exact syllable matches
You have
been Englishmen
You could have
been president
You could've
been President
become deathless by
begetting sons
a five
stored in a five-
bit register
song, just a 16-
bit rendition
question could
bring them wisdom
going to
declare this month
demonstration of the
defence systems
compulsion to
defend his world
want to
defend this stuff
you would
defend this world
I was
defending her
men and women
defending us
You've beaten our
defense system
could circumvent US missile-
past the automated
defense systems
the Secretary of
Defense, Mr
rather than a
defensive front
also a very
depressing one
is my partner,
Detective Her
just good solid
really nothing but
Taggart is to
detective work
But so
did demigods
and all
dissent is crushed
communication among the
dissenting young
It's a re-
drilled replica
another, a spatial
effect results
still the most
effective drum
and unfelt
effects with words
this special
this spectacular
event with us
the pattern of
events written
except children
I'd laugh,
except it hurts
to purchase everything
except mirrors
Every book
other vices
except this one
customer, we would
expect Mr
expect results
and Eddie are
and Liza are
say Macbeth is
They are
expecting us
that you be
expelled, Mr
would be very
expensive dust
Failing, an
no, you want
expensive one
not even the
expensive ones
a very fucking
Robert Sherman, owns
expensive rug
may so
express it, the
never been
trivialized when
expressed in words
extending drugs
his favorite action
film character
is He who
gives existence
republic and make
him President
him where it hurts
him, spare his skull
man for
to gain
himself in love
Her father called
himself Mr
He calls
himself Timmons
his associating
himself with her
monster keeps
his bell, trinket
a person conceal
abilities, but for
as imputations on
as well as
greatness, lay in
his competence and
his wife understand
just idea of
moment man finds
or depth of
personally vouch for
richest soil of
striking trait in
the complexity of
the content of
the duplicity of
the independence of
thought I'd reference
tracking device onto
whole complex of
his character
the rest of
his enlistment
and diversity of
any proof of
be available for
begins to narrate
category that dignifies
definite phase of
he ekes out
indefinite extension of
is to end
is unaware of
joyful mystery of
no record of
remain sceptical about
the means of
the more painful
the truth of
the worth of
those who doubt
to give of
very fabric of
his existence
let me use
his Existence
create doubts of
His existence
recorded by
his friend Mr
html To
His Friend, Mr
his friends will come
his hair is just
to shoot
his next picture
not reconcile with
his self-image
at best, only
his stepchildren
firey comet
hits Ned's zipper
if there is such
of imagination,
if they're fiction
millennia were an
immense distance
We must
impress Mr
good way to
impress women
impressive, huh
Impressive, huh
be back
gets off
pup adoptions
these premises
in 10 minutes
went down
in 12 minutes
in bed with her
an octave when
are the best
old and change
that are maritime
in character
a longer time
alive and Jewry
and canonical composition
and most up-to-date
and the last
contract for goods
destroy every Spark
in them truth
longer only partially
most miserable being
most multi-purposed thing
most roguish body
of its kind
rare NES games
rationality made manifest
the premises now
the worst controls
they were ever
to things not
what is already
with several versions
in existence
the only lifeforms
a bathtub
didn't belong
done before
fastest exit
not belong
we serve
you stay
in Hell's Kitchen
the vipers are
There's our artist
in residence
and ready
be there
for action
of town
same place
the House
the restaurant
in ten minutes
himself completely
re-create us
remade you
the galaxy
the world
in their image
best efforts
in their interests
succumbed anyway
in their millions
most predominate
in their mixtures
put glass
in their slippers
in there with her
ain't shit
in there, nigga
in Wellingtons
in Holyrood or
in Westminster
him with my
index finger
in the air
infected us
the beginning of
injecting drugs
Er, no pun
intended sir
random, and by
inventing words
is Clevinger
is drenched in blood
Yeah, this
is Erickson
for the point
question of value
is ethical
the world
is getting tough
hard part
is getting up
little piggies,Life
this fire
is getting worse
is helping us
noses, hers
is red enough
indivisible and so
is selfishness
our anger
is sending us
to depart
is shedding blood
that he
is telling us
ten minutes
is ten minutes
our Lord
is testing us
chances that
is their business
- it
is their prison
the fight
is well begun
the reputation
is well deserved
suffering have given
it character
It ends with us
cynicism, but
it gets results
it gets things done
It gets weirder
it when it comes
hairy object approached
it, hesitant
what was
it, twelve minutes
essentially barbarous in
mankind universal in
will also purify
its character
organization to pay
its creditors
a belief of
a justification for
a recognition of
adding richness to
barely aware of
for most of
indispensably necessary to
is predicated on
keep alluding to
needs to justify
on such for
one-hundred years of
people to guarantee
precarious time in
psychology insists upon
right to challenge
successive moments of
that you tolerate
the credentials of
the purpose of
the verge of
to believe in
to find out
try to ignore
unquestioning acceptance of
was finite in
its existence
problem is,
week, and
it's getting worse
It's getting worse
its head, which bursts
and served as
its president
rights for all
its residents
city of
its splendid birth
has the immediate
itself become
veileth love,
itself is love
startled to find
itself returned
it concerns
itself with us
in and for
itself, Spirit
Jill Marin, sir
same title by
Jim Harrison
and written by
Jim Sheridan
us to
kill their children
Kill them, Grissom
in No One
Killed Jessica
killed Mel Gibson
to do its
mimetic worst
and neither is
Miss Harrison
reach of God's
redemptive love
rejected her
in the collision
repair business
we can
repair this world
rather than a
repenting cult
but not to
to care and
respect women
oughta have more
respect, mister
in all due
respect, Mr
But I
that I deeply
were faithful, you
respected her
just couldn't
risk getting hurt
Is Bush
still president
The band's
still setting up
I don't
think ten million
think there is one
think there's enough
quantitative measurement has
thought they banned
this character
no worse than
to make tolerable
this existence
into poverty under
this president
be devastating to
media is against
this President
rescue us from
this selfishness
you dead for
this, Kerrigan
drenched in some
weird chemical
sooner we
will get results
will self-destruct
going to
win Hell's Kitchen
the ball crisply,
with character
a knife or
with chemicals
with editors
in morality
with Kevin Rudd
with less women
do it
with Mel Gibson
from secondary people
with self-interests
get on
with their business
learn along
sense, especially
sharing dialogue
with their children
and Figures
with their Fingers
move forward
with their mission
a family
with twelve children
about Scotland's relationship
with Westminster
She's a second-
year resident
with 1 extra syllable
Alfred Tennyson
a lack of
basic character
Being Erica
we see Bean
being hesitant
readers dream of
being president
the point of
being President
do thy
bidding, Mel Gibson
hallmarks of the
British character
naval power involves
British existence
plausible enough, a
college president
the Bob Kane
comic character
on the Marvel
Comics character
Look at that
condescending smirk
think somebody's
counting their chickens
teach without
crushing their spirit
who are
dancing then Mr
David Ellington
tired of her
disrespecting us
element of the
elements of the
English character
Erik Erikson
Even getting drunk
president, he's not
even president
even slept with her
of selling
even their children
even when it hurts
All the
fucking chemicals
turns into Thomas
fucking Edison
robbery with a
fucking replica
the titular American
Greetings character
scene at the
Hewitt residence
hitting where it hurts
knowing whence it comes
situation of the
leading character
when someone
loses their filters
morning, Jessica
music says enough
and to
predict their results
our half white,
racist President
what we have
representing us
Saving Hell's Kitchen
and greatest in
Scottish character
showing their knickers
snapping their fingers
people's assholes,
sniffing their business
considered to have
sterling character
thinking there is one
uncompromising division of
tragic existence
It's like they're
training technicians
faery power Of
unreflecting love
to keep you
waiting, Erika,
is a power
within existence
you into a
wrestling character
Wretched, wretched girl
with 2 extra syllables
masterpieces without an
aggressive character
Anything else is just
goal of my
artistic existence
country needs another C-
average President
believing they're in love
analogous to that
concerning existence
the darkness of
destructive selfishness
detract from his
dramatic character
assertive ego, a
dynamic character
to be an
effective president
Everything else is just
Not without
explaining existence
some kind of
explosive chemical
and right
following their interests
Academy Awards
including best picture
prejudices from
infecting their results
more and more
menacing character
largely of a
negative character
advice to the
neurotic residents
some sort of
pathetic character
end of his
to such a
pathetic existence
and ending the
Phoenix's existence
gifts of the
poetic character
continue a most
even a most
primitive existence
to the
Princess's caring touch
that kills their
prospective character
political forces
pursuing their interests
and psychological evidence
regarding self-systems
times of the
Republic's existence
a dangerous and
subversive character
Bush is the
syphilis president
with 3 extra syllables
the features of
Asiatic character
as America's last
conservative president
Conservative president
virtue of its
cumulative character
presence in a
diplomatic character
even to his
economic existence
immortality, in an
everlasting existence
is having this
inorganic existence
step toward
realizing their vision
recognizing there is one
the universal and
scientific character
maintaining its Jewish
supremacist character
You have an
undescended testicle
with 4 extra syllables
initiating self-destruct
tribute to my
representative character