exact syllable matches

him as
lack of
Like the
air to breathe
of hot
air to me
in the
is the
air you breathe
Burbank, the
air's too clean
I can't
bare to be
The Little
Bear Movie
the last Care
Bears movie
The Care
Bears Movie
tonight to watch
Beck's movie
of his
bed to sleep
sex or X-rated
bedroom scenes
be your master
bedroom suite
beg you, please
bell buoy
bell buoys
Ben Moody
been following my
best routine
try my
best to be
do my
best to please
like a
bet to me
have a
bet, you see
Blessing and
blessed to be
even have
roof and
bread to eat
a young
breast to sleep
do I
care to be
you didn't
care to hear
under her
care to sleep
the teacher's
chair, you hear
few men
must still
dare to dream
would they
dare to eat
dare you speak
I never
dared to dream
grey place
dares to dream
all but
You are
dead to me
of the
dead, do we
death duties
as my
it's just
stripes and
death to me
I hasten
Death to meet
El Huique
el que sea
find someplace
had somewhere
else to be
else who sees
en coulisse
en vue de
at the
end to be
is an
end to dreams
put an
end to me
est ubi
fair to me
faire du bien
room has terrible
feng shui
a conference on
are ruining our
office is not
Feng Shui
a creeping red
fescue field
of a modern
French Bluebeard
like a
French movie
Simone, sounds
French to me
never a
friend to me
or are
friends to me
afraid you're gonna
get cooties
soon as it
get duties
get sushi
their parents
get to be
seldom ever
get to dream
before they
He can
let them
get to me
he'll never
get to meet
tourists never
get to see
could not
he couldn't
I can't
just couldn't
never gonna
You'd better
get to sleep
Who else
gets to leave
one ever
gets to me
no one
one else
gets to see
is a
hair to me
Robb Stark's
head to me
Like my
head, you see
a double
health to thee
we are
held to be
aspects of
hell to me
a great
been great
help to me
Morris cannot
help you here
all the
you the
help you need
mask can
help you see
purpose and
helps you heal
Destiny has
I have
is what
led you here
nothing else
very little
left to eat
appeal was
only light
left to me
fortune had
left you free
really just
left you here
a wooden
leg you see
out I
let you leave
Alchemy isn't
context were
I was
it was
it's not
just never
just not
just wasn't
just, uh,
Mavis are
me were
nor was
person I'm
romance was
she was
something isn't
they are
they were
things are
This was
was always
was not
we are
we were
were always
were just
what is
what they're
where I'm
who I'm
you are
you were
meant to be
family has
things out
tonight has
trauma has
you ever
meant to me
one was
meant to see
meant all
men to be
all his
men to see
we get some
menus here
of rapture
ne'er to cease
guy for my
to see her
until the
next movie
as the
big man
came down
chair right
cold ground
Come sit
comes up
experience that
He's right
he's standing
is sittin'
lying right
sat there
sitting there
stall right
standing right
the Earth
the one
there standing
your standing
next to me
a week from
next Tuesday
next you need
like a
pet to me
form of such
rare beauty
lyrics are
read to me
eye were bright
red rubies
going from
red to green
aliens didn't come
for nothing can
friends come and
signal and they'll
rescue me
Rescue Me
Fortunately, Cena
one came and
was you that
rescued me
Leave the
rest to me
said rudely
anybody's ever
Charles once
have ever
he ever
he'd always
his son
my father
news ever
she ever
the Don
you've ever
said to me
scared to breathe
was a god-
send to me
light that
sends you free
all made
always made
bit of
Christ makes
doesn't make
him makes
just makes
lot of
make much
Makes perfect
never made
not make
that made
to make
sense to me
you were
sent to see
John that
sent you here
and I'll
And I've
and they'll
back, I'll
day I
do, I'll
even gonna
hand will
me,I'm gonna
one can
truth can
truth shall
We'll never
will help
set you free
sound that
that sound
sets you free
have not
strength to flee
Hand a
TEC to me
does that
tell you, Chief
tend to bleach
frightened, they
tend to freeze
of remarking all
their beauties
are impressed by
What laws govern
their beauty
them to escape
their cruelty
normal course of
officers in discharging
or suborned from
the discharge of
their duties
movements to face
of work and
the performance of
they keep not
their duty
to cut off
their goolies
their movie
had seen all
their movies
is to make
them routine
one of
them screwed me
amnesia, want
couldn't expect
daddy, wanted
don't expect
don't find
don't want
environment allows
everyone expects
had imagined
I want
not expect
people want
we imagine
we intend
we want
world allows
would like
would want
them to be
them to eat
I want
them to hear
and asked
better tell
I've begged
to persuade
them to leave
and bring
and gave
and give
and given
and gives
both of
don't offer
God gave
He gave
just refer
or refer
Or send
problem, refer
She gave
you led
you send
You taught
them to me
and send
them to ME
and turn
them to peace
don't want
I want
politicians tell
them to see
to get
them to tweet
them, and pronounced
them unique
you want,
then choose peace
Tippin, and
then to me
your friends and
then Uni
money, and
then you leave
too, and
then you'll see
I went
there to heal
again, from
eggs from
there to here
was not
there to see
They are
there to speak
What is
there to steal
have somebody out
there Tuesday
that is
there, you see
forget that
there's food here
There's food here
Well, OK,
they're chewy
losers, or because
of losers-er, because
they're unique
be a
threat to me
a definite
indeed a
more insidious
threat to peace
Trek Movies
in the
webs you weave
Well, you'll see
went smoothly
Some people
went through here
A shudder
went through me
uniform and
went to hear
ship and
went to sea
bed and
before I
when they
which I
young Adam
went to sleep
Puritan leader
went to St
flows from
shift from
west and
west to east
ebb, from
move from
West to East
eat and
when to sleep
kitchen counter
much as
when you leave
sincere as
when you scream
feel better
when you sleep
of art
When you speak
not shit
where you eat
We'll negotiate
you live,
where you sleep
Dead, that's
where you'd be
the sitter
where you'll be
helmets, says
like a
yes to me
greater India
moments are
of millions
yet to be
of Christmas
Yet to Be
fit as
yet to keep
you have
yet to meet
that dress
yet, do we

with 1 extra syllable

open letters
sealed and
that was
addressed to me
has decided
again to be
he puts
again to sea
You cheated Lance
again, Eugene
to me
again, you hear
the reason
again, you see
in Nottingham
again, you'll see
up His position
war would be
against Jewry
we have
against you here
Do not
attempt to leave
our forces,
attempt to reach
Well, Psi-
Cadet, you mean
at my own
careless cruelty
Compare coulisse
Compare puerile
Compare toothly
health nut
it easy
of smokers
compared to me
beIn happiness
compared to thee
not be
compelled to leave
that you
confessed to me
down to
context, you see
do not
expect to see
Farewell to thee
And don't
forget to breathe
mistake and
forget to steal
that he
forgets to eat
She blames
herself, you see
he'd laugh
himself to sleep
Miguel Ruiz
ever allow
I imagine
myself to be
And cry
I put
myself to sleep
it all
myself you see
I'm not
myself, you see
intelligence seems
nonsense to me
than the
offence to me
bleeding hands
outstretched to me
stars splintering in
perfect beauty
rail system
somewhere through here
you have
somewhere to be
looking for
somewhere to sleep
from the
southwest to here
name, which
suggests to be
already believe
they believe
they proclaim
themselves to be
all sacrifice
themselves to each
cannot compare
machines offered
who attach
words announced
themselves to me
them, compare
thyself to Me
Goldilocks goes
upstairs to sleep
ever dreamed
innocently purport
it in
you perceive
yourself to be
you give
you justify
You're comparing
yourself to me

with 2 extra syllables

Camberwell beauties
Camberwell beauty
a great
compliment to me
check our
document to see
is of
something that's
interest to me
have made
ourselves to be