs us
from a subpar
comedy, but
common eland
common elands
common meter
authority figures and
lot of the
outlook than the
that of the
common people
What Use Are
Common People
common rhea
common rheas
concert T-shirt
concert T-shirts
until I have
conquered Egypt
You are a
conquered people
out there and
convert people
adrift on the
darkest beaches
Doctor Evil
it as a
fallen priestess
Garten Eden
Oh, that's
gonna be tough
Summers has
gotta be nuts
They're all dark,
haunted people
that cold and
heartless priestess
pretty straight and
honest geezer
all thinking and
honest people
It is not
honest research
duty well and
honestly done
status, to non
knowledge people
Kotter, teacher
Map of the
Ladakh region
larder beetle
larder beetles
part of a
larger evil
Lassa fever
That's a
lotta people
Malta fever
mama mia
Mamma Mia
market leader
market leaders
market research
martels de fer
Martin Cecil
Martin Eden
Martin Wieland
Franks, not the
modern region
Monna Lisa
Montgomery Burns
perhaps from an
obsolete term
From the
obsolete verb
Odyssey, from
mess of an
office, either
injustice they are
often treated
onder meer
star or an
opera diva
mental retardation and
partial seizures
out Sher Shah
partially burnt
Partially from
pocket beaches
pocket T-shirt
pocket T-shirts
for a product,
possibly a
could I have
possibly done
an Indo-European language,
From and
Southern dialectal hassle,
possibly from
indri in Madagascar
Possibly from
Possibly, from
Figurative senses are
The take-senses are
probably a
As an amulet,
from a language,
Originally a trademark,
probably from
An arugula plant
Tyto alba
Probably from
Cognate with, and
probably from,
assume you are
probably loved
games, they all
probably suck
You have a
problem, Liam
to have a
problem-free world
But you've got
problems Lisa
proper teacher
guitar was not
properly hung
a remarkable
property of
Robert Wever
rocket needs work
diphtheria, typhoid and
It was
scarlet fever
scarlet fevers
We have the
smartest people
consumers are the
sovereign people
spotted fever
spotted fevers
Squadron Leader
Squadron Leaders
Staunton pieces
better doctors and
stronger people
his purest and
strongest pieces
Thomas Beecham
Thomas Friedman
Mel Brooks and
Thomas Meehan
Thomas Peters
Wallace Stevens
no longer
wanna see her
water beetle
water beetles
water feature
water features
punctured the hot
You forgot the
water heater
water heaters
water leader
water leaders
water meter
water meters
yell at the
water, Jesus
with 2 extra syllables
Zone of the
Amhara Region
apocope of
for you, that
apology sucked
Ashtavakra Gita
bahasa Cina
blackwater fever
blackwater fevers
Performance of a
bronchoscopy From
cannot do anything except
forgotten promises and
forgotten people
of primitive and long-
forgotten peoples
be losing to
grasshoppers, people
haplology from
mahogany lung
malanga lila
me, it was
unconsciously done
velocity curve
velocity curves
Whaddaya see, hmm
with 3 extra syllables
made up by
Aristophanes from