exact syllable matches
it wasn't
a cheap war
tracked across
a clean floor
this is
a clean war
were attempting
a field goal
acting like
dog is
a freak show
that was
a freak storm
birth here as
a Genome
not have
a green rose
keen as
a keen sword
of hair as
a keyboard
you looked through
a key-hole
The way
a leaf grows
She called it
a meatloaf
because he is
the negro race,
a negro
to lose being
a Negro
outing you as
You're definitely not
a paedo
This is
a real poll
turned into
a real war
then I read
a report
a seat, sport
the blood of
a she-goat
pimp, you're
a street whore
it was
a sweet show
or as
a tree grows
be dismissed for
one that is
a zero
in working to
to cooperate to
achieve goals
He fully
achieved both
I get so
bloody bored
of year and
bloody cold
path toward its
bloody goal
all over the
bloody road
burn meatloaf, you
comprehend nothing
but these forms
gives us a
complete code
dreams into a
concrete form
flag of our
country floats
I called this
returned to his
country home
who love their
country most
and the rutted
country roads
this was a
Country show
in this dark
cubby hole
hadn't eaten that
curry goat
it's worth fighting
dirty for
a great big
dirty hoe
He disliked
dirty jokes
and it's a
dirty note
a bandage for
dirty sores
out against the
Dirty War
Three points, ya
dirty whore
the hell
does he know
doubly so
dusty rose
It was, like,
early Stones
Levine calling
from Reno
of centuries
from these scrolls
never descended
from these thrones
cannot be made
from zero
put off these
funny clothes
a not very
Tell me a
funny joke
John with a
funny nose
It was kinda
funny though
always find him
It was
funny, though
girl keeps notes
you fire this
gun, Chino
it was a
gun-free zone
gun into this
Gun-Free Zone
bee with its
honey stored
Korea would
just be gross
dunno, it
just feels so
you know, it's
just Leo
Just, please go
being cannot be
justly owned
and to
that I
love me more
eyes that
love me so
Sting is a
lovely bloke
Force, Navy and
here before the
I love
technically in the
the United States
years in the
Marine Corps
on my
mind,But leave, oh
does all the
money go
ain't about your
money, bro
run out of
money, or
That's what
money's for
know how
much he knows
know how
much we know
something in a
muddy hole
that you
must be born
of fate
must be forced
Its Progress
must be slow
The truth
must be told
warn you I
must report
the bridal
of each rose
from the bondage
of ego
get out
of here, so
yourself African instead
of Negro
among the drivers
slaves or wives
of negroes
down the number
of Negroes
90 miles north-northeast
of Reno
robbed my senses
of repose
as a sort
of resource
I out
of these four
beneath the burden
of threescore
to an army
of zero
passed away, in
one repose
There is only
one Zero
bar-room and the
police court
clean up the
establish a private
of one unbridled
their own covert
police force
obsessed with TV
police shows
Here you'll
receive both
grew into a
serene whole
Can we get
some meatloaf
deep fryer and
some Oreos
in Peace
Studies No
a course of
studies or
Trademarks and Copyrights,
Study No
and a short
stumpy dome
it ain't real
sturdy so
in air, That
sunny dome
argument before the
belong on the
Black to the
contracts, there is
courts and the
decision of the
decisions of the
Haggard on the
has taken the
Justice of the
lawyers on the
on the Oregon
overturning by the
picks the next
resides in the
Supreme Court
soul and the
Supreme Soul
and laid
the beast low
know what
the bee knows
oak and
the beech both
Brothers on
the east coast
anyone on
down to
the East Coast
and displayed by
defensive tendency of
or encouragement of
the burden called
the clamour of
the limits of
to get around
the ego
butterfly, as
the free soul
red soil,All
the green grows
airport to
the Green Zone
all over
the key hole
will be
the leap home
be independent of
fair play to
Not so with
the negro
as well as
democracy has failed
government has failed
have definitely failed
human nature in
something happened to
the Negro
than that of
votes, but disfranchise
the negroes
go to
was in
the Peace Corps
has recorded in
the Phaedo
They call them
the pre-born
in achieving
the real goals
a copy of
Oh, well, here's
the name on
the report
still finished
the scene, though
my opening
the screen door
mite makes
the sea roar
shells by
the sea shore
Bring them into
the sheepfold
Kipling on
the ski slopes
sprout, or
the tree grow
goes to
the wheels store
isn't my son
the wino
I'll still be
ugly though
you into an
ugly toad
at them long,
ugly toes
Uh, please hold
powder-puff for the
US ego
They're deliberately provoking
us, Leo
question that drives
us, Neo
her eyes
were green stones
thought we
were real close
country to another
wish interest rates
were zero
to know
what he knows
arises from
because of
what He knows
and pay
what he owes
heap of
what he owns
You know
what he stole
Truth was
what he told
you follow
what he wrote
who does
what he's told
to use
what she knows
act on
most of
only for
them for
To escape
use of
Women trivialize
what we know
speak less and
worry more
Their interests are
worth zero
were a
worthy foe
can attain your
worthy goals
with 1 extra syllable
Female Portrait Gallery -
that your fictional
alter ego
would the
answer be No
and an evil
attorney drone
left side, in
bodily form
day it
bothers me so
Steinbeck's great novel
Cannery Row
We're from
Cedar Creek, George
book is twelve
centuries old
But they can't
certainly know
Here comes The
This is The
Colbert Report
is not a
comedy show
you at the
Comedy Store
repelled the larger,
cowardly force
of the
dangers he posed
me it
doesn't seem so
children, or the
easily bored
like Metronomy and
Ebony Bones
To call us
Enemy No
We call it
energy flow
a fragile, unstable
energy source
all you
ever need know
and posts of
every door
Tyrants fall in
every foe
this country in
every form
knuckle-dragging inspiration in
every note
a tap on
every phone
directions and on
every road
two sides to
every Schwartz
the beauty of
to rule over
every soul
and moved in
every storm
by fighting for
every vote
the chaotic
evil thief lord
left, and the
factories closed
me and my
family hope
This is a
family show
teeth are a
felony, though
from among the
fiery stones
most important, perhaps
final, report
You are
finally home
Absolutely and
final answer is
finally no
You're not
fired, Leo
Tijuana, Gringo, Oner,
Fiver, Zero
presidents that he
frequently quotes
ready for my
gallery show
that His
gestures be known
constitute the world's
greatest resource
me in a
shootout in a
us at the
grocery store
Guinevere Jones
and stature, and
handsomely formed
whole panorama of
history shows
But Jack loved
history so
now, and I'm
horribly cold
like some
humans we know
network is an
industry joke
are Tide and
Ivory Snow
her father is
Janet Reno
You mean the
jewelry store
It was a
lawyer-free zone
about how
little he knows
us how
little we know
could no
longer be borne
No honor, no
loyalty, no
lunacy, your
html Focus
Magazine No
in Rolling Stone
magazine, No
He didn't
manage me, though
it with the
memories, or
thing into the
memory hole
to free seventeen
million Negroes
people who
needed me most
he will
never be born
story can
never be told
destructive and is
normally both
not- I'm not
obsolete, no
gauntlet has been
openly thrown
these, the
orchid needs warmth
ordered me home
to it many
other egos
our arrogance and
vitamin A to
our ego
painfully sore
or a missing
persons report
Is Joe, the
Plumber Report
of an abstract
policy goal
and Israeli foreign
policy goals
than you can
than you could
possibly know
a laudable and
praiseworthy goal
Get drunk
prayerfully, though
do you
prefer Li Po
they do not
privately own
industry that is
privately owned
and the Republicans,
probably more
case, I would've
probably smoked
that this is
probably so
no doubt very
properly so
Quarterly No
book can
render me so
get to be
Richard Grieco
by far our
scarcest resource
never in any
scholarly source
for 45
seconds, he knows
its existence, let
slavery go
slavery, yo
Slippery Slope
am in
solid steel form
happens to
someone we know
such as this
submarine boat
present than the moral
It's a
sympathy vote
will succeed a
tranquil repose
you ever had
unlucky clothes
need from the
weather report
with 2 extra syllables
kicking but never
actually born
relax, they will
actually float
of writing your
annual report
anybody home
anybody know
or at least
apparently so
This is an
artillery war
country, are its
casualty wards
have startled the
community more
the largest
computer we know
composed as a
conference report
dangerously bored
he's bristling he
defiantly knows
positively obvious, and
deliciously so
done,You can
deliver me, Lord
is the great
destroyer, Rios
difficulties, though
a careful and
elaborate report
Must thou
embarrass me so
side of its
embattled Negroes
Not drowned
entirely, though
You and
Everyone We Know
it as a
factual report
people will
forever be bold
General Leo
those who love
generously know
Middle Ages were
gradually born
However, we know
hidden in all
illusory forms
deeply and
importantly, no
gets in the
majority, no
You asked for
miracles, Theo
he was a
national resource
industrialized and weaponized
world's most precious
you a valuable
natural resource
the words just
naturally flowed
not become almost
ocularly so
with his hands,
preferably both
he had not
previously known
1-B of my
procurement report
to double your
security force
or girl in
Sierra Leone
A self-
sufficient ego
doing so are
sufficiently low
argumentation, and that
sufficiently warm
something eel-like, larval,
transparently boned
was kept almost
unbearably low
fallen in with
untrustworthy folk
usually float
the brim are
usually short
Ah, not
usually, no
Our most
valuable resource
its gospel
wherever he goes
and destruction
and prosecuted
wherever we go
with 3 extra syllables
happened to the
American Negro
where you were
continually bored
mind is our
fundamental resource
is necessarily and
inevitably so
about a particular
intelligence report
drug is so
irresistibly borne
not always or
necessarily four
it is not
necessarily so
a lifetime, equal
opportunity sport
love what we
particularly know
hardly have
persecuted me more
first century Jewish
philosopher Philo
correct, it is
pragmatically so
ecclesiastical organizations may
secondarily grow
the game is
superficially slow
our country, is
universally known
various groups they
voluntarily form