exact syllable matches

I grabbed- her-
sweet can
I'm Orthopox
13 man
barefoot through
a briers patch
Because I'm
a Cree man
at least
a D flat
I need
the future
a free hand
You get
a free hat
people in
a free land
ass of
at home
fool and
He back-sassed
I am
I die
Now I'm
winner leaves
a free man
immobile as
a Greek mask
and wearing
a green hat
go to
a priest and
a real catch
are you
Heathcliff with
love with
never be
run like
show you
speaks like
to see
a real man
a real pal
will earn
a real tank
a challenge for
I call
a rematch
molecules in
a sealed flask
is that,
a ski mask
being in
a street gang
He was
a sweet man
I was
a wee lad
We don't always
achieve that
I think I've
achieved that
the Entertainer, and
Bernie Mac
don't like those
even worse than
bloody cats
girlfriend on your
bloody lap
your and your
buddy's casts
burned me bad
know it
but he shall
chubby, man
my mind a
will be a
complete blank
his enemies will
scientist I must
concede that
to help her
conceive, man
growing through a
concrete crack
our thought of
concrete fact
about taking our
give Iraqis their
to take our
to take their
we take our
country back
all over the
This my
country, man
in a
cul de sac
An evolutionary
Crimea will be a
we meet in the
- both ends are
DIRTY hands
do all their
dirty plans
obviously, is buncombe
doubly damned
window of a
dusty van
life of the
early Mass
of the
earth, these lads
than all the
earthly trash
You hurt
'em real bad
gonna make
'em weep, Ann
the relay from
Ernie Banks
It's the
Fluffy Cat
about like a
fluffy lamb
you may recognize
from C-Span
your distance
from me, lass
take it
from these facts
fun we had
you are
funny Fran
I'm not a
funny man
'Cause it's not
funny, man
did wear a
furry hat
since I
heard thee last
even be
her real dad
lotsa sugar and
honey and
he didn't
hug me back
beloved, and be
humbly glad
good to a
Who's the
hungry man
But, but
I might not
though, if you
hurry back
Gee, that
hurt me, that
is gonna
hurt real bad
over to New
Jersey, Nash
just seems sad
of him I
justly can
could never
have to
that's gonna
those things
want to
who didn't
love me back
going to
love me, Dad
loved me, man
darling, you're a
lovely man
It's a
lovely plan
So whose the
lucky gal
are a very
be a very
I am a
I'm a
know I'm one
makes you a
Ritchie is a
Your date's a
You're a
You're a very
lucky man
I ripped his
of his dad's
to wear your
lucky pants
get inside the
machine, and
You're a
machine, Max
and make his
cannot get the
get your taken
gonna get that
gonna get the
guarantee ya your
I want me
I want my
to get your
to make my
We want our
won't get your
you your fucking
money back
Give us your
money, dad
don't got no
I make the
money, man
didn't know about
money, Matt
as mad as
monkey mash
must be black
fault, you
must be daft
must be mad
must be scratched
must see that
and changes
must we pass
the forefront
of free jazz
ass rip off
of He-man
went out
of here fast
Get out
of here man
get out
of here, man
on the subject
of kneecaps
Just think
of me as
the cleavings
of me axe
of either
of these plans
the Power
of Three back
up with only
one kneecap
Inuits, no
one needs that
the only
one we have
him which
ones we have
I'm with the
police, ma'am
head into a
the happy squirmy
puppy dance
Lives upstairs,
runs real fast
was a disgusting,
rusty rag
servants to
shove me back
Give me
some feedback
throne by
some freak chance
stuck here, fans
in your social
studies class
all this
stuff she has
can do, and
succeed at
and Tosh, and
Suzie, and
arm and
swung me back
the deal man
of Number is
the Decad
have rolled
the feed back
freedom more than
the freed-man
Scared of
the real man
we won
the real tank
doing great on
the rehab
on you in
the rematch
people off
the scene, and
came of
the scene, masked
Fish Under
the Sea dance
talking to
the sea trash
piss off
the seeds Matt
whispers behind
the steel clamps
walk down
the street and
a dry and
thirsty land
ration had been
thirty grammes
I'm out
thirty grand
get the big,
ugly axe
will buy an
ugly hat
but I'm an
ugly man
it's gonna get
ugly, man
all of
us need that
and believe
man grows
what he can
all knew
what he drank
do with
fit words
Nothingness is
of holding
what he had
and enjoy
what he has
infected with
what she had
I knew
what she sang
to do
We do
we store
what we can
don't know
what we had
and destroy
and share
are not
content with
is really
start with
thankfulness for
what we have
with the
world we have
get robbed, don't
worry, Jack
an incomparably more
worthy task

with 1 extra syllable

Church's money on
heard, he said
17 black
a minute
after we've passed
up to be
Alan Greenspan
flowers gone,
answer me that
Batmobile was going
awfully fast
sad strangers photographed
beautifully, and
go places
because he's trapped
boy just
because she can
But not
because we drank
because we're black
better eat that
prostitute who was
brutally slashed
a required
campus meal plan
Egyptian name from
centuries past
open sexuality of eighteenth-
century France
yeah, I most
certainly am
syphilis, which Maupassant
certainly had
certainly have
talking of is
certainly that
And about the
Chesapeake Cat
you catch my
comedy act
you fairy, you
company man
wish I
coulda seen that
couldn't be that
But I
couldn't keep track
What is this,
courtesy class
great books were
covertly packed
glance at the
currency cat
a whole different
destiny planned
actually we
didn't hear that
And I
didn't mean that
and he
didn't need that
didn't see that
doesn't mean ass
doesn't mean that
of the
dolphins eat that
not yet
driven me mad
round in our
endless feedback
I got
enemies, man
from falling into
weapon fall into
enemy hands
been fought in
enemy lands
Adults are the
enemy, Max
war into the
enemy's camp
me into the
enemy's hands
is Barack Obama's
energy plan
equally good or
Wickham is
equally bad
Necromancy is too
seems we are
evenly matched
Have you
ever seen that
best you
ever seen, Fats
I have
ever teached at
much as
ever we shall
commentary on their
knowledge must precede
every act
deliverance are in
every hand
and bad of
and toiler in
fame spread to
every land
a job for
am attracted to
and education of
England expects for
God is in
is near, in
is present in
living space for
rightfully belong to
That you seduce
who learns from
every man
and accounted for
every tank
smoke your little
faggoty pack
I'll get your
family back
he had a
family band
community or a
family clan
accounts a devoted
around, you're a
I'm a
You're a
family man
tradition with the
family plan
never had no
family, and
to support a
family, man
important, you know,
family, that
all that Celtic
fantasy crap
wide-eyed boys with
feathery fans
one that was
finally passed
Finally snapped
irritated until he
finally snaps
emptiness, that it
formerly lacked
enjoy the
freedom we have
the world outside
Germany can
think they're
gonna be fat
gonna be pals
gonna eat that
gotta be dad
guarantee that
at the school's
Halloween dance
the Villages are
heavily taxed
middle children of
history, man
life would become
hopelessly jammed
sense of
humor he has
a series of
incomplete drafts
out what
interests he has
does not make
ivory black
using the
language we have
grams of blonde
Lebanese hash
report to
level three, stat
philosophy based on
liberty, and
Detroit's most famous
luxury brand
right set of
mammary glands
me, you
maple leaf hag
of heaven Like
melody rang
Just testing your
memory banks
impress on their
memory track
that precise
moment, we shall
or by other
neighborly acts
swore he'd
never be back
I will
never be hanged
never be mad
He would
never be that
mean, you
never hear that
in the same
nursery class
You don't
often see that
how much
order we have
bad, they
oughta be spanked
the fuck
outta here, Jack
the fuck
outta here, man
you come
over here and
me you're not gonna
very worried
people here, Frank
Why can't
people see that
number of
people we have
white, is himself
perfectly black
looking for the
perjury trap
everything if you
good as we
inconspicuous as you
long as you
of applause you
quickly as you
simply as you
well as you
widely as I
possibly can
could they have
I could have
possibly had
that we could
possibly have
can take a
pottery class
colors without a
preconceived plan
probably have
bunch of
have the
problems we have
Promise me that
of both personal
property and
and buy virtual
property, and
measured as a
quantity and
got real
quiet real fast
know the
reason we had
There's a
reason we have
like Puerto
Ricans need baths
Riddler me that
Preferably buxom and
scantily clad
most guarded
secret we have
decision-making wherever you
sensibly can
it was
solid steel cast
and push them
steadily back
light, and then
suddenly, zap
eat that girly,
sugary crap
infinite love and
sympathy and
the Jazz Blues
Symphony Band
man, the
taller he stands
you at getting
terribly fat
It's just terribly,
terribly sad
kit, and your
toiletries bag
They are
totally bad
It was
totally rad
Sport never
treated me bad
the best
treatment we can
I've become a
trustworthy man
a vest on
underneath that
cheer, and that's
utterly sad
This is our
victory lap
enter the
Vinton Street branch
You don't
wanna eat that
wanna see Anne
I don't
Would you
wanna see that
with the
weapons he lacks
yellow sun
welcomes me back
of the
worker bee has
why I
wouldn't be back

with 2 extra syllables

gonna get my
abilities back
just joined the
academy staff
lands easy and
accurate B-flats
this an
actual street lamp
knowledge than he
actually had
much tartar I
the potential you
actually have
where the ball
actually lands
actually laughed
What more could
anybody ask
just in case
anybody asks
don't know if
anybody can
enough to make
anybody mad
I never told
anybody that
could talk behind
anybody's back
Cameron Diaz
upon, in my
capacity as
of butt in 30-pound-butt-
capacity pants
rather carry a
colostomy bag
of the European
Communities Act
system as other
communities have
to bring this
community back
there's a
contingency plan
you're the alfalfa
delivery man
economy and
by an education
elaborately bad
than any
emotion we have
The wind was
Emperor Diaz
those moral
endowments he had
were regarded as
eternally damned
everyone see that
coarse carman, who
evidently drank
form of the
Identity Trap
of all they
ignorantly had
like the
National League, Hank
us as we
naturally stand
He's in the
Nephrology Lab
Hebrew by
Nicholas de Lange
from every
orifice he has
and heterodox, that
philosophy can
More than I
previously had
irreproachable manners, and
religiously mad
Remarkably fast
he was almost
riotously sad
a warm smile,
sincerity, and
and leader had
successfully passed
United We Stand
do these things
usually last
on your Anti-
Vitamin C masks
the past-
Washington, Lee, Grant
entitled to
whatever he had
to do
whatever we can
these Jews
wherever we can
Laine had
whoever he had

with 3 extra syllables

get real
complicated, real fast
absolute fullest,
consequences be damned
despise the
countermeasure, we have
was preoccupied and
eventually crashed
skill and diligence
legitimately ask
and differentiating between,
masculinity and
they do not
necessarily have
democracy and economic
opportunity than
The temperature dropped
phenomenally fast
The theory of
relativity has
a time, he's
neck, I'll be
Tracheotomy Man

with 4 extra syllables

That's the
negotiator we have