exact syllable matches

fourth have not
been determined
eternal, America has
it would have
last 18 years
then, things have
they must have
been different
reminiscing about having
been disciplined
his best, had
natural selection has
none has hitherto
been discovered
audiences who have
been frivolous
been in the world
I have not
been innocent
of them has
been printable
to have
been written ca
companies, small and
big businesses
difference makes a
map makes a
That's a big,
big difference
so it's a
something a little
bit different
mean this is
delicious stuff
and their chieftains
delivered up
did it come from
did THIS come from
be discovered by
diligent search
stuff about
drinking her blood
efficient, sir
foreign to most
English journals
imported into the
English version
him in the nuts
Then I'll make
him infamous
long-continuing, it makes
him infinite
demands of
him this service
is height of
That, again, proves
his ignorance
bitter price for
sentiment to justify
his indolence
incarnation of
his inner world
out and proclaiming
perfect witness to
the principle of
their faith in
his innocence
placed themselves under
his instruction
haste and get
other fellow-men for
his instruments
sun, may
His kingdom come
he talked
his little ones
to frighten
his little son
for himself or
his ministers
the activities of
his Ministers
successors who extended
his principles
That would be
his signature
if this were done
end up
so, we're
in big trouble
at every hypocrite
was an astronomer
in Christendom
support its belief
in destruction
which revolve
in fixed circuits
was entirely
in his clutches
indissolubly combined
in his person
in his sermon
I think
should offer ourselves
in images
holds its peace
in impotence
have died
in its dungeons
Woodpecker is
in its stomach
Elves that remained
in Middle-earth
known and worshipped
you must believe
in miracles
A Course
in Miracles
a good idea,
practice, though not
in principle
Northern Virginia
in this struggle
at the church
in Wittenberg
Fleming and starring
Ingrid Bergman
at Lincoln's
Inn in London
insurgents have done
is criminal
The sex
is determined
because every child
does, but this
Each person
gentleman's conduct
go through which
hate that which
higher ranks it
in Syria today
more than music
My point
perhaps every hour,
President George Bush
roll, but Elvis
this occasion all
time his I
is different
in the Way
of constitutional limitation
that the task
very glorious, it
is difficult
away because life
experiences, that he
heard that God
Mind alone
ourselves that it
saying that matter
The Jew
The national
is eternal
of all that
is frivolous
God that
time that
is given us
is his servant
is enlightenment, becoming
The enemy
is ignorance
about Islam, he
is ignorant
without the other
is impotent
is in the earth
throughout the world
is indolence
and maternity crimes
is infamous
any given phenomenon
but human stupidity
grow, since it
The folly
variety of noises
is infinite
convinced that Dreyfus
swear that Dreyfus
that Mike Nelson
is innocent
that the universe
to give, it
is limited
is simpler
is still a run
man as it
is, infinite
apart and
it becomes dull
it didn't work
it difficult
the first world
it discovers
ignore it,
it disturbs us
So, then, is
it eternal
to do
it in person
it in the bud
it in the sun
it is just us
is muscular,
it is nervous
in which
it is observed
power until
it is tunneled
or else
it is worthless
It is worthless
it kinda does
and share
it with others
it with the world
it, in the world
one of
its biggest jerks
a portion of
country and mankind
destruction, while starving
even one of
good society and
support for all
the state over
its citizens
German divisions for
its destruction
it in all
its exertions
the present in
its instances
is one of
its miracles
against Jacobinism and
by many of
our nation and
the instrument of
its principles
who have become
its prisoners
quays upon
its river front
I think
it's typical
to believe in
its wickedness
and she's
kicking the dirt
kid in the world
terrorists, but to
kill insurgents
kill with a word
when he
killed his brother
normal barriers to
killing others
He rises by
lifting others
still for every
living person
miss Gilligan
physical one
the mystical and
physical work
happen in the
inequality in the
mind from the
nouns in the
trapped in the
triumph over the
we understand the
physical world
has taken a
religious turn
square thoughts which
resist circles
where the strong
resistance comes
a sinistral and
sinister world
settled somehow on
strict principles
with lots of
stringed instruments
which renders the
thing impotent
thing in the world
us, one
thing is certain
what a
thing is slumber
to make easy
things difficult
things in the world
wrong to
think him worthless
line of democratic
thinking further
But what makes
There is
this difference
this in the world
What is all
this insolence
This is just stuff
This is the love
man has accomplished
Will performs
this miracle
defective employment of
this principle
before me after
this stink-burger
tits in the world
your vision
which is muddled
which is the Church
which is the worse
others that
which it suffered
think I
will become one
will become us
forty-three-year-old clergyman
with beard stubble
is entirely peopled
with criminals
to be threatened
with destruction
to put up
with discomfort
I've proven that
with Innocence
Enough already
with Mister Trump
one, is taken
with reluctance

with 1 extra syllable

meanness and imposition
appear disgustful
and later expressing,
basic principles
and unashamed of
much better by
being different
being in the US
being in the world
wouldn't go
calling it doubles
career in the church
substances have their
chemists discovered
simple form of
coding discipline
loss of
cognitive function
requirements of higher
cognitive functions
conflicts in the world
in turn
curses his mother
than does the
empirical world
really does
exist in London
exist in the world
exists in the world
those words without
feeling disgusted
forces in the world
is a soft,
forgiving culture
won't make any
fucking difference
means he's
you're constantly
getting in trouble
guilty and
giving lip service
kind of
going in circles
perpetrated the
killing in London
must be
making him nervous
making him suffer
been replaced by
moving images
God is absolutely
nothing determined
nothing in the world
and almost
nothing is certain
Confucian ideal of
pacifist culture
paintings in the world
planting in the world
violence or any
public disturbance
gain by
ruining the world
that instrument are
saving principles
much as
scratching its surface
and started
screaming in German
just naked,
screaming little fucks
sleeping difficult
back in the
sodding cinema
change you know,
decided to do
Radical pluralism is
This country is
We all want
we should try
something different
can start with
something simpler
Something simpler
Something's different
to have any
specific purpose
standing in the world
would be a
standing miracle
you are a
Swedish citizen
teaching him some stuff
the Gulf of
Tonkin incident
sorry behind
until kingdom come
Cosmos without
using big numbers
in Memphis
visiting her sons
with us
watching Big Brother
freedom exists only
within immanence

with 2 extra syllables

a nation of law-
abiding citizens
That is an
accepted principle
A well-
adjusted prisoner
much object to
aesthetic discipline
anything in the world
Anythings in the world
And they're
astonishing jumpers
Principles never
contradict principles
he was
defending his mother
ever dreamed of
destroying images
you moving in ever-
diminishing circles
this dazed and
dramatic ignorance
no-relation is the
to symbolize the
everything in one spurt
Everything in the world
sense to
everything it touches
play we were
examining above
universe, not
excluding its suburbs
stars and
extinguishing the sun
at some
gathering in London
happening in the world
spring from an
imperfect principle
arithmetic, of
juggling with numbers
labouring, lifts the world
leadership in the world
adheres to this Marxist-
Leninist principle
all those racist,
misogynist fuckers
drawing is
modelling with colour
nature, as a
negative miracle
quite opposite and
opposing principles
mind and
poisoning his judgment
egotistical delusions plus
primitive ignorance
tools to be
productive citizens
aloud to a
receptive listener
I am a
recording instrument
Reductive synthesis
years in their
repulsive wilderness
respected in the world
scientists in the world
the bounds of
socialist discipline
for our own
struggling citizens
or whatever
synonym is preferred
hundred and sixty
terrorist prisoners
You're not an
unthinking liberal
as unwilling or
unwitting instruments

with 3 extra syllables

to be
abrogated in substance
advertising in the world
fill the
bawdyhouses with virgins
most attractive
characteristics of Burns
conservative principle
limitations of the
electronic instrument
executive in the world
incarnated in a work
have the most
innovative businesses
union of all
patriotic citizens
is, inescapably, a
scientific difference
of our finest
scientific instruments
they were
scientific witch hunters
value of the
underlying businesses
of the great
underlying principle

with 4 extra syllables

crass and empty
materialist principles
if that's a
thermodynamic miracle