exact syllable matches

can have
a fun ride
did she get
It's such
My, what
This place is
To me, everything's
a surprise
cultivation of
a tough mind
hardly find
a worse guide
in the present,
above time
bigger world of
same characteristics into
adult life
too, remain warm
among ice
deserved to be
burnt alive
man is
but a child
a compensation,
but a life
man has
but one life
was also shot,
was seriously injured,
but survived
of us a
certain height
be of a
certain kind
write within a
certain time
checked in a
certain times
Perhaps it will
come tonight
comes a time
comes from life
darkest moment
comes the light
five days but
doesn't die
more than a
dozen times
death itself, are
flung aside
are farther
from the eye
from the height
Fluttering shapes
from the sky
eyes watered
from the wind
a lot of
fun sometimes
of the new
German Reich
before they burned
her alive
I gave
her one eye
come true a
hang me a
the first three
hundred times
would not
hurt a fly
pressure on
just one guy
terrible lesson you
learned tonight
work is The
London Spy
maintain their
love of life
a true
love of mine
once when your
mother dies
never replace a
mother's child
is destruction we
must provide
as that
the death
the personality
the wisdom
of a child
the justification
of a crime
a sweetheart
of a guy
a revelation,
he's one
of a kind
a blow
of a knife
deliberate stilling
the stilling
of a life
shaggy bark
of a pine
true definition
of a style
the life
of her child
in awe
of her drive
Shining out
of her eyes
is known
last years
of her life
whole remainder
of one's life
associate member
to dictatorship
of some kind
caught the glint
of sunlight
complete lack
of surprise
a city
of the blind
executed because
the development
the heart
of the child
the glory
of the climb
the enormity
of the crime
the function
of the eye
challenging part
of the flight
just one
of the guys
OR out
of the line
consuming activity
essential capacities
like ecstasy
no slavery
of diseases
the pleasures
the resolves
the tranquillity
the workings
this disease
whole attention
of the mind
all hours
empty spaces
the middle
of the night
the mouth
of the nile
the beginning
of the ninth
a man
did those
of the right
kindest bounty
of the skies
azure regions
the hollows
the vault
you out
of the sky
the uniform
of the Spies
am most
greater part
hurt most
people some
power lots
square root
than half
the civilisation
the conditions
the rest
track most
wheelchair-bound most
of the time
the sign
of the times
numerical interpretation
of what's right
not only
once, but twice
forever, another
one must die
Torah is
one of life
answer to
one of mine
could not
one suffice
see that particular
to dress like
one tonight
flesh--gentle and violent
ones alike
commission of every
other crime
foul murders or
other crimes
look out through
other eyes
use of the
other five
image as the
other flies
is like no
other light
Properties of several
other Lines
earnest mind persuaded
other minds
very different from
other rights
all sorts of
other shite
by on the
fiercely on the
inconvenient for the
ones on the
out on the
through to the
to give the
wonders on the
other side
There is no
other time
bitter experience of
much thing from
other times
little into each
other's eyes
are reading each
other's minds
himself seduced the
other's wife
look at another
person's eyes
You just
plug the pipes
the rump-fed
ronyon cries
hands only
serve the eyes
program, it'll
serve us right
doesn't matter if
make art until
someone dies
all out of
is out of
That's also in
someone's mind
the real
with the
stuff of life
never paid
such a price
to create
such a right
heavens of a
summer night
very high
terms of Dr
the mount of
the Amorites
the same as
the A-side
just as
the bird flies
Listen to
the bird's cry
look at
the birds fly
He's got
the bus line
come home to
the dung-pile
blip in
the Earth's time
to madness
the first night
e for
existed for
is fired
place for
presented for
Presley for
school for
smiled for
way since
the first time
fought on
on to
the front lines
find, instead,
the punch lines
a sense of
the sublime
hay while
the sun shines
Keep in
that radiated in
the sunlight
the birds in
the sunshine
us for
the third time
homosexual of
the worst kind
all that
touched the skies
in complex and
troubled times
old parties have
turned aside
to take
up her time
All of
us combined
few miles from
Shannon is with
us tonight
what a life
Johnny had
wondered why
for the
work of life

with 1 extra syllable

important than the
actual child
realize them in
actual life
are worse than
actual wives
man is,
after a while
beliefs, along with
animal rights
not throw away
another five
I'm just
another guy
fundamentalist himself, of
another kind
wilt enter into
another life
are quite in
another style
taunt, or
aptness of jibe
of a misleading
argument lies
God, the
Author of Life
a situation among
barbarous tribes
fantastic with that
He had a
beautiful smile
lie down,
because 'twas night
expansion suddenly
becomes a crime
hands, cultural Europe
becomes alive
give whom the
bigger surprise
Why even
bother, McFly
I squares up,
casual like
in Billy Graham's
choir tonight
in the
the great
Circle of Life
all the
comforts of life
increasingly towards the
communist side
in Poland of
comparable size
morally superior
conduct of life
just a
couple of times
in the
cycle of life
but it basically
didn't survive
things of some
different kind
distinct reports at
from himself at
different times
here I'm a
different wife
It was a
difficult time
at the most
count on during
destiny in these
difficult times
matter has
emerged from life
ideologue and black-clad
eminence grise
Me, shall have
who would obtain
eternal life
allowed to bring
go down to
eternal night
We are making
excellent time
barrel of an
excellent wine
no more of
featherless bipeds
some panoptic motherfucker
federal AI
made so
feeble a try
wretched stagnation of
feminine life
from my
flagon of life
in the
Forest of Wyrms
You're a
fortunate guy
is the
function of life
the whole
gamut of life
traversed by the
general mind
Forget the
general strike
and expectation of
generous minds
myth dies, the
government dies
encourage this
habit of mind
hasten the time
Stalin carries out
horrible crimes
of glaring and
horrible eyes
us by our
impudent crimes
half the
income of whites
There is
infinite time
the loss of
innocent life
beneath the
kisses of Night
for its, the
labor supply
it may be
later assigned
learned the
lessons of Dr
vast for our
limited minds
see the
little ones fight
was no
longer a child
in operation no
longer sufficed
our first
moment of life
nature, in all
moments alike
the hard
moments of life
rebellion for leftist
movements worldwide
visual and some
muscular type
fiber of our
national life
welter of bruised
national pride
congruous production of
natural kinds
live out its
meets us within
natural life
are not our
natural right
political vindictiveness their
natural rights
needed the eyes
I was
never a spy
Such problems may
never arrive
common, but stability
never arrived
a certain
number of rights
a large
number of scribes
met with her
numerous times
like an
ocean of time
keep the old
order alive
came the
order of life
are haggling
over the price
were thrown
over the side
of blowing
Over the sky
to the
passage of time
in the
Passion of Christ
and defense of
popular rights
believe, the only
possible line
face the
the central
problems of life
and the
purpose of life
a favorite
question of mine
to the
question of rights
of the
the basic
questions of life
rooted than his
rational life
made by the
rational mind
that's a penis
reference, right
turn to the
regular lights
the very
rhythm of life
off with a
Senator's wife
rescheduling their appointments
several times
break the
shackles of time
they brought my
speeches alive
dangers and
splendors of life
you are
symbols of life
talked loudly at
table sometimes
another of those
terrible times
if necessary,
thousands of miles
it fulfilled
thousands of times
the White
Tower were blind
amidst the
trials of life
of the
triumph of right
history of our
turbulent times
streams creep
under the ice
some ways, I
wasn't surprised
the living
water of life
guarded the
Water of Life
waves and
weathers of time
to men and
women alike
I've had a
really had a
wonderful life
have the most
wonderful time

with 2 extra syllables

backward and
abysm of time
smooth and inoffensive
allowable rhyme
them, pretending
amazement the while
sleep, Or
amulets of pine
that one
area of life
our own
awareness of life
charged with all
conceivable crimes
any hedonistic
to its
conception of life
the humblest
condition of life
improve their
conditions of life
than that I,
defeated, survive
a vulgar and
degenerate kind
must attend
discipline of mind
and the
dispersion of light
time, but rather
disposable time
don't mean to
duplicate tonight
to the
empire of Christ
and unsophisticated
to increased
enjoyment of life
appreciate the
enjoyments of life
humiliation and
enslavement of whites
in all
essentials of life
a mere
evasion of life
with the
exception of nine
the chief
happiness of life
matter how
horrible the crime
simulates an
illusion of life
and only the
innocent alive
to the
instruments of Time
different form of
intelligent life
a conscious and
intelligent Mind
any sensible
interval of time
for preserving
manliness of type
in the
measurement of time
It was a
memorable time
show For my
miserable life
miserable wind
is the
obstruction of light
it the
origin of life
part of its
original price
peculiar, but vy
a considerable
period of time
for long
over long
periods of time
and occupation in
factor in our
industrial, civil, and
political life
possessions or of
use of his
political rights
supreme unifying
principle of life
there to
reconquer the Reich
transgressed the
relations of life
more respecting this
remarkable style
so much
resembles a child
on the whole,
respectable life
oracle and the
supplicant alike
Sweetener of life
survival but a
tolerable life
any need of
unlimited time
just one more
wonderful surprise

with 3 extra syllables

against the
abrasiveness of life
life a
caricature of life
It saves
considerable time
of quiet
contemplation of life
reviews and
criticisms of life
Shadow is
diminution of light
their glory and
distributed worldwide
excessively low
expectation of life
with his
experience of life
its nature an
inalienable right
man has certain
inalienable rights
the realization of
individual life
the question of
individual rights
Schiller has the
material sublime
flee Epictetus and
Petronius alike
escape the
tediousness of life

with 4 extra syllables

the lack of
appreciation, sometimes
is a
manifestation of life
its nature an
unalienable right
men have certain
unalienable rights

with 5 extra syllables

Only the great
generalizations survive