exact syllable matches

married once -
they're divorced
Not bad for
a 10-year-old
a 12 year old
i marry
a 12-year old
Borrowed from
a Celtic source
he was
a dead hero
a debt is owed
you in
a dress before
never had
a friend before
a head will roll
human as
a pet before
reigning as
a splendid whole
got made by
a ten-year-old
a twelve year old
five minutes to
a twelve-year-old
card and
a wedding coat
when there's
a wedding, or
accent syndrome
accent syndromes
of its most
affecting prose
something, defend it
against divorce
be, has nothing
against heroes
her forearm
against his throat
can defend
against its force
justify resort to
proposals to outlaw
aggressive war
judge or an
appellate court
appellate courts
Appendix, No
converted and
ascend his throne
Astaire did both
just when
birds get indoors
But there is more
de la
Chapelle syndrome
collective note
collective notes
Collective Soul
down the nation's
collective throat
singular as a
well as the
collective whole
Compare earphone
Compare misknow
Compare pinfold
Compare retrorse
Compare with ghost
comparing notes
and a very
connected road
prize to be
contended for
corresponding to a
corrective force
guide and
direct his horse
manager, peers, and
direct reports
whirlwind and
directs this storm
against its own
domestic foes
done them before
It's been
done well before
up suddenly with
earth-rending force
But during the
capsule from the
forbid, after the
since the very
first episode
keep us
from getting old
From pendeloque
left over
from smelting ore
into their own
It's against our
more than your
the scraps of
genetic code
genetic codes
is our anthropological,
genetic goal
have an incredible
there was no
genetic load
A sick, pitiful--pathetic-
Just get divorced
just let him go
Just let him go
just let it flow
just let it go
just let things go
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
thing to
love Elvis for
to that
much, get divorced
must let him go
must let it grow
must let this go
clips from past
Nerd episodes
in a purely
will in its
objective form
A couple
by a couple
of 12-year-olds
male fear
of death syndrome
a realistic series
of episodes
Three years
of hell below
Behold the walls
down the walls
Exodus were conquerors
fight the Battle
like the walls
of Jericho
involuntary bursts
of letting go
A city
of melting snow
the top management
of PepsiCo
dove out
of said window
the potentiality
of their hero
eaten many
great many
never heard
of them before
broken out
of there before
covered with most
offensive sores
you undertaken an
offensive war
offensive zone
offensive zones
and books
once they're exposed
was the
one Elvis chose
though, for only
one episode
reduced to this
pathetic form
beings and your
pathetic jokes
pathetic whore
I'm a hundred
percent hero
trigonometry remarkably
perfect in form
com- to mark
perfective forms
only in the
uses only the
perfective mode
Perspective no
of is a
phonetic loan
the violations of
possessive force
in the inalienable
possessive form
men because he
professes more
of the other
progressive folks
there must be
progressive form
imperfective, perfective, and
of perfective and
progressive forms
only in the
uses only the
progressive mode
progressive war
trying to
protect his home
protected mode
A chief
protects his own
have heard it
I seen you
I've seen it
I've seen you
seen this man
somewhere before
to her
sons when widowed
subject is closed
and contemplated the
subject, behold
an outer and
subjective form
noticed the liberal
subtext before
numbers on several
successive throws
sucks, there's still hope
the air is cold
gives him
the credits for
and then
freeze-frames, and
the credits roll
back from
the dead before
the end is known
variation on
the epic form
any memory of
the credits of
the events of
time left in
to black, ending
train earlier in
whole point of
the episode
Head Writer for
the episodes
or violating
the ethics code
that make
the head explode
room with
the red window
the resting pose
reticket on
the selling floor
the Ten Years War
much to
the test before
the wedding, no
this was our
third episode
Gilles de la
Tourette syndrome
like they have
than the older
Tourette's syndrome
me with these
unending chores
Kerala resulted in
unending wars
never woken
up dead before
to stop
us getting close
the engineer kept
us well-informed
realized we
were getting close
thought you
were scared before
were ten years old
were twelve years old
what they're in for
fulfillments of
rearrangement of
rid of
science replaces
what went before
Sanskrit marya
young men, heroes
like you found
yourself before
you're getting
you're letting
yourself in for
go familiarize
yourself with those

with 1 extra syllable

is bluish-black
above, red below
not in more
academic forms
dismissed from his
academic post
a model of
academic prose
Allah then did so
so widely
among men before
Antoinette syndrome
them together
because they'll explode
bottle episode
bottle episodes
brittle hair syndrome
we haven't
cheated death before
couldn't help it, though
What that
demon said before
didn't get him, though
billions of lone,
disconnected souls
over the main
document window
someone who
doesn't sweat before
He's your
eager 12-year-old
its simplicity and
empathetic force
Your port
engine belches smoke
no one's
ever cared before
he had
what we
ever felt before
imagine it
ever getting old
deny the
faithful their reward
do a big
even get a
events of the
in the very
final episode
chain the
fire exits closed
formal dress is worn
fragile X syndrome
futile death will flow
to happen in
future episodes
inventor of the
geodesic dome
inventor of the
geodesic dome,
geodesic domes
from an original
usually reduced to
geometric form
but also of
geometric forms
gonna end this war
now you're
parents seriously
gonna get divorced
gonna let it go
gonna sell it for
dumb as that
Handman episode
hollers, let him go
total of 100 half-
hour episodes
bringing you a
more than a
My God, two
hundred episodes
for my two
hundredth episode
in the neuter
only uses the
other than the
uses only the
imperfective mode
indirect reports
infant death syndrome
a mild
interest in clothes
don't think I'm
interested, though
internet is slow
introspective sort
introspective sorts
life just
isn't fair, kiddo
dies in a
returns in a
later episode
encore appearances in
later episodes
to print this
little episode
Little selfish, though
loaded them with gold
lobster thermidor
create and
manifest his core
Martin-Bell syndrome
mental episodes
than the
metal held before
Think we
might've met before
in the next
monsters episode
as they
mounted went ignored
Muckle-Wells syndrome
feelings I've
I had
things you
never felt before
he had
never held before
never left this boat
never let it go
We have
never met before
I've really
never said before
glass in
our exit doors
are just
our stepping stones
over ten years old
poor stretch
over their windows
be met with
country, often with
Powell doctrine of
overwhelming force
Nazi aggression with
over-whelming force
Your fear is
overwhelming, no
he experienced a
painful episode
parallel import
parallel imports
psychedelic folk
psychedelic soul
of Star Wars
Rebels episodes
Restless leg syndrome
restless leg syndromes
restless legs syndrome
Richard Hengist Horne
treatment of the
second episode
seismogenic zone
seismogenic zones
It's not the
smartest episode
song with
someone else before
is reproduce
someone else's notes
it to
someone else's toe
life for
this isn't
someone else's war
special episode
special episodes
triple X syndrome
undone, heads will roll
of purely abstract
volumetric forms
because I
wasn't getting close
something that
wasn't there before
water's getting cold
weren't friends before
men and
women wearing horns
wonder where this goes
wouldn't let him go
wouldn't let it go
even the best
written episode

with 2 extra syllables

and grabs
another ledge below
usually in an
apologetic tone
and the
character's head explodes
different heroes, and
different episodes
feeling you've
encountered them before
the murder of
Felicia Steppingstone
musical episode
OpenDocument It's moe
relax after my
skeleton episode
I'm no longer
Sophia Petrillo
as a possibly
unstable episode
whatever's getting cold

with 3 extra syllables

in a
California rest resort
a more
comfortable setting George
that's where
professional wrestling goes
boys in
traditional ethnic clothes

with 4 extra syllables

West Wing, the
assassination episode