exact syllable matches

by at least
20 points
didn't talk to
any boys
Certainly without
Do I have
I didn't have
I don't have
of us with
slave doesn't have
We don't have
you've given me
any choice
not to make
things don't make
any noise
a break in
be small at
decisive victory at
I don't see
in governance at
its indignation at
killed me at
oppose me at
really touch at
road engineer at
any point
did not have
he leave us
any toys
Chelsea boy
Chelsea boys
It means
Cherry Point
in a low,
deadly voice
Delhi boils
The Friends of
Eddie Coyle
stares at the
empty void
small, had a
girly voice
looks a fine,
healthy boy
Charles Rolls and
Henry Royce
one linked by
Jerry Coyne
Written by
Larry Doyle
many boys
punk music, and
many Oi
and unhappiness at
many points
grew up and
married boys
and boys can
marry boys
Mary Joy
for multiple individual one-
penny coins
pepe hoi
petit coin
petit pois
A big
talking in a
scary voice
woman with a
sexy voice
boy, and Tommy
Shelby's boy
Teddy Boy
Teddy boys
betrayal proves his
questions on this
say upon this
us on that
very point
I was
will grow up
very spoiled

with 1 extra syllable

to prevail was
already joined
distracted by anything,
especially boys
library voice

with 2 extra syllables

playground of Shakespeare,
Dostoyevsky, Freud
sites which are
permanently moist
stationary point
stationary points
free exchange and
voluntary choice

with 4 extra syllables

singer with an
extraordinary voice