exact syllable matches
been killed on the street
before the evening
begins properly
as they're both
in Britain and
British colonies
maybe a former
British colony
icon of modern
the arsehole of
British comedy
similar statements of
British policy
British Politics and
British Policy
streets and
buildings are unreal
drink this vodka neat
Cognate to
English Constantine
in an
English farmer's field
Akin to
English quandary
market, is
filled with property
to communities of
fishing colonies
gift economies
gift economy
use their strange
gifts responsibly
gig economies
labor in the
gig economy
givin' ya pearls here
Him, begone from me
him, it was ugly
himself should declare
his insolvency
if it was a sheep
if it wasn't me
also more difficult
in democracies
a big believer
a fateful experiment
Africans, our partners
an important concept
house to believe
if they believe
must be rooted
We believe
in democracy
Persuasion and Compulsion
in Democracy
are bound together,
because I believe
that Islam believes
in equality
to friction
in his colony
and conservative
in his policies
different one
in its glossary
and bad
in its quality
finding graphic expression
in pictography
important issue
in this colony
its home
in this poverty
between the two
democracy - this
ladies and gentlemen,
is democracy
for being rich
is economy
Its name
socialism, alongside liberty,
The goal
is equality
makes to all,
is Equality
is his property
All of this
All we've seen
I hate it
is hypocrisy
Is it far from here
is it, Marjorie
is six blocks from here
is still not complete
Is this harmony
Is this possibly
Pittsburgh, and called
it Economy
sure that
it fits properly
voice, listen to
it impartially
were to essay
it improperly
it is all of these
it is gonna be
it is not complete
It is not funny
Middle Egyptian
it is obsolete
It is part of me
Some people called
it phrenology
have to do
promised to use
sought to use
we will spend
it responsibly
It will not agree
It will start early
that is consolidating
its democracy
and weapon is
on India and
its economy
it's this cottage cheese
The reciprocal of
its viscosity
He was
kidding, wasn't he
living are hungry
living on a heath
living on the street
living on the streets
an index of
milking qualities
mixed economies
context of a
growth of the
resulting in a
mixed economy
peer economies
peer economy
picnic on the beach
pissing on the streets
system is a
rigged economy
shear viscosities
shear viscosity
sitting on the beach
spinning on the wheel
still, it bothers me
the keynotes to
Swiss democracy
does all
things in harmony
think it was funny
feeling or only
thinking properties
and soul of
Death to
Shame on
the glory of
this democracy
make money in
prior administration for
this economy
THIS economy
free of all
this hypocrisy
This is all a dream
This is gonna be
this is not a dream
this is not funny
This is not funny
this is part of me
This is quality
and ran
didn't manage
this thing properly
Thrilling on the Screen
Can you
trim it properly
to be of
vintage quality
wish it wasn't me
been the way
with democracies
a proportionate pace
indoctrination is inconsistent
nothing to do
with democracy
have much experience
with Democracy
bewildering stupidity, coupled
with dishonesty
anything to do
is not inconsistent
nothing to do
We begin
with equality
they disagree
who disagreed
with his policies
he pleases
with his property
with his rocket feet
Christianity was synonymous
with self-righteousness, partly
with hypocrisy
not well
with this colony
the interfering
with this policy
in connection
with this property
with 1 extra syllable
and even weakly
acidic properties
and by always
acting responsibly
his manner
amidst this oddity
It admires
artistic quality
the individual
being is Gayatri
why despite of
booming economy
friend of the
fundamental principle of
British democracy
hard work of
building democracy
behind in a
changing economy
closing in on the Fleet
three times,
cutting his arteries
the doubt of
even equality
even in common speech
are special,
even in poverty
even it was a league
you can't
even kill properly
and fix the
fucking economy
fulfilling prophecies
can be a self-
Mistrust is a self-
of creating a self-
they call a self-
fulfilling prophecy
America's second fastest
job in a
up with the
growing economy
Growing economy
Quality in a
Growing Economy
guessing it's not the knee
Finiteness is a
holistic property
kicking it on the street
genuine revolutionary
lacking this quality
American children
languish in poverty
laughing, it's not funny
and those
children are
Kingdom are
million Americans
of citizens
world, are
living in poverty
Why suddenly
marriage equality
Marriage is obsolete
is no-one's
no one's
noticed it properly
was a nation-wide property-
owning democracy
because their
penises are thirsty
of managed and
planning economies
pounding him on a reef
in favor of
public economy
saplings with doner meat
Borrowed from
Semitic, probably
sharing economies
sharing economy
something with larger teeth
lower proximity to English-
speaking economies
their own,
specific qualities
strolling in off the street
thinking it, aren't we
and rehabilitation of
Zaire's economy
with 2 extra syllables
The Republicans would
abolish democracy
difficult to view
anything impartially
beginning, it was a dream
causality offers substantial
cognitive economy
strength of our
collective economy
of taste,
concerning its quality
only on a
defective economy
html Who's for
destroying democracy
and about the
forces within the
manage our own
domestic economy
These are the
emerging economies
change, but
emphasis shifts constantly
of capitalism to
establish equality
world to
exhibit this quality
employment in an
it is an
expanding economy
economy by
exploiting its sovereignty
health of a
of a responsible,
to have a
functioning democracy
of a new
holistic economy
programmed by a
huckstering economy
linguistic ecology
to rejuvenate our
pathetic economy
politics did not succeed
you got a
productive economy
protected democracy
with preserving and
protecting democracy
should be
related in harmony
burned honesty and
rewarded hypocrisy
ever had in
you can have
scientific policy
Socialist ecology
nature of a
socialist economy
Peculator of
socialistic property
Substantive democracy
basis of comparative
Teutonic philology
with 3 extra syllables
having a final,
apocalyptic quality
asymmetric cryptography
for a high-functioning
necessary to preserve
workers to support
capitalist democracy
and prosperity in
capitalist economies
endemic to a
management of the
them in the
to control a
capitalist economy
centuries, but with
characteristic honesty
basis of a
competitive economy
derivative is probably
long way from
economic democracy
equality, which means
fair prospect of
economic equality
to create an
Educated Democracy
increased by the
indeterminate quantity
no limits to
secularist dishonesty
an act of
stupefying hypocrisy
Delhi said
violated its sovereignty
with 4 extra syllables
characteristics which are ugly
collaborative economies
collaborative economy
representative democracies
elected through a
the genius of
the principles of
representative democracy