exact syllable matches

4 to
mother passed
5 years later
Honey is the
used as the
binding agent
binding agents
in terms of
buying players
A love corrupted
by betrayal
by bin Laden
established, necessarily followed
by exchanges
called Poet
by his neighbors
you see
by his paper
be restricted is
Everybody is hurt
by inflation
are subsequently over-run
by invaders
closely examined
by its faithful
small town
by its mayor
avoid conquest
by its neighbors
as determined
by its players
comic strip
strip written
by Jim Davis
by Mitch Glazer
and written
by Tim Schafer
our unborn
child in danger
of a
child is greater
believes in that
childish fable
diets maken
dining tables
driving ranges
driving trailer
driving trailers
warm and
dry in nature
drying agent
is absorbed by
drying agents
Fill your
eyes with hatred
Now he's
fighting Jason
heard you were
fighting Rachel
the peace movement
find distasteful
firing chamber
firing ranges
He dies
five years later
Five years later
You don't
fly with gauges
of a purposive
guiding agent
will be my
guiding angel
that's not normal
guy behavior
guy is made of
after German mineralogist
Heinrich Vater,
all of your
emerged from their
Leave your
out of your
hiding places
pursued nature to her
she works in her
me and
I betrayed her
sorry that
I killed Jacob
I think patience
know what
I think, Raylan
- and
I win cases
the good
ice is taken
take it
I'd split later
can't, BECAUSE
I'm mistaken
in labor,
I'm near labor
now while
I'm still able
Irish acre
Irish acres
a speech by
Irish statesman
I've been straight up
Your destiny
lies with Angel
a bachelor's
life in chambers
is my
my son's
put your
putting your
life in danger
His private
life is blameless
life is made of
that human
life is sacred
life is taken
light equation
find the
interplay of
light in Nature
and the
light with angels
light, it's playful
or implicit ones
like inflation
like it straight up
but nothing
like this statement
which is completely out-of-
line behavior
find these
lines in Nature
people who
live in trailers
I began to
live mistaken
might still wake up
I do
mind is failure
mind is made up
Mind is patient
be fallout from
I apologize for
motivating some of
riding me about
stop interfering with
that largely governs
triggers and affect
my behavior
other's experience of
was happy with
You see
my behaviour
about me and
my impatience
it will survive
my invasion
learn from
my mistakes, sir
when I broke
my retainer
goddamn--Where the hell's
my windbreaker
has a
nice, rich flavor
five years of one-
night engagements
Price equation
a traditional
prize in races
a most abstract
of the versatile
the astral and
psychic nature
importer of
rice in Asia
never to
ride with strangers
that, that
right is sacred
right this way, sir
religion and
rites in danger
including pictograms of
signing nations
when decreased
size is favoured
at all the
smiling faces
people with bright,
smiling, faces
bunch of wet,
snivelling traitors
for having imitated
thy behaviour
put at less
tiring labor
type erasure
wireless cable
putting up a
there is a
wireless station
helper in his
writing labors
a piece of
writing paper
writing papers
or an improvised
writing table

with 1 extra syllable

abiding places
D-Day before the
allied invasion
Allied invasion
had left
behind in Asia
was received with
decided favor
derives its name from
the expressions
describing great sums
Divine Invasion
acts of just
downright betrayal
not of an
exciting nature
other huge
franchises came from
be of an
inciting nature
acceptable, though
inquire is favored
concerned with generating
lifelike behavior
both shamefastness and
manlike behaviour
is no
outline in nature
modern physics -
precise equations
but of a
revising chamber
Sometimes in April
And yeah,
sometimes it's painful
memorable and sometimes
surprising statements
it will
survive this danger
the majority of
surviving pagans

with 2 extra syllables

and again
25 years later
and standards of
civilised behaviour
any definition of
civilized behavior
classifying spaces
Delano Roosevelt
energized this nation
justifying spaces
Or to
modify behavior
oxidising agent
oxidising agents
is a strong
is called the
oxide is the
oxidizing agent
oxidizing agents
forced to
recognize his neighbor
citizenship in a
reunited nation
natural preservative and
stabilizing agent
I'm your
supervising agent
he could
sympathise with labour
So also in
unprovided cases
weed will
verify this statement

with 3 extra syllables

a coagulating or
emulsifying agent
that controls negative
stereotype behavior