exact syllable matches
Lucy, are you dec--
2 L
blue air
blue lead
blue wren
blue wrens
heather, Mary, ma Scotch
brood mare
brood mares
brood nest
brood nests
broom sedge
chew cheng
cool head
cool heads
Coombs test
Coombs tests
crew neck
crew necks
deux cents
deux paires
God, I'll not
do less
doer em
du vent
ewe neck
ewe necks
reality there are
few left
flu friend
flu friends
food web
food webs
fruit sec
fruits secs
goose egg
goose eggs
goose flesh
goose step
group sex
Gu Cheng
gu leth
gu zheng
gu zhengs
is, cocaine was
huge then
Hugh Blair
jeune femme
juice head
juice heads
June 10
June 12
being sent God
knew where
lewed men
loose edge
loose end
He was
witnesses, we are
you tying off
loose ends
loose head
You cannot
lose them
moon bear
moon bears
moose test
moose tests
and they cannot
move them
mule bell
mule bells
New Dem
New Dems
Where's mom's
new dress
New Kent
New Left
new legs
New Men
new pence
news desk
news desks
phu phen
poop deck
poop decks
roof square
roof squares
room set
room sets
root hair
root hairs
route step
route steps
school pence
There's an art
school there
screw peg
screw pegs
screw stair
screw stairs
screw thread
screw threads
screw wrench
shew bread
shoe wedge
the protest was
soon quelled
spoon bread
spoon rest
spoon rests
spruce hen
spruce hens
long, hard walk
through hell
one realize God
she only shops
through them
divorce hadn't gone
I'm not
through yet
and very hard
heavy cross
ills we ought
It is hard
just my cross
someone else's cross
that's been hard
the future wants
their own scars
to bear
okay, I'll talk
to Beck
dragging her off
Go on off
have already gone
lead me off
Run along
send them off
sent me off
you goose-stepped off
to bed
the corners start
to bend
harder it was
to breath
and trying not
enough self-esteem not
we ought not
will tend not
to care
We just want
to check
and beating frogs
and is shot
and maybe starve
beaten and shot
beating the Perceptron
bleed the farm
boy's gonna starve
buckskin them all
die than starve
eaten or starve
food and starve
Garret Jacob Hobbs
grazers will starve
guides us all
he is shot
He was shot
here and starve
I gonna starve
is then mauled
it will starve
kid would starve
let guys starve
my daughters starve
nearby done rot
platoon hasn't starved
shot, or starved
that were shot
The gallant march
the grasshopper starved
there and starves
to prison, not
tundra will starve
Twelve women massaged
until they starve
us would starve
we would starve
when millions starved
you just starve
to death
of how not
to dress
This belongs
to Ed
disgrace has got
to end
have a dog
to fetch
because it's hard
doesn't play hard
gotta play hard
hero plays hard
It's a lot
not playing hard
people play hard
play hard
played hard
playing hard
plays hard
That's hard
What's not
to get
to heir,
blast it all
blow 'em all
could have gone
Everything's gone
excuse me all
kids all gone
lie detectors all
of balance all
send him off
that theory all
the world's gone
you guys all
to hell
He could've gone
will also belong
to Hell
and I want
asked us not
because I want
but not
couple they stopped
done a lot
fortunate I want
he just wants
He wants
here and want
Oliver, I want
see nobody stopped
sends another along
that always wants
we don't stop
We want
you, they want
you've got
to help
to jest
when I want
which I want
to lead
down fly balls
to left
to let
around your heart
ice would start
up, I start
to melt
webcam and talk
to men
broken are hard
to mend
But not
to Nell
hear the call
to prayer
be kinda hard
is very hard
it was hard
more I want
You're very hard
to read
because we want
generation just gone
put it all
until it stops
to rest
was really hard
which somebody wants
to sell
operations are hard
to set
spontaneity in regard
to sex
And I want
did not want
for us all
is better not
that I want
to share
like angels ought
to smell
where I want
to spend
it's best not
to stare
a direct response
to stress
Our palms start
to sweat
to a dog
to tear
- It's hard
I don't want
I promised not
it was hard
It's hard
It's really hard
Kind of hard
small it's hard
So hard
stories they want
they don't want
This is hard
told me not
what I've got
what they want
You promised not
to tell
be extremely hard
their doctors not
to test
will hand on
to theirs
about someone, not
and feel belongs
are many parts
at no cost
bad ones talk
be a god
because I talk
but a god
could just talk
do no harm
does not belong
done no wrong
Don't talk
duties that correspond
emotional bonds are
feel very drawn
freedom they brought
Go and talk
I can talk
if I talk
imperfections, however, belong
in a god
is closed off
It belonged
It belongs
Just talk
let me talk
life in thrall
like a god
like idealism belongs
machine guns on
Michel, talk
of right belongs
open, you belong
owe a lot
paid their Mahr
prioritize our response
protected what belonged
review and respond
She belongs
should be barred
that hold on
the law belongs
them, and talk
to hold on
was passed on
We belong
we can talk
We talk
We were gods
well hold on
what I was
what we are
when I talked
will never talk
You talk
You're a god
to them
path they got
to tread
road from Milan
to Vienne
for the gods
to wear
Go far
to where
take the car
to wreck
against the law
to yell
case somebody got
too fresh
I was
too scared
he knows all
knew that all
know him all
know that all
know this all
knows this all
obey the laws
sweaty acridity all
taught them all
that look all
the type all
their pain all
to get along
we know all
too well
I-it was
too wet
tool chest
tool chests
tool shed
tool sheds
tooth shell
tooth shells
those are not
true prayers
true stress
tube well
tube wells
two cents
two L
Just plumbing on
To go on
we stand on
two legs
here are
two men
two pair
two pairs
two set
two sets
with eyes not
used yet
even a yawn-a-thon,
If not,
who cares
worried about was
who's next
Knock knock,
who's there
What are
you 12
you bet
I thought
you cared
and I saw
don't actually want
enemy that wants
Everything imaginable wants
face whoever wants
Hello, sir, are
I don't want
Or are
Tamara wants
the Commission wants
We thought
who doesn't want
would he want
you see wants
you dead
in, I Robot,
You Dead
stupid or are
What are
you deaf
Why are
you dressed
more pissed off
now, is all
see how far
this is all
you get
I saw
you glare
what I thought
you meant
I'll call
you Meghann
and that's all
Bankrupt stock
I thought
what I thought
you said
Why are
you stressed
I bet on
the fuck are
would not want
you then
- They'll want
Alex, are
Beavis, are
gonna fall on
Hello, are
I don't want
I saw
I'm gonna stop
Irene, are
is what got
Isaac, are
it don't want
Les, are
Lincoln Forty, are
Peter, are
Phoebe, are
Rocket, are
Sentry, are
Son, are
We want
Why are
you there
could have brought
you wealth
Greg has taught
I taught
you well
know how far
you went
I ain't got
my revenge on
you yet
What are
you, 12
will turn on
you, Claire
What are
you, deaf
What are
you, French
feeling something, are
you, Red
brother, it will be fay-ya-
Yule bread
zoom lens
zu Ende
zu Recht
with 1 extra syllable
As for your
costume, well
dago red
dago reds
the knives hung
onto belts
Send me
onto hell
his aggression transference
onto Ted
- It showers
before he topples
I couldn't hold
projecting my desires
Q and hold
revealing you are
They know we're
things and latched
try to hold
onto them
of Twentieth-Century Photography, 3-
Volume Set
Jefferson in Twelve
Volumes, ed
to find the
washroom there