exact syllable matches
President of Student Affairs-
to have
a blessed life
he had
a dead eye
message from
says there's
a dead guy
I'm on
me, I'm on
We've got
a deadline
her, as
a Death Scythe
focusing on
a dress size
gonna start
it was
a fair fight
is not
a hair style
dog at
a men side
you have
a next life
me as
a rare wine
She gots
a red bike
a red light
one want
a Red Vine
post on
a share bike
stuff on
a shared drive
idea of
We have
a swell time
comics published on
She has
a website
don't aid and
abet crime
It doesn't
affect mine
see each other
vote for them
wreck it up
again, right
and continuous accusations
against life
feel your chest
intersect stacks up
it's your word
just your word
of your flesh
of your word
was your word
against mine
even government regulations
against strikes
you'll be workin'
against time
discrimination of black
against white
have made remarks
with Negroes set
against whites
not really the plan-
ahead types
bulkhead line
bulkhead lines
time, Slayer,
but next time
But they're right
But where's Kai
by a dead guy
door and
by her bedside
the equipment
by the airline
is destroyed
by the airstrike
by the egg white
by the Gentiles
lonely all
by yourself, right
cassette drive
cassette drives
Temple Baptist
Church, where Dr
I wanna
come next time
Compare heighth
Compare ophites
See who and
compare why
specifically blaming the
correct whites
crevette grise
your first
crush felt like
direct flight
direct flights
contained in a
direct lie
not in the
direct light
They've got the
direct line
take a
drug test, right
durch den Wind
We'll get
'em next time
fight her, then fine
that stuff,
find a website
you the
first 10 times
when the
first bell rights
the camera
first next time
is carbon
first, then light
I will never
forget mine
who had returned
from exile
can you expect
from reptiles
all tears
every tear
people, apart
from their eyes
but deleted
from their minds
to fall
from their vines
us word
from them mice
it kills a
gazelle, right
a lot of
girlfriends, right
that little
guy again, right
Her breasts like
arms and
orbit of
her left eye
peek cheerfully above
her necklines
it affect
her sex life
fight ISIS on
her crosshairs on
her website
back -
I forget why
I love French fries
er der
ingen ben i
from another
kind of reptile
kind of smells like
like a dead guy
like a fair fight
like a French Fry
was what
love felt like
cast a
love spell, right
for better
luck next time
else does
mud smell like
My first ex-wife
to demonstrate
my perfect right
of them are
obsessed by
more second
of air time
to the lack
of cerci
the cause
of death, Dr
even the rank
of esquire
whole bunch
of french fries
in a circle
of hellfire
the long tradition
of left-right
wear a lot
of neckties
the undulations
of red light
a bottle
to that
of red wine
police photographs
of sex crimes
two out
of ten times
for the Manufacture
of Textile
for it--the production
of textiles
all traces
of their crime
go out
of their eyes
in front
of their eyes'
for others
not one
the generation
of their kind
a part
a section
arbitrary burdens
beautiful moments
customary conditions
fundamental conditions
the rest
of their life
a projection
clean out
scared out
of their mind
are out
defect out
drunk out
it out
kids out
the equations
the horizon
they out
Truth out
of their minds
of their night
any deprivation
back some
deprive citizens
in respect
no measure
the conquest
the protection
of their rights
her out
of their sight
and conditions
and institutions
cultural currents
darkening circles
give less
gnostics, ahead
huge amounts
literary fashions
the men
the spirit
the vision
of their time
in defiance
sisters, they're
the people
of their times
common sense
Pharaohs, and
of their wives
prisoners, one
of them Christ
2 million
single one
of them die
and eleven
which some
of them died
then one
of them dies
of them lies
of them mine
a lot
of them try
from one
of them, like
on all
with one
of them, right
this ugly product
of Versailles
And you've got
one headlight
One person, and
one reptile
million horsepower
per square mile
is a thousand
percent right
percent sign
percent signs
to obtain the
perfect bride
challenges for the
It'll be the
It's the
This is the
victim for the
perfect crime
perfect crimes
Flynn is the
perfect knight
engrafted on the
perfect family, the
you've got the
perfect life
it's been a
perfect night
pizza at the
perfect price
perfect prize
perfect rhyme
perfect rhymes
just about the
now is the
think it's a
perfect time
of being the
She was the
perfect wife
who possessed fire,
possessed life
and profoundly, a
righteous gentile
memory of a
Righteous Gentile
Signed, the Dead Guy
with her
skirt held high
caught my act
somewhere, right
Lopez, we called
the airlines
and bangs down
the airpipe
I love
the Bear Guy
who serve at
the bedside
all of
the best kind
enjoyment of
I have
the best life
some of
the best minds
These were
the best nights
really isn't
the best time
nutriment from
the blessed Vine
you on
the Dread Isle
visions of
the end times
with some of
the enzyme
a pawn on
the f-file
Therefore, I curse
the gentiles
and many of
not also of
the Sense of
the Gentiles
the beam of
the glare of
the headlights
that's kind of
the headline
and I saw
Check out
Those are
the headlines
report, came from
the hedge-side
the hell guys
the hell, right
and earn
could awaken
to awaken
you possess
the Left Eye
Blacks on
eye on
me from
open on
the left side
dirtier than
gonna tell
more than
much as
smarter than
the next guy
fear of
the next life
upkeep of
the next line
join them
the other
the Union
the next night
come from,
the next smile
against them
more careful
the next time
up, circled
the pen twice
I get
the red eye
put on
the red light
the amphibian and
the reptile
The Reptile
to judge
the rest by
characters are
the sex crimes
to repress
the sex drive
possible level of
the sex-life
big project was
forum threads on
I'll take down
the author of
the website
what about
the Welsh guy
laundromats on
the West Side
powers of
the west wind
catch back on
Don't you watch
that guy on
the X-Files
The X-Files
us to
thy perfect light
here with the
tighter deadlines
try the next night
I love an
unfair fight
holes and
up their heights
in, open
up their minds
cell reception
with Drachma
up there, right
upset price
we don't get
upset, right
With his tortured
upturned sight
its literature
were their life
What spare time
way that's
what Ted's like
What then, guys
but that's
what they're like
whites of their eyes
associated with the
word esquire
the insect
world, says Dr
event in the
world's headlines
Confessions of a
Young Exile
like to watch
yourself die
have anyway, ask
have to ask
stopped to ask
you ever ask
yourself why
you not defend
yourself, Knight
with 1 extra syllable
Mort, Seamus,
Adam West, Dr
After Lentz died
who dared
assert their rights
and Anya
see it
avert their eyes
miles on a
bankrupt airline
behind the hair line
But with
better headlights
and do
I'll know
involved doing
like it
manage it
of behaving
to be
better next time
have a
better sex drive
be more
careful next time
central excise
a very conservative,
circumspect life
that mechanics is
colored thereby
and is that
confidence wise
some may lose
confidence, Dr
of us with
confidence, right
Named after the
Delaware tribe
taking reservations for
Delta Airlines
than a
desert melts ice
document type
so she
doesn't get wise
business that
doesn't smell right
to sustain a
double-edged life
down an
entire dress size
louse God
ever let live
doesn't anyone
ever press mine
Have you
ever spend time
with his
fallen friend's knife
they have
fallen, fair light
snorkel and
goggles next time
and I'm
gonna tell Mike
gotta get Dr
means you
gotta sell fries
Course, I
hadn't met Dr
hammer headline
hammer headlines
know what'll
happen next, right
of what
happens next time
hit you
harder next time
headed stepchild
inside of men's minds
Martians are
inside the website
Leger des Heils
they are large four-
legged reptiles
loggerhead shrike
loggerhead shrikes
Martin Feldstein
from Eugene James
Martin's website
displeasure of their
masters thereby
shocking Super
Mecha Death Christ
Mental self-five
serial killers
murder their wives
You just
murdered Jeff's wife
It just
never felt right
ever lost public
office thereby
without the
other 10 guys
Devoy and three
other exiles
other ex-wife
live as
other men live
on in
other men's minds
at charming
other men's wives
low snake, or
other reptile
all do
our best, right
the period of
our Exile
two hours with
our ex-wife
makes him
our friends right
it with
our heads high
all in
our heads, right
our sex life
stuff in
our spare time
unity, that
our strength lies
refer you to
that belong on
the banners from
Update posted on
our website
elimination of the
more like my
parallel line
- four
economy run on
engraving by vertical
individual who makes
there are no
parallel lines
one of the non-
parallel sides
divergent, convergent and
parallel times
life which
luck always
passes them by
even in my
personnel file
He was
present when Dr
as improved
product shelf life
side, trudging does
represent pride
this game, fire
represents life
cahoots with the
rotten reptile
second-guess life
a few
seconds, then smile
shepherdess pie
Sherman necktie
Sherman neckties
And people
shutter their minds
than seeing
someone else die
in case
someone else dies
again to
someone else, Kyle
acting for
usually with
someone else, right
can cost
someone their life
are really
special then, right
do you then
summon hellfire
and forty-eight
and twelve
thousand square miles
under esquire
Red Seas
Under Red Skies
wanderest ein
wanna get high
But with
water, there's life
in calmer
waters next time
with 2 extra syllables
at some dog
adoption websites
article headline
country that makes
beautiful textiles
and socks on
commercial airlines
Pennsylvania's psychology
department said Dr
same time, completely
determined thereby
the right
direction next time
God's anger and
eternal hellfire
chooses internal or
external exile
be so
generous next time
has hacked various
government websites
internal exile
internal exiles
plague before the
literal deadline
national airline
national airlines
times and generated
national headlines
at the
Nevada test site
merger with two
passenger airlines
Poisonous reptiles
the most
popular dead guy
Is it
possible they're right
you as a
potential ex-wife
Husbands won't
remember their wives
us to
remember them by
supposed to
resemble dead flies
by Golgo,
Spartacus then dies
wounded by the
venomous reptile
convicted of
violent sex crimes
all States
whatever their size
Whatever's there might
always shadows
wherever there's light
with 3 extra syllables
with your
adolescent sex life
not be
available next time
had no
discernible sex life
Men are
libidinous reptiles
prize in
literature twelve times
retains the
original stem type
bad as your
predecessor Nephrite
gave me this
ridiculous hair-style
from an original
stem die-
from the original
stem pide-
with 4 extra syllables
which were
uncontrollable when tried