exact syllable matches

13 April
30 April
a brief statement
product of
a cheap labor
LAPD over
a cheese grater
My creation made
a creation
a worker becomes
I believe in
a creator
This clearly indicates
a Creator
And that's
much be
a deal breaker
saying that's necessarily
a deal-breaker
a deep change of
not from
point become
a field agent
am not
does, you're
a free agent
I am
a Free Mason
necessary to
a free nation
Ray seems like
a peacemaker
I get
a real agent
you became
a real angel
a real brainer
but it's
a real danger
he was
a real player
there is
a real table
this bond is
a relation
after using
a sleep chamber
buying something,
a tea strainer
he was
a team player
child, a queen,
for me as
grounded for as
I listening to
me was being
Now he's
since I was
the legs of
the mind of
wants to be
weekend to become
when I was
when you were
Worse, you're
a teenager
nothing more than
the moment, running
would be in
a theater
Nassau Coliseum
was delivered
a week later
spit up
blood, Team Player
Bud, please wait, son
cream cheese on
Buddy's bagel
But he's wasted
if we
but keep patience
But these changes
exactly show,
but we're grateful
You're a
chubby chaser
I am not a
can be a
Dubai ended in
ended in a
G were a
complete failure
Bobby was a
He is the
really a modern,
complete player
ago we were
end up kissing
complete strangers
completes nature
fifty miles of
concrete pavement
the problems our
country faces
foundation of a
part of our
country's greatness
never try to
thing that would
curry favor
RBIs, steal maybe
dirty bases
dirty traitors
sit at the gold-
dust-free table
the founders of
early races
many of the
early traders
it was at
the earth was
first created
although He
first creates us
spectacle of the
first creation
be missing
from here Frazer
you in the
funny papers
bear for swatting
her relations
her, he hates her
do was
just be patient
You can't
just replace her
it's just a
lovely angel
value of the
money payments
upward movement of
money wages
must be naked
must be patient
Must Be Patient
the step
the steps
three courses
must be taken
valuable reservoir
of cheap labor
an extraordinary piece
and multiple enrichment
are a marvel
arithmetic the image
as an act
be the master
crave the joy
disregard its work
drives the randomness
elements and orders
ever become masters
every single corner
explain the magic
from the chaos
greater than those
in the design
in the wake
in this mystery
into the world
is a miracle
is the fabric
is the fun
is the moment
is the mother
is the rest
is the sound
is the vision
me the act
most familiar works
nature and all
of humanity and
or the why
pursue the purpose
queens and kings
since the beginning
still the morning
stirring the power
than the act
the eternal dance
the first days
the living quality
the seventh day
the very immensity
the whole process
to the principles
unlocking the mysteries
whole cosmic drama
of creation
Art, that is,
from the works
His divine system
millions of years
of the unacceptability
the divine matrix
the long days
of Creation
is the work
of creators
bright future
the peoples
of East Asia
world community
of free nations
is the title
of peacemaker
promised the blessing
of peace-makers
is a system
or as names
of relations
me armfuls
of sweet fragrance
was an almost
of teenager
drastic implications
very nature
of these changes
one set
of these faces
every one
of these places
spirit animal
of these shamans
the scope
of these statements
The number-
one creation
breaking into a
Daddy from a
down to the
I'm in a
money to the
safe from the
set in a
this is a
police station
them by the
Police Station
to give or
receive wages
learn from actual
rugby players
over time in long-
run relations
Iowa to visit
some relations
got mugged by
some teenagers
cholesterol poisoning
some weeks later
What did you
study, Raymond
invisible in the
sunny spaces
wings of
the bleak angel
success, in
the cliche term
go directly to
the celebration of
the qualities of
was he before
the creation
by God in
fundamental direction of
meanest part of
the immensity of
the Scripture called
the Works of
vessels broken at
the Creation
an insult to
been punished by
precept that destroys
the computer, you're
the creature in
the destroyer, I'm
the unity of
the creator
a sacrifice of
and closer to
but to distract
divine purpose of
finally most like
first breathed by
from cleaving to
or think about
providential interaction of
temples to glorify
the created with
the dance of
the glory of
the light and
the Oneness Towards
the work of
we are, as
the Creator
go back to
the creators
words is
the female one
the Freemasons
destruction of
just like
the Green Ranger
to prove
the least faithful
and ignore
the real dangers
the real Jason
Those are
the real papers
the terms of
the relation
the elements of
the relations
elsewhere as
the scene changes
am essential to
become part of
effect further, in
get 'em in
he was in
He worked at
in cinemas, in
looking over at
native habitat is
On Broadway, in
our life in
room they call
smoke which permeated
that night, in
the vaults of
the world like
the world of
them to leave
They enter
who talk at
the theater
figure out
the theme later
that of
the three cases
it was one
ugly breakup
wear masks over
ugly faces
methods proved an
ugly failure
picked up from
unclean places
you tied
up here naked
for least screwed
up teenager
all human beings
from where you
is why Gentiles
only thirteen episodes
own before they
since those items
when the sands
were created
part the leaders
were Freemasons
were teenagers
time, there
were these angels
what dreams may come
What Dreams May Come
what we're made of
of his own hard-
won creation
any misunderstanding my
words created
opening doors to
worldly greatness
among the
world's free nations
jipped by her
young relations
Hell makes a
yummy bagel

with 1 extra syllable

17 April
open to the
absurd creator
should such
action be taken
a single
action he's taken
of an
adult he changes
you look
after me later
or an independent
business creator
lawful and permitted
carnal relations
known surviving
colonies, save one
of the
Color Field painters
fool as to
common relations
of the passionate
conscious creation
fire in a
crowded theater
for transport to
cryosleep chamber
Which side will
destiny favour
on a
diet, mein Major
I hate
dinner theater
Dorothy Sayers
You'll need the
energy later
king shall
ever be wakeful
finest secret service
president that God
things Americans have
What has it
ever created
man has
ever seen Nature
hardship and scorned
every danger
in love
every day, huh
and bad in
and friendship of
country and in
it's wrong in
the ally of
the concern of
every nation
Every game,
every player
an inspiration to
every sailor
loveable in our
every-day world
for others, his
family, strangers
I can
finally nail her
sincerest form of
flattery, Kramer
of all our
our domestic and
foreign relations
and Counsel of
Foreign Relations
retrieve the
former Green Ranger
will be still
further relations
to marry me,
Geraldine Granger
Geraldine Taylor
picture of future Franco-
German relations
as we're
gonna be neighbors
greatest creation
authorities in the
heavenly places
advanced for a
after all, a
no mystery in
human creation
as applied to
barriers to right
community of non-coercive
direct and personal
disgusting travesty of
establishing of right
moral conflicts in
the management of
human relations
a fantasy that
humans created
it, and
instantly wakes up
Jeremy Taylor
did our
leaders repay us
fruits of his
lustful creation
actualization of Our
Maker Creator
to be
Master Lee's greatest
be called the
master wheel-maker
confined to a
mental theater
permanent atmosphere of
mercury vapor
mischief we came from
Choose fixed-interest
mortgage repayments
lose, I'll
never be famous
things will
never be shaken
percent will
never be stable
I can
never repay her
I had
never seen Jacob
exactly like every
other relation
shares with all
other relations
Vilayet and in
other Vilayets
Yup, that's
our creator
but rather by
our relationship to
our Creator
part of
our real nature
infinite extent of
our relations
if they be
patiently taken
I was
perfectly faithful
could fester and
poison relations
any individual in
private relations
amateur, I am
probably safer
and I'll
probably wake up
extent, on a
property basis
to handle intellectual
property cases
place in a
puppet theater
Puppet Theater
a friend and
highly as a
quality player
would you
rather see NAKED
It stands
royally naked
Russia relations
suddenly and the
scenery changes
Shia relations
circular, that smooth-tongued
slippery agent
an alternative to
individualities and their
of another in
of those same
the structure of
social relations
divine creation as
special creation
ten millions of
special creations
hell with such
special relations
my will I
strangle creation
the subsequent
struggles he faces
when his life
suddenly changes
humorless American class
system created
was the
system he hated
to become a
tambourine player
Are you
totally blameless
our roomies are
totally wasted
am grown an
unbelieved fable
uses these labels
nonviolence has been
utterly wasted
polish from the
vanity table
wanna be famous
All men and
women created
Zachary Taylor

with 2 extra syllables

if not an
actual creator
used to
actually date one
clear, you
actually nailed her
him from the
animal creation
the darkness his
birthfather created
a kind of
compulsory labour
is general, as
despicably heinous
differently in the
different vilayets
is an astoundingly
durable creation
entire creation
But Victor wasn't
entirely blameless
in a barn,
entirely naked
conductor, I am
I am
I will be
that, I am
eternally grateful
common facts and
general relations
so that its
geometry changes
for your spouse's
idiot relations
after an
incredibly brave, uh
being different was
incredibly shameful
mental capacity is
infinitely greater
than what the
media created
Those guys were
Mexican teenagers
paramount in their
mutual relations
not a vampire,
obviously Angel
consumption, and of
of family and
personal relations
the lives you've
personally taken
philosophy changes
can't all be
Philosophy majors
physically painful
the years of
possible creation
had already selected
potential replacements
Not to mention,
potentially fatal
and nothing more
prodigally wasted
Make them
remember me, Jason
Indians are
technically Asians
every time the
technology changes
in spatial and
temporal relations
Tremendously able
my nightmares, I'm
usually naked

with 3 extra syllables

stabilise and level Russian-
American relations
a rich
American teenage girl
strive for mutually
beneficial relations
it has only
collateral relations
of confusion and
contradictory statement
all over the
European theater
eventually wake up
five minutes on
is only doing
transformation of American
industrial relations
left is so
justifiably famous
these same American
legislators created
It was
magnificently painted
by my own
mechanical creations
body is a
miraculous creation
when the
opportunity came up
pretty much an equal-
opportunity saver
systems than an
original creation
I was the
original creator
anachronistic social and
political relations
a rare and
remarkable creation
think, to my
remarkable creations
of systematic and
significant relations
interviewer were both
significantly greater
stands in a
spiritual relation
thousandfold by my
unstoppable creation

with 4 extra syllables

either tolerant or
intellectually stable