exact syllable matches

hand, which will
- boom
of violence have
the victims have
been Hindus
carts has not
been improved
that had
been in use
that hypnosis has
been induced
immemorial prophecies have
the challenge has
the fatwa had
been issued
What have
been its fruits
could have
been killed, too
in Kashmir has
my body had
that assembly has
been reduced
idol worship has
been resumed
Mab hat
who have
been with you
lot of
big fish schools
the Cabinet on
big issues
ting tang
bing bing boo
of a
bitch in two
I gotta
bring it you
British Blue
British Blues
continuance of the
directly under the
nineteenth century under
British rule
than the
British troops
build into
did it do
And Callas
did this too
your father
did with you
digs into
dip into
an independent and
distinct group
originating in several
distinct roots
have a
drink with you
Crazy water-
drinking fools
sugary soft
drinks in schools
operations of the
English group
See etymology at
English June
the Latin and
English roots
to German and
English Ruth
then democracy can
exist too
be the one
fearing you
fill his shoes
I am
filled with you
to cram a
fist into
that we all
fit into
fitting room
fitting rooms
you can
fix it, do
fixes to
fixing to
give into
give it to
than we are
vibe I am
giving you
a damn
grip, will you
it cost
him dear too
We got
him til two
You brought
him with you
you have heard
his excuse
His lips smooth
ich bin Jude
if it's true
produce positive evidence
in disproof
his election was
is no longer
This is not
in dispute
of condoms
in his room
the one
in his tooth
he has
in his view
so militant
in his views
has blur
in it too
a cart
in its groove
chopsticks and paused
in midchew
are predominant
good huggers
important part
in this group
a lot
another person
are all
darkness lurk
every man
everyone not
friends are
guy's ass
I want
masculine one
of oxygen
sanest person
single person
Someone was
the evidence
us locked
what was
in this room
horses you'll demand
in tribute
is big news
their language
is ill used
until the program
is improved
faith that
life that
of Earth
you and
is in you
I wonder,
is it true
is it you
your father
is still true
other term
is still used
His mask
is weird too
mind, God
My heart
is with you
is, if you'll
insane as
you bought
it did you
the experience of
it improves
to have
it in truth
to have
it in tune
and cut
it in two
don't have
really had
You got
you had
it in you
government had plunged
it into
long as
it is cool
before long
it is noon
it is sooth
chances are
execrable conduct,
face troubles,
glad that
is irrelevant,
merely that
None of
persuaded that
soul and
it is true
But perhaps
doubt that
it, and
my gosh,
it is you
terrible burden
it is, too
it kill you
much of
it kills you
don't want
it near schools
against marijuana,
it will lose
Just touch
it will you
about had
I've had
it with you
it's in you
affording checks on
the dangers of
its misuse
it's ripped too
hope that
it's with you
it's-it's cool
kicking boots
the smartest
kid in school
were a
kid, it's you
I am not
kidding you
all the
kids in school
night and
killed him, too
People are
killing MOOSE
almost better than
I studied on
me for not
sole purpose of
the bread that's
the honor of
the pleasure of
white bread that's
killing you
kissing booth
kissing booths
going to start
to regret not
kissing you
give me that
limp excuse
lit into
snake that
lives in you
Night of the
Living Doo
living proof
gotta scour the
living room
living rooms
are not worth
crisis we are
living through
dogma, not a
it was the
of fresh and
living truth
We're all
misfits, too
of you that's
missing too
those who have
peered into
Phillips screw
Phillips screws
he applies that
physics to
pitch into
reduce the general
quintic to
requin bleu
the machine that
resists you
I was just
ribbing you
what the
rich will do
ringing true
rip into
ripped into
rips into
take that
risk with you
Shipping News
Take that
shit with you
light of a
sincere mood
come and
sit in you
sitting room
sitting rooms
sitting through
He was
skipping school
slip into
slip it to
slipped into
slips into
and they're all
sniffing glue
spinning mule
spinning mules
attack, as infernal
spirits do
could conjure Summon
Spirits too
steering group
steering groups
sticking to
are often
readings are
Talmud, and
which are
still in use
pictures are
still in view
I am
still with you
tantric bagpiping that
Sting's into
federation house, spa,
to an actual
we have a
swimming pool
into the Riverbank
Swimming Pool
swimming pools
swinging boom
swinging booms
That, that
thing is huge
but one
thing's still true
share certain
things with you
home and
think it through
Think it through
he doesn't
we can't
think things through
did not
think this through
You gotta
think this, through
justly of the
thinking few
She was
thinking, too
machine that
thinks it's you
my God,
this is huge
this is Joon
None of
this is news
haunted, and
this is proof
affirm that
evidence that
know that
me that
mean that
of all
see that
suppose that
this is true
me, and
mindful of
this is you
a fast on
a snob on
a soundcard resolves
aims to tackle
and courage on
direct evidence on
equally work on
for action on
give up on
in celebrating on
logocentrism hinges on
not falling on
outthought itself on
really changed on
sectional division on
train educators on
turn mostly on
weigh in on
this issue
this shit, bruv
What does
THIS switch do
What does
this thing do
light on
this thing, too
never learned of
this tribute
Tick Tick Boom
didn't just
trip, did you
largest among the
protest from all
victim groups
I just a
victim, too
and bad persons
visit you
exaggerate the disasters
which ensued
for that
the arm,
which is true
Which is you
tree on
which it grew
the chaos that
will ensue
white man
will give you
the impact
them, chaos
trap that
your cats
will kill you
he was a
willing tool
was wrong
with him, Ruth
pounded back
with his shoe
It is contracted
with into
your problem
with this suit
recognize the God
spirit which struggles
Your powers are
within you
in that
year in school

with 1 extra syllable

he's not
acting with you
what I was
addicted to
additive group
additive groups
That's what I'm
admitting to
you're dehydrated, I'm
admitting you
the Amazing
Arctic Igloo
another literary and
artistic group
don't remember
asking it to
Nikita Khrushchev
banging his shoe
serve well as
bargaining tools
I can
buckskin kill you
in a federal
budget dispute
bumping into
That was a
burning issue
things that were
burning issues
cashing in, too
in that
coffin with you
Collins resumed
coming into
he was
I am
coming with you
see that
coming, did you
came to, and
philosophy of imperfection,
that you're that
committed to
damage the environment,
conflict ensues
conflict with you
consists in Truth
release of information
damaging to
bring Mr
Darling with you
to address other
drastic issues
I was
flirting with you
no intention of
slightest intention of
forgiving you
I'm gonna
fucking kill you
am not
another wizard
fucking with you
sack of
garbage with you
capable of
grasping this truth
polygamists, Satanists, and
Hasidic Jews
to start
having kids soon
They're not
you I'm
laughing with you
we were
laughing WITH you
We were
learning it too
me from
learning this truth
yours a frigid
narcissist, too
Nothing is cool
the supply of
nourishing food
Pacific loon
Pacific loons
when column
packing is used
monkey suit for
polishing boots
practice this smooch
always such a
public issue
Landon Lectures on
Public Issues
Continuum International
Publishing Group
sway me from
punishing you
himself a
sandwich, did you
wrote on the
sausages too
From a common
Semitic root
owners from
serving shit food
just the corporate anti-
shoplifting rules
butt than
shopping with you
something chicks do
all got
I saw
something in you
I discuss
something with you
I learn
Spanish in school
Several, actually,
this room,
starting with you
Starting with you
There's no
stopping this fool
when the
suffix is used
be here
talking with you
the Almighty
Tallest killed you
this my best
Thanksgiving, too
for a closer
transitive use
think I was
who I am
turning into
of vitality and
unextinct youth
muscular effort of
unthinking brutes
unable to and
unwilling to
you brought
vermin with you
horrible death we're
Know what you're
walking into
see her
walking with you
bad he
wanted his scoop
like I
way he
way I
when she
wanted it to
wanted it, too
girl I
wanted, in school
I love
watching his moves
we've stopped
watching it too
an honor
the editor's
working with you
Working with you

with 2 extra syllables

those who
acknowledged his rule
your valuable
belongings with you
what he was
blundering into
am now
chinwagging with you
thinking and
coloring is too
conjunctive tissue
conjunctive tissues
is then
its bronze inscription,
Later was
Zhou forms, is
corrupted into
What am I
evolving into
accordingly marched, and
exacted tribute
forced to re-
examine his views
examining room
examining rooms
We were
guffawing with you
an officer
marshaling his troops
Related through
metathesis to
appears the
exactly the
fact, the
however, the
just the
likely the
not the
often the
realize the
that the
the very
opposite is true
collapse and
prolonging his rule
fun being
Sardonyx with you
proposed, but with
semantic issues
attention from the
substantive issues
group of is
unconvincing too
Mushrik and idol-
worshipping Hindus

with 3 extra syllables

has its great
disadvantages too
safe and
economic in use
not merely an
economic issue
a lot of
focused mainly on
have gone on
the impact of
the past on
to worry about
whole raft of
economic issues
just like tele-
evangelists still do
is the Darwinian
naturalistic view

with 4 extra syllables

radioactive thing, you