exact syllable matches

may have
been his father
we have
been in darkness
bidding boxes
actually start
bidding on her
to the
bins with Darren
own temples over-
brim with darkness
fighting against the
British archers
rights, drafted by
British lawyers
British lost none
residence of the
British sovereign
with the workers
building rockets
generally found walls,
buildings, harbors
civic garland
civic garlands
national and regional
civic markets
cricket jargon
the Scout's new back-
critting shotgun
cryptic crossword
cryptic crosswords
you're my
dear, dear partner
did it costs, huh
days on just
distilled water
it in heated
distilled water,
distilled waters
drink this water
all have a
and a serious
disorder and a
freak with a
has a
I have a
Marquez had a
pirate with a
drinking problem
sounds like A
outside my house
drinking vodka
It's like
drinking vomit
entrepreneurs selling the
say, polluting local
that infects the
the Lion from
drinking water
after all, labeled
drinking waters
to catch the
dripping water
ellipse problem
See etymology at
English August
Johnson was among
English authors
French Terroir,
English Cobblers
Possibly from dialectal
English doddle
I like
English gardens
herrings in the
English market
called the first
English Marxist
of French omelette,
English omelet
English partridge
English poniard
it is an
English proverb
English proverbs
wave of long-haired
English rockers
cognate of the
English Roger
to German and
English Walter
More etymology under
English water
there no longer
exists dharma
A hell
exists on Earth
the lungs
fill with water
a jar
earthly rivers,
hearth was
filled with water
filling model
filling models
nine musical
films with Rogers
important than the
saw was the
finished product
finished products
member of the
Finnish fauna
Finnish haka
Finnish proverbs
wie ein
Fisch im Wasser
and a major
fishing harbour
was my first
fitting model
I can't
fix his problem
Here's been awful
of the
hill, his promise
that elected
him in trauma
him it's Palmer
him with honor
you shit on
his department
heart sank at
his departure
not one of
his discharges
his quills pop up
You gotta
hit it harder
to worry about
hitting bottom
Shakti is held
in dishonour
in fear dollars
the Mahatma
in his ashram
were found
in his carcass
eight balls
keeping slave-girl
in his closet
the men
in his column
be detected
in his conduct
finds God
in his conscience
inherently difficult
in his doctrines
Admission Center
combat operations
huge reception
was named
in his honor
was held
in his honour
Coined by
in his novel
in his novels
a place
acid found
at once,
hanging up
he's not
it up
not back
The doctor's
in his office
Northern Virginia
in his parlor
a kitten
ear around
Evanston was
got God
his eyes
ID were
love letter
put her
something tight
in his pocket
turn up
in his product
end up
in his wallet
the rest off
in installments
or justification
in its charter
well read
in its doctrines
named Kalash,
in its honour
Statue of Lumumba
in Kinshasa
I play guitar
with you back
in Stillwater
for what's
in this bottle
goes on
in this cottage
early works
in this genre
are present
in this knowledge
put up
in this lock-up
every wall
to serve
in this office
of air
in this pocket
the population
in this province
knows what's
in this water
in a bathtub
never have fun
in Tijuana
care about teachers
in Wisconsin
Such happiness
is beyond words
is clear water
regulated or banned,
says the media
is dishonest
is fixed on us
recharging unit
IS his armour
Erika Slezak
is his daughter
now, that
then that
is his problem
The law
is impartial
Is it chocolate
is it, Doctor
salaries, that
is its problem
Its capital
is Kinshasa
The Buddhist concept
is Nibbana
the latter
is still common
a whale
is still larger
the fuck
is Will Rogers
Welcome to the
IT department
It did not budge
it did not work
not eaten,
it is conquered
it is harder
is where
it is largest
It is monstrous
it is not Chuck
first time
opportunity when
it is offered
it is part of
half of
it is rotten
the saddle
it is smaller
It is sovereign
spent on
it is squandered
and then
it is trodden
greenest where
it is watered
It will conquer
it will not work
It will not work
did preface
it with rotten
fought against
it with softness
It, it's gone, Church
It's been awesome
It's been awful
It's ditch water
It's his daughter
It's his office
it's his problem
kidding, Donald
something from the
kid's department
back and
killed his daughter
Adder has
killed his father
one that
killed Jim Johnson
aren't pro-life, they're
killing doctors
soon as the
killing started
kilted sausage
king is Arthur
sons of the
living Father
living fossil
living fossils
Fascism is a
living Gospel
because people are
living longer
given from the
living model
of my
living on earth
humans now
living on Earth
to drink of
living water
lyric opera
there at the
Lyric Opera
lyric operas
milking parlor
milking parlour
milking parlours
warmth I've
missed in Austin
missing barges
little something about
missing fathers
missing market
, are
mixed with water
why is that,
Mrs Bollard
Eastern religions and
mystic doctrines
Niskin bottle
Phillip Johnson
you heard about
Phillip Parker
answer to Hal
Phillip Walker
physic garden
physic gardens
hard work included
spend my life
was easier than
picking cotton
printing office
Printing Office
Rhythmic proverb
people are
rich in dollars
of the
Rings is awesome
with water
rinse with water
of a time-
shifting hot tub
shilling shocker
shilling shockers
share of a
shrinking market
have a minor
sinking problem
Every man
sins with knowledge
call for a
or their individual
wallow in a
sitting posture
immerse the
skin in water
steering column
steering columns
he was
still in office
stilted arches
referred to as
stinging water
swim with dolphins
swimming goggles
got one
had a
had one
have one
one important
the same
thing in common
saying such
things in Boston
have several
have some
things in common
think it was drugs
think it's awful
think it's hard work
and I
think it's longer
a cancer on
creative director of
It's what ruined
racism out of
the glue of
with cleaning up
this department
not abide by
this dishonor
stripes off of
this imposter
I have
this in common
this is all done
This is all just
Oh man,
this is awesome
This is awesome
this is awful
That's why
this is awkward
This is carcass
This is Constance
this is God's world
This is monstrous
This is not blood
This is not fun
Cosmo, and
this is Wanda
it like
this with Constance
this, it's on us
Thrilling Drama
a business
trip with Father
which did not work
time ever
which is awesome
Which is awesome
the line
which is dotted
which is not fun
one of
which is Radha
including crime,
which it causes
Anny and
whip him proper
in a vast,
whistling darkness
whistling marmot
whistling marmots
these harms
will befall us
drink water
will think water
most of America's prize-
winning authors
wished this on her
preferable to wealth
with dishonor
are typically associated
with gymnosperms
that should work
with hip-hoppers
committed fornication
having sex
my union
with his daughter
a catch
with his father
Him and
with His Father
a wager
with his godson
knowledge identical
with His knowledge
a fight
with his partner
some problems
with his partners
we slept
with in common
freedom, but
with its causes
can live
with its conscience
with its large ducts
of success
with this model
with wings on 'em
in love
with Zip Martin
within darkness
Lies open,
writ in blossoms
it last
year in Boston
after 12
years in office
Yiddish proverbs

with 1 extra syllable

beaten by its
adjective father
to modify
adjectives, not verbs
and to
admit it honest
are already
appearing on Earth
the plural
appears in Lawson
him as an
artistic partner
mix the
ashes with water
asyndeton, from
audit in August
series of
bombings in Boston
Six letters,
Celtic Pig Goddess
thousand years,
conflict is constant
disparate and often
conflicting doctrines
Crawling In Darkness
hold is
crawling with Heartless
go on
dwelling in darkness
earnest is long term
and the
ending is longer
falling in on her
cigarette and
flirting with doctor
Find Benjamin
Franklin in Boston
Franklin in Congress
embarrass the whole
numbers destroyed this
fucking department
a raw
fucking grilled lobster
is chiefly
furnished with water
getting his job done
Grinding it all up
him for
hugging his father
Jogging is solemn
will begin
landing in Holland
lighting is awful
lightning discharger
lightning dischargers
logic is flawless
making this all up
melting things on us
messing it all up
the hall
mowing his carpet
mucking it all up
have absolutely
I have
obviously have
they have
two having
We have
with almost
nothing in common
a company called
Pacific Pharma
the snowball,
packing it harder
Altadena City and
Planning Department
playing with dog turds
a man
ploughing with oxen
religion Hindus
practise, is Dharma
pressing in on her
the numbers
racket in Harlem
refrigerator trucks
running his product
- remain
dock all
is not
will be
world was
shrouded in darkness
holes and
skulking in darkness
actually have
Gives us
I have
images had
rape have
they have
we have
We've got
work has
you had
you have
something in common
they interact in
specific markets
suited particularly to
specific problems
adequately defining a
specific product
for a
specific wrong done
Less common
spelling in modern
Modern Turkish
spelling is yara
I'm not
stopping this, Doctor
of craving, dispassion,
stopping, Nirvana
summing it all up
goldfish and
tending his garden
fools ruin its
terrific bargains
wife have a
terrific daughter
a blast of
terrific drama
unzipping, Parker
Walking with Monsters
is only
wanting in knowledge
Male Yemenis
wearing izaars From
removed after
working in solvent
Qaeda was
working with Saddam
hat is
working with Thompson
writing is hard work

with 2 extra syllables

100 years on Earth
report on the
accounting department
assets wasted and
advantages squandered
relate events without
analysing causes
place in
collecting this offal
was Fred Suggs,
compulsive imposter
to numerous system
engineering problems
want to
establish clear targets
is me
hijacking his office
not to
interfere with quanta
behavioral sciences and
leadership department
him on
lowering his offer
sect, never
questioning its gospels
to write new
realistic novels
with a more
realistic target
of proof
regarding this knowledge
pattern to your
romantic involvements
a gap in
absolute certainty of
accepted body of
advancement of fundamental
is expressed as
more superior to
of hard won
societies assign to
Sociology of
the advance of
the corpus of
the ocean of
the progress of
the pursuit of
scientific knowledge
Scientific knowledge
Scientific model
Scientific models
applies to the
will find a
scientific problem
scientific problems
semantic trick on us
Jews, performing their
Talmudic imposture

with 3 extra syllables

being fired for
academic misconduct
their news and
advertising departments
longer as a
capitalistic problem
not be
complimented in marble
self-defence when
considering this option
Affairs in the
Economics Department
business schools and
economics departments
to be
inheriting this darkness
to their very
literalistic doctrines
had a
relationship with Donna
about my
relationship with Roger
This shared
understanding is knowledge

with 4 extra syllables

substance by
electrolysis is constant
Experiencing nirvana
through their
representatives in Congress