exact syllable matches

of optical
delusion of consciousness
the general
diffusion of knowledge
but were
excluded from office
him you were adopted
survivalist and
his beautiful daughter
his fool of a father
is the
illusion of knowledge
of what
inducements were offered
under the
influence of Modern
into a bizarre world
sleepy village
into a necropolis
to break
into her apartment
into some evil monster
it fell
into the concoction
into the evil cauldron
minus materials
to delve
into the subconscious
Ruth out
into utter darkness
after the
removal of Vargas
think you were a bargain
trip to the Bahamas

with 1 extra syllable

be the
constituents of water
Fortitude of the Martyrs
Weber's irresponsible and
inexcusable conduct
this divine
institution of gossip
other of
something sooner forgotten
spiritual world on earth

with 2 extra syllables

accepting two girls from Constance
related to thermal waters
My silly,
sensitive, beautiful daughter
succumbing to the first option

with 3 extra syllables

relationship to the unconscious