exact syllable matches

or are yall
all absent
More at
all and one
all and some
all angles
all as one
altogether, not
is lost
maybe not
all at once
the flesh and
all ballast
brothers- we are
all bastards
You can
all have her
Runner's are
all jammed up
ribs was
all mashed up
humankind, time, and
all matter
all matters
awareness and
all that love
being wrong
left arm
all that much
banners and
Drinker, brawler,
emotions and
land, and
rights and
timing, and
all that stuff
up on
all that work
neighbor and
all that, but
alt machen
when the gods
are adverse
that the gods
are after
All programs
are cancelled
are cattle
knows fruit bats
are mammals
some odors that
are rather
as Mega Man's
arm cannon
arm machen
armed bandit
armed bandits
Arnaut Daniel
arse bandit
arse bandits
art glasses
die Faust aufs
Auge passen
bald patches
bar magnet
bar magnets
meticulously folded Mars
bar wrapper
barge master
barge masters
barn dances
block captain
block captains
bog Latin
bog standard
bon matin
bond angle
bond angles
bonne action
boss battles
bott hammer
bott hammers
box canyon
box canyons
box standard
box standards
boxed standard
boxed standards
this path are
called angas
called hazard
car glasses
Carl Barron
Carl Sandburg
carne branca
beer, dogs,
cars and guns
Car's gassed up
and Karna,
caught and crushed
Charge master
Charge masters
the motion of non-
charged matter
Charles Barron
Charles Lapworth
Charles Manson
chart datum
just gonna
chomp and run
Claude glasses
Claude Shannon
claw hammer
claw hammers
clog dances
Cobb salad
Cobb salads
col Danton
cols Danton
com ara
bunch of pink-slip dot-
com slackers
Conrad Burns
contract curve
cross action
cross actions
cross axle
cross axles
cross channel
cross channels
cross gamma
cross handle
cross handles
cross vanna
daal tadka
dar ganas
dar valor
dark lanterns
even better than
of fusion and
dark matter
dark pattern
dark patterns
Darth Malak
Dawn Hampton
dhal tadka
by Publick and
Doc Hammer
he was a
dog catcher
dog handler
dog Latin
dog napper
dog nappers
dog paddle
dog paddled
dog paddles
dog salmon
Don Tapscott
by a random polka-
dot pattern
drop acid
drop anchor
dropped anchor
course was
dropped at once
drops anchor
Fall aster
Fall asters
Also called a
false action
false actions
false flagger
false flaggers
take-off on a
farm tractor
fart taxes
were hard
fought and won
fox maggot
gall bladder
gall bladders
God classes
grace that
God grants us
hours on that
goddamn bus
Where are the
goddamn guns
on my last
goddamn nerves
went and
got that gun
hall passes
twice as
hard as Dutch
working as
hard as her
found that
It was
hard at first
artists are
hard at work
hard handed
hard palate
hard palates
hard passes
hard yakka
Harn lassen
harp shackle
harp shackles
go far beyond
harsh language
Harsh Mander
heart, a
heart that works
hearth taxes
hearts, Axel
hog apple
hog apples
It's all
hot and stuff
we got
hot pants from
get a job,
ja langer
job action
job actions
job backwards
job master
job masters
John Acton
George Washington and
John Adams
John Backus
John Bascom
John Bradford
John Calvin
John Carroll
John Danforth
John Gagnon
Ben Stiller and
Jim Herzfeld and
John Hamburg
John Maddox
John Pastor
Elaine Bogan and
John Sanford
John Strasberg
John Vanbrugh
John Zachman
John, that hurt
Josh Campbell
Karl Jaspers
knock and run
La Bamba
La Pampa
la talla
law Latin
locked salmon
log cabin
log cabins
will go on
long after
long ballot
long ballots
use of that
long barrel
long grasser
long grassers
long paddock
Long Stratton
former dominance and
lost stature
lot's happened
Mach angle
March Madness
Brooks and
Mark Andrus
Mark Hamill
Mark Manson
Mark Rathbun
Mark Sanford
Mark Satin
Marsh Arab
Marsh Arabs
marsh grasses
mob handed
wanna bother
mom at work
might wanna
mop that up
moss agate
moss agates
na galla
na manga
Na Nana
nom latin
noms latins
noms savants
chi non fa
non falla
numerals is regarded as
and I had
Glow Cloud has
not answered
read it, and
not ashers
was, but
not at first
go forward and
look forward and
not backward
Bill Gates was
Thomas Edison was
not balanced
I have
not blasphemed
but I am
not blasted
You are
not cattle
Oh no, Mom,
not glasses
was, it was
not granted
naked and
not had fun
Did that
Why did that
not happen
September 11 had
that they have
not happened
it and
not have one
during eternity, and
men want does
not matter
it certainly was
not passion
These attacks are
not random
power, we are
not rattled
drunk, he shall
not stagger
we have
not that love
not that much
not that one
sticking up at
odd angles
odds catch up
off balance
just some dildo jack-
off campers
from declining a rock-
to play a rock-
off challenge
off chances
off than some
off, Malcolm
on acid
stranger has called
on Alex
you all
on at once
are my pants
on backwards
on balance
big man
the best catch
two separate attacks
on campus
enabled to react
when matter acts
on matter
of serenity than
on passion
on Sanders
hold off
jury's back
pretty far
the box
the kibosh
the maths
you stand
on that one
five cops
on that stuff
watching football
on that, huh
on, Daniel
on, Gnasher
your tiny pants
on, Plankton
palm cabbage
Park Rapids
Paul Allen
And, uh-
Paul Schnabel
make that awesome
plot happen
pond apple
pond apples
prawn cracker
prawn crackers
assured strict and
prompt action
qua and bird
R acid
Beyond the
raw talent
rock alum
a hot
rock at us
rock badger
rock rabbit
rock rabbits
Rock Rapids
rock salmon
like wolf kabob
Roth vantage
sa wakas
salt acid
saule fragile
saw grasses
Scott Adams
Scott Ambler
Somebody's got a
sharp palette
shawl pattern
shawl patterns
shock paddle
shock paddles
their beer and
shot glasses
shot sample
shot samples
slot canyon
slot canyons
small matter
in big and
small matters
you as
smart as us
smart asses
soft as young
soft canon
soft chancre
soft handed
soft palate
soft palates
sought after
squash rackets
squat and thrust
Staat machen
stall handler
stall handlers
star anise
star apple
star apples
star grasses
star jasmine
star jasmines
away the rock
star mantle
star passes
but I've surpassed
Star Platinum
star tracker
star trackers
stark machen
stock tackle
stop and search
you can
stop Matt from
the factory and
stop Plankton
Strong language
swamp cancer
circles on a
swamp planet
ice planets and
swamp planets
swamp rabbit
swamp rabbits
ever wanna
talk and stuff
you all
talk at once
know, I can
talk backwards
I'm all
tall and stuff
thought pattern
their breathing and
thought patterns
Todd Carroll
Tom Bramble
Tom Carroll
top and but
toss and turn
toss salad
make coffee and
toss salads
tossed and turned
tossed salad
tossed salads
von dannen
wall hanger
wall hangers
wann anders
to see that
was Adam
own walk and
was baffled
substance, and that
was camphor
the Lord's cross
was captured
for the product
was Fablon
was last month
was platinum
and his heart
was saddened
and the Rod
was shattered
was that word
wash barrel
wash barrels
wash basket
wash baskets
watch Adam
Watch and learn
watch glasses
watch tackle
watch tackles
passages got the
really was the
that was a
That's the
wrong answer
landing on the
looking on the
wrong planet
Zhong Nanshan

with 1 extra syllable

alarm ladron
lamp, translated by
Antoine Galland
terrible as that
Argonne battle
Baja jacket
Barnard Castle
cabal glasses
deep wants it
is written, I
of questions I
cannot answer
hatred which he
cannot fathom
I can and
us two adventurers
cannot handle
cannot happen
future, you
cannot have one
forces which it
or modern, she
cannot master
C'mon, grab her
facade pattern
facade patterns
Gerard Batten
Hamza Mansour
landlocked salmon
landlocked salmons
unwashed masses
Vaclav Havel
Vanguard Bandits

with 2 extra syllables

from the Taino
Arawak language
Archibald Lampman
argonaut chasma