exact syllable matches

not words -
it's actions
a beer and a
myself with
a big challenge
a big fat fuck
magnet --
a big magnet
a bit at first
I'm still
a bit baffled
He seemed
a bit fragile
Talk about
a bitch magnet
a bitch, that one
themes form
a clear pattern
Because that was
boy would be
day has been
disappointment, if not
energy policies are
governance it is
It is only
It was
life is already
not far from
of Sexuality is
Our military is
strength is such
That was
that you are
This is
To me it's
you're alone it's
a disaster
I'll create
Maybe I was
a distraction
I've got
Maybe send
send her
a gift basket
a hit and run
hand above
Hospital with
a lit candle
a sick bastard
bet over
a sick hamster
you've got
a tick magnet
Get me
Berlin at once
have become
blood demand blood
Other like a cold-
blooded gangsta
said before,
bugs in amber
you set a
bum example
not only here
but hereafter
But it happened
it's freaky,
but it happens
bad moment,
but it passes
I thought,
but it's happened
It's ugly,
but it's standard
Lamb shall
come in anger
mind, here
comes MC Hammer
comes with rapture
of the dawn
coming after
Thanks for
coming and stuff
and he's
now he's
coming at us
apple bits,
coming back up
coming back, love
defines all
courage and love
Next thing, you're
cutting classes
anything else besides
government, that means
cutting taxes
does it happen
does it matter
them on the
first expansion
is thereby free
from distraction
from this cat girl
free you
from this madness
I'm not
from this planet
and big fat
fucking asses
Fucking bastards
where's the
fucking damage
fucking faggot
it ain't gonna
fucking happen
Erasure or Janet
fucking Jackson
fucking man, huh
Mind over
fucking matter
being on this
fucking planet
like a tossed
fucking salad
Fucking scandal
guy's like a
fucking Snapple
Hun cocksuckers by the bushel-
furnishing the exorbitant
funds demanded
for some of
her detractors
another one of
her disasters
benign sympathy of
benignant sympathy of
learn wisdom from
point to follow
save Europe by
this direction by
her example
together with
her in Latin
her with that gun
hugging, and uh
I could
hunt deer, rabbit
Just distract her
which is
love in action
your true
love is strangled
luck with that hug
what Real
Madrid has done
not so
much in fashion
must've happened
nothing happen
business, as if
but this time
I repeat,
of my life,
to room, like
nothing happened
Nothing happened
At first
being only feelgood-joy-life,
go along and
of history, or
silences in which
time where absolutely
nothing happens
Nothing happens
Nothing has worked
In this heat
the feeling that
nothing mattered
Nothing matters
terror before realizing
nothing's happened
some kind
of big cavern
freedom, of analysis,
is the space
lose our sense
of detachment
an escalating probability
in chronic dread
not the causes
on a diet
on the brink
the first whiff
the very brink
of disaster
themselves the children
to the point
of distraction
all the influence
the salutary influence
of example
embodied the spirit
their highest point
of expansion
of filth and scum
of him as one
awfully proud
of him, Janet
and purpose
and slave
of his action
an account
and suspicious
the morality
the process
of his actions
in front
of his canvas
the collar
of his cassock
the towers
of his castle
narrow chinks
of his cavern
are worthy
of his challenge
a prisoner
of his language
the scales
of his malice
more beloved
the humiliation
of his master
the object
of his passion
of his past work
full range
of his talents
the observations
of his travel
the right side
of imbalance
the real peril
of inaction
of it and stuff
of it as such
of it at once
deep-felt consciousness
of its absence
the rest
of its caption
the prints
of its handlers
not entirely,
of its language
lovely little community
of kidnappers
the point
of near capture
a reliable source
of piranhas
being the theory
with variable indices
of refraction
a lot
these kind
of things happen
particular content
of this challenge
the end
of this chapter
be said
of this matter
in honor
of this passion
other inhabitants
the face
the future
the life
the surface
of this planet
the leader
of this Planet
plasma blaster
of this stature
owning a harem,
one imagines
from which
one is absent
and that
one is Lapis
ONE years bad luck
does really
persist as such
home, was a
public matter
out of the
public taxes
Carol Oates
published last month
and is
punished as such
Six shows
running at once
batting or base
running talent
loved and
serve his master
caution them with
I give you
I'll give you
recall my relating
some examples
Corrine, did
I would make
way to having
something happen
And then
But then
But, one night
I was dancing,
something happened
Something Happened
for a stroll,
I mean,
something happens
Something happens
or being
stuck with Clara
such thing as luck
With thumb-
sucking action
even a low-life, scum-
sucking maggot
sucks it back up
the big glass one
The big wrap-up
slow response to
the disaster
could remember
the exact words
I'm setting
others to follow
tone and set
the example
Scott in
the film Patton
the Grif Cannon
run into in
this world and
the hereafter
as compared with
but Fire in
life instead of
the chastisement of
their welfare for
the Hereafter
perpetually militating against
the imagined
I don't recommend
the Italian
honest, the weak,
It was among
the Italians
gave all
the kids hamsters
the King's Captain
Sworn in to
the Quizmaster
out within
the year, Francis
uh, it has worked
was screwed
up in anger
putting it
up in Grantham
to give
up this battle
to take
up this mantle
backing it
up with action
you broke
up with Lana
society on a
virgin planet
of the elements
were examined
were his last words
old romances
were his passion
our troops
were in battle
my father
were in raptures
What if that's us
does know
don't know
fear, is
know exactly
never know
the future
Who knows
what will happen
occur on a
whirling planet
the key
word is balance
words it has learned
against their own
do for the
hatred of the
war against the
working classes
Working classes
read by the
working classes,
at a
working man's club
rediscovered that
world in Dacca
his ideal
world is shattered
that will grow
worse hereafter

with 1 extra syllable

of greater closeness
after disaster
50 years
after it happened
Arabic Shatranj
a little
baffling at first
the title of
Baroness Thatcher
because it happened
bad and may
become disastrous
an orderly and
becoming manner
is the
blossom, which passes
turn to
Brian in anger
broken sticks and mud
to the
brother in Dallas
the rich
buggers is bastards
an idiotic
censorship has done
Go is
challenging and fun
sufferance be by
Christian example
climate is fragile
of all
commerce is language
concert is cancelled
aforetime and will
confer hereafter
than Christian
conscience in action
his mode of
constructing tangents
as though
covered in satin
a collapse by
credit expansion
than I could
than you can
than you could
was, or can
what I could
ever imagine
devastating than any
further than you've
the strangest project
ever imagined
so nothing
ever will happen
father is Santa
I am his
favorite channel
Now the
Fortress is damaged
centrifugal, vertical lines,
forward expansion
Gentlemen gamble
was a
giant in stature
constraints to
govern his answer
when it
happens, it happens
say he
hated his master
sacrifice that the
Island demanded
independently, and with
Judgment, hereafter
to fight when
justice demanded
bank of
justice is bankrupt
the man
Kimble is after
Kindness is manners
accomplishment of
knowledge in action
really remember John
Lennon's Imagine
We got a
little distracted
Forrester, a
little distraction
over your
little pink asses
locust king has come
Margaret Sanger
having tea with
the Court of
who look like
Margaret Thatcher
a sign of
mental imbalance
in the
middle is Dallas
lead to a
negative answer
a way they
learn things you've
never imagined
aboard space-bound freighters
orbiting Saturn
we have no
other example
So there are
other examples
ideals and through
inspire it by
the form of
our example
ones because of
our inaction
she weeps
over it after
fair hearing
over this matter
and control
may rule
over this planet
the monster some
people imagine
are more
people with hammers
person in that world
Peter Mere Latham
places in that world
the Daily
Planet's been cancelled
drinks makes
pleasure his master
was always some
pointless distraction
Princes in Amber
of unemployed into
productive channels
no contributions, no
punitive damage
always some
reason in madness
splendid slave, a
reasoning savage
day of
reckoning has come
he is
ruthless in action
imperative, and the
second disastrous
the same
sentence with barrels
seven years bad luck
Seven years bad luck
Not a
not follow any
single example
toddler and
smother his tantrums
the poor but
sober Italians
when widespread, produce
social disaster
of our
sojourn in matter
with the
soldier in battle
had a
solid rear axle
is not
spoken in anger
and Cathy, a
struggling actress
then one
stupid thing happens
symptom is anger
just houses of
tentative madness
whatever the
terrorists have done
be a
total chick magnet
come back with
Obamacare is a
sorry, an absolute,
theory, it's a
total disaster
nothing that
touches this album
triumphs it has won
trumpet it as such
tips for the
upcoming battle

with 2 extra syllables

latest article on
affirmative action
This essay was
afterwards expanded
beyond anything our
ancestors imagined
Manifesto provides a
classical example
a more general
competitive passion
it is with
conditioning Alex
illuminate those
connections is language
the last six
consecutive batters
considers him bad luck
through that
conversions will happen
saw a
curious thing happen
environment as a
determining factor
developed his talents
is just another
developing planet
functioning incoherency,
disorder in action
of years our
empire expanded
Empires which have serfs
growth and
employment in shambles
great educational and
enlightening factor
Everyone's been captured
press is an
excellent example
Existence is random
most perfect
expression in madness
All his
furniture is padded
profit by the
general disaster
government will have guns
no less than
happiness hereafter
unsuccessful attempts,
however, it happened
the road to
imminent disaster
becomes crystallized into
imperative habits
ever to
inhabit this planet
from thoughtlessness or
inherited habit
the gulf of
measureless disaster
generally ended in
them a great
national disaster
like helping with
national disasters
favourite film, favourite
natural disaster
the risk of
natural disasters
Natural disasters
Henry is a
notable example
obsession with language
Orion is bankrupt
of corruption and
pernicious example
and very
popular with rabbles
vast improvement or
potential disaster
be too
practical is madness
that the
President will answer
influences for their
provocative action
they both
reflected his anger
that the old
reformers imagined
Superman missed that one
Am I
suspended in Gaffa
manage to live
together hereafter
coulometer is a
typical example
whatever is matters
wonderful things as much

with 3 extra syllables

a smile of
affectionate detachment
road that
America will travel
You've had
experience since Nadia
From my
experience, it's faster
happen, some happy
experiences happen
imagining ever more
extravagant disasters
won their
independence in battle
to be
independent in action
You got
magnetism in action
write as his
material demanded
in a disabused
materialist fashion
a most
miraculous thing happened
misinterpret it at first
social misery and
political disaster
protectiveness is at work
in ultimate
restoration, is absent
a psychological and
spiritual imbalance
Your immediate
superiors in madness
this live
television is madness
dead on an
uninhabited planet
who were
victorious in battle

with 4 extra syllables

of series, or
algebraical expansions
repeat them with
anatomical exactness
the Kennedy
assassination in Dallas
Desiderius Erasmus
why we face
environmental disaster
produces at times
indescribable disasters
on earth than
intellectuals imagine
found it an
invariable disaster
what the
Organization is after
shared history of
territorial expansion

with 5 extra syllables

would mean a
humanitarian disaster