exact syllable matches

add -
but then what
that has
a jet- Irv
Abba Eban
Abba Ebben
had gotten our
we get our
act together
Action Network
just an
actor dressed up
evil, despicable
acts of terror
From exit, modelled
after entrance
after French, from
al director
ala delta
Alan Bennett
Stephen Schwartz and
Alan Menken
Alan Shepard
Alan Shepherd
Albert Meltzer
Alex Steffen
alpha error
alpha errors
alpha level
alpha levels
Amber Benson
amber nectar
amber nectars
unconsciously so strong
an affection
or to advance
an agenda
badly applied, stop
refusal to stop
the direction of
an aggressor
emerge from such
an amendment
admitting him as
sorcerer who had
an apprentice
It was
That is not
an obsession
of serving as
an oppression
a murderer and
an oppressor
a portfolio and
anyway, he had
hope you have
the people as
waiting bored under
an umbrella
with consorts resting on
anchor tenant
anchor tenants
a servant
and a debtor
a usurper
and a despot
a sermon
and a lecture
an aristocrat
and a peasant
And a vengeance
doesn't want love
respond with enthusiasm
us the love
and affection
our moral powers
and affections
history of expansion
synonym for anger
and aggression
come back
the arm
and arrest her
you're getting plastered
and arrested
for their actions
and assessments
equipped with medicines
and attendants
magazines with openness
of gratitude, awe,
and attention
skeletal muscles
and blood vessels
I'm calm
She was calm
and collected
bonds of ignorance
Unconstrained by habit
and convention
other international law
and conventions
a new power
enough without purpose
Things like balance
will give purpose
and direction
accomplished writer, actor
and director
their natural
and first weapon
every poet past
and forever
the Church
and Her Members
and her parents
are so backwards
and judgmental
a powerful
and just weapon
out, put upon,
and neglected
more often shocked
and offended
and injustice, intolerance
behave with violence
expression of powerlessness
must replace hunger
those studying power
and oppression
wrongs and grievances
and oppressions
And promise
and potential
for certain instruments
and progressions
welcome her
and protect her
which requires guard
with appalling armament
and protection
He was smart
and successful
the Oval Office
and suggested
his false doctrine
and suggestions
use of violence
and suppression
down your arms
to come back
and surrender
the freaky glasses
and suspenders
And the dentist
between God
both God
and the Devil
and the legs from
the quarks
and the leptons
the farmer
and the peasant
recent past
the past
and the present
And the presents
the impudent,
and the reckless
and the red one
the first
and the second
despised Epaminondas
and the Thebans
and the Zed word
More at gather
and together
get depressed, irritable
and unpleasant
go save Matt,
to a counselor,
and whatever
Anger, vengeance
You have
angered Helga
angle level
angle levels
People are
anxious, fed up
interspersed with long
arid stretches
the earth
as a center
of power
as a despot
Dragon Ball
as a necklace
good job
as a parent
he had,
as a present
the world
as a question
accepted Walmart
as a tenant
and guarded
as a treasure
frying pan
quite unreliable
the rocket
use language
your incompetence
as a weapon
crimes, but rather
as conventions
as the next girl
as bad
as the Shredder
You can't
ask 'em questions
Ask 'em questions
Ask her questions
ask some questions
I can
ask the question
Ask the question
Chef has
asked a question
asked the emerald
ox and an
ass together
at a dead run
at a venture
at attention
pure in heart
at conception
at her health club
with wonder
at her presence
an entrepreneur
at some level
being taught
at the center
handle attached
the language
at the centre
to power
at the Centre
accursed gang
at the devil
slavery hover
at the edges
the monks
at the entrance
at the head of
games and
at the lessons
that matters
at the present
O distant and
azure Heaven
I got
back a letter
a solid, practical, fall-
back profession
He handed
back the weapon
and Team Rocket's
Get the band
getting the band
Got the band
how we got
never gonna come
piece it all
put the Earth
put the world
the entire word
back together
concitation Of the
backward devils
badge of merit
like a
bag of ferrets
fragment of the
Balance Emblem
pasture at a
balanced level
of the
Band of Seven
band together
bang, we all
bang together
to fight our
battles better
you've got
Black 'n Pecker
bladder senna
give her that
blasted pebble
Cabin Pressure
our small
cache of weapons
camel-hair brush
cannon metal
of Professional Conduct,
Canon Seven
capped collection
capped collections
Captain Brenner
Captain Gregson
Cash collection
cattle egret
cattle egrets
stand a
chance against us
clamp connection
clamp connections
crammed together
based out of
Dallas, Texas
House of the
Damned forever
dance attendance
Daniel Ellsberg
Daniel Fairbanks
Daniel Webster
we dodged the
draft together
Jobs' internal
fan club chairman
Stanton, Our
Flag Forever
flash suppressor
flash suppressors
Francis Schaeffer
Gallant gesture
go and
gather them up
and Nom-Nom
grab the ketchup
grammar checker
grammar checkers
by the
grant of heaven
the iron
grasp of Heaven
grasp the nettle
know the world
hadn't ended
humiliation of
half a pension
and a
half of pleasure
he now more than
hand director
hand directors
rub her
rub our
rubbed her
rubbed our
rubbing our
rubs her
hands together
parts do not
hang together
Hannah, welcome
the herd
has a shepherd
a single individual
has directed
The Emperor
has surrendered
has the best drugs
has the letter
has the red blood
small hours
has the weather
I can
have a second
Babcock doesn't
have a terrace
i dont
have a weapon
have done their work
I just
have one question
he's gonna
have some questions
trade, as others
have suggested
have the pleasure
we can
have the weapons
life we can
have together
The Troubles
haven't ended
space where competitors
haven't ventured
Jack McDevitt
Jack, the census
Jackson's lecture
anatomist Friedrich Gustav
Jakob Henle
Janet Yellen
Janet's pregnant
son and her
land forever
land of their birth
depended on our
landed tenure
lash together
lashed together
and summer's gonna
but that cannot
darkness will not
have echoes that
housing prices cannot
if it doesn't
individuals, do not
It doesn't
May the banquet
none of us
perfection could not
rhythm, words that
that life doesn't
they do not
this thing's gonna
work, it's gonna
world does not
last forever
your first class
last semester
A joy that
about it that
of love that
people, no wrong
the physical world
lasts forever
latus rectum
latus rectums
had some grand
laughs together
lavaret, from
men are all
mad together
historical documents as
Madame Necker
Maha Thera
Malcolm Reynolds
a substantial
translator and
man of letters
Man of letters
a dangerous
man of vengeance
bringing God and
man together
We are
man, perfected
Masha Gessen
avocados all
mashed together
Mass possession
did contact a
Math professor
What's the
matter, Benson
Maxim Behar
years of the
Nasser era
paddle tennis
more, are all
pals together
is the longest
password ever
true pictures of
past perceptions
Past perfect of
pastor belga
patch together
patent leather
patent leathers
talking about The
Phantom Menace
planet dwellers
come from the
planet Melmac
plantar cara
talking about the
Platt Amendment
Those are
rabbit pellets
it had proper
rap credentials
ratchet lever
ratchet levers
if you weren't
rather clever
saddle feather
saddle feathers
saffron terror
track from a
sanctioned vendor
and the earth
sang together
Santa Nella
scratch together
scratched together
slap together
snatch the pebble
snatched the pebble
stamp collector
stamp collectors
stand corrected
I can't
stand the pressure
or we can
stand together
standard error
standard errors
any of the
standard methods
Standard question
everything that
stands against love
of our God
stands forever
one of us
stands together
tandem engine
tandem engines
tax assessment
tax assessments
German breeder and
tax collector
Tax collector
Tax collectors
than a dead one
more wonderful
than a parrot
duty rather
than a pleasure
But that's worse
than forever
more miserable
than the devils
than the next truck
than the Red Skull
Thank the heavens
Thanks, Loretta
not come from
that direction
That jerk, Harold
that just help us
somebody might have
that perception
in the universe
that possesses
at least has
the execution of
that potential
any measure of
that profession
Suck on
that subsection
instincts bristle at
that suggestion
the fact
that the errors
persistent problems
that the method
and I bought
that together
guys learn
that, the better
That'll help us
That's a lesson
That's correct, sir
best friends, and
that's forever
that's just senseless
that's much better
That's much better
That's the lesson
That's the message
That's the question
That's the second
That's tremendous
That's unpleasant
traction engine
traction engines
distension of the
transverse vessels
emotions but a
vast awareness
blackfella eh boss,
whadya reckon
their material under
wraps forever
Xander, tell her

with 1 extra syllable

and syphilization have
advanced together
attract attention
banana bender
banana benders
banana ketchup
banana ketchups
banana pepper
banana peppers
jumping on the
bandwagon, Dexter
Batman Forever
effective way to
combat oppression
Commander Shepard
a thriving global
financial center
We're overlooking the
Financial Center
the picture a
financial pleasure
it by the
financial sector
other over a
over for a
goddamn percentage
have tried the
haphazard method
States, China and
Japan together
cow through midtown
Manhattan, Lemon
metasearch engine
metasearch engines
in that Frederick
Montana getup
Nathaniel Emmons
Falchion was lost,
perhaps forever
and remember that,
scumbag, forever
Sebastian Vettel
drawer among the
unanswered letters
dark Of the
unfathomed center
girl and her
untapped potential

with 2 extra syllables

every external
circumstance against us
company that
manufactured them, from
company that
manufactures them, from
be interested in
government, they're aiding
propaganda efforts
us to
understand the present
don't really
I didn't
understand the question
But to
understand the questions