exact syllable matches
the songs
a big boost
and get
a clear view
India, you'd be
Muslim, a Buddhist,
Why aren't you
You're not
a Hindu
we have
a milk group
a rebel and
is to become
Talk about
was anything but
a recluse
a Recluse
the world into
a sickroom
perp does
a spin move
please get me
You have
a tissue
was more of
a tribute
be made to
appear true
its shadow
but its root
about us,
but it's true
not this
but with truth
career move
to my chess
career too
psychiatrists don't
come in blue
will always
come in groups
time I
come near you
May I
she just
will not
come with you
tonight, accounts are
comin' due
a bad guy
comin' through
on his way,
coming soon
coming through
is the world
is this world
What's this world
coming to
realizes it is
your fifth-grade dream
coming true
coming, too
He can
convince you
before we
cut it loose
does it do
done with you
over and
done with, too
Hillary on the
dunking stool
earth is blue
appeared on the
first issue
call them
first, will you
And I
and I cannot
and they never
But I can
forgiveness, I will
I will never
I'll never
you and I
You think I'd
forgive you
stand out
from his group
who differed
from his views
what the
fuck is juice
happy I wanna
fuckin puke
haven't got a
fucking clue
fucking moon
on is the
fucking news
Good teamwork, you
fucking noob
for your own
fucking schools
bulb in
her kid's room
Herne, with Lieut
I'll never stop
hunting you
your heart that
judges you
going to be
I'm quietly
judging you
just kills you
thing I
learned in school
clarity that
love brings you
voters to
love him too
ought to
son to
love it too
life, you
love it, too
fall in
guys in
He's in
I'm in
love with you
love man without
loving truth
I've never stopped
that is already
loving you
ebb and a
lull ensued
A occurs B
must ensue
alternative, on the
am telling you
replay that shows
This reading is
whole it was
nothing new
and we've got
nothing to
the essential points
of dispute
the wheels
of his rule
kill one
of his true
comes because
their interpretations
of his views
the city
the merry-go-rounds
of his youth
anything he's sort
of improved
every minute
to disapprove
of it too
other side
of it, too
or finitude
of its due
Well, none
of it's true
and conviction
convince himself
greater part
of its truth
the moment
of its use
some sort
of lit fuse
still full
of pimp juice
a sort
of queer, too
Some kind
of recluse
they're full
of shit too
a lot
of things too
be part
binding forces
of this crew
being part
first impression
of this group
fine illustration
of this rule
satisfactory nature
of this truth
come out
of this tube
a prophesied avatar
of Vishnu
one and
one is two
a short
one will do
What if the
public knew
My son's in
staff at our
teach third grade,
public school
come from American
enemy of the
religion in our
teachers in the
to improve our
public schools
do it to
that we couldn't
punish you
of those who
punished you
that inflict such
severe wounds
You've always got
some excuse
that we need
trying to do
something cool
In the vortex
something moved
afraid to try
again and see
built, they'll want
come up with
day would bring
Every day brought
go anywhere, for
have to try
let's go try
like to read
me to have
scope of starting
wanted to try
We all want
We need
something new
She needed
something to
or part of
we shall leave
something too
when you learn
you might feel
something, too
words for that
stirring tune
finish all the
stuffing too
must follow all
such issues
to refer
such things to
I mean,
Quite frankly,
Sun is doomed
me in the
sunlit pools
to push
the Bill through
and best of
intellectual conquests of
of faith with
speaks, not even
the Hindus
have to diddle
the includes
act certainly clouds
fight that decides
forced to confront
interested in addressing
know, don't skirt
legal questions on
necessary to decide
not responsible for
the people buy
what has been
What is
while I consider
You want
the issue
be getting into
but only to
First it states
have dialogue, discuss
that deals with
the issues
man from
the mere brute
You must have
the resume
die daily in
the sick-room
Excess current cooks
the tissue
could return with
the tissues
that Donald
Trump will lose
He liked you,
trusted you
doing, but I'm
trusting you
had rebelled against
Turkish rule
we can't
you just
turn him loose
wanted you to
turn into
the experiment,
uh, did you
Right up
until you
always ends
to keep
to put
trades catch
up with you
mess he put
that will lead
us into
when flowers
were in bloom
tumble most boys
were into
arrives at
what is new
not believing
true to
Truth of
what is true
what kills you
have a
wants a
word with you
agreed to
we will
work with you
the entire
world is doomed
on any major
world issue
in the
world, it's true
is still
worse with you
with 1 extra syllable
of the
above is true
not extinguished
Adam Smith's truths
quickly redesign doctrine
after disproof
there any
Alan in you
inverted No one
alerted you
as much as
anarchists do
the one with
anger issues
will not
avert his doom
Is that
awful thing true
thick of
battle with you
more people are
becoming poor
cause of their
becoming two
who'd get unearned
benefits, too
him on the
birther issue
do the
business with you
private position on
repose to discuss
who cares about
certain issues
Brandy Barber,
Channel 6 News
heart even
cloven in two
has not
confirmed this view
Because nobody dares
contradict you
sickness which
corrupts its roots
house is
covered in shoes
Those are the
crucial issues
know your
daughter is too
give the
devil his due
ambulance service
didn't wish to
are unlikely to
disappear soon
all these people
disappear to
His airplane
disappeared, too
I wanna
discuss with you
God to
enter in you
it enters a read-
eval-print loop
restaurant we've
world I'd
ever been to
disposable as paper
facial tissues
who my
father is, you
steaks, it's my
favorite food
exporter on my
What is your
favorite fruit
-- any
fiction will do
light of the
put out a
final issue
them in a
future issue
I'm not
goin' with you
gonna fix you
again, I'm
girlfriend, he's
I ain't
us, I'm
gonna kill you
gonna miss you
spark of
goodness in you
girls, thank
goodness it's you
you have
greatness in you
that ever
happen with you
all that was
happening to
along, you'll start
happening too
that I
haven't killed you
McNamara story as the-fog-of-war-ate-my-
homework excuse
always been
to be
honest with you
all the
hours lived through
What would
Howard Zinn do
decomposing alien and
human tissue
Jesus, as all
humanists do
would have trouble
inserting two
island is doomed
isn't it true
joke, and
it'll kill you
as a social
justice issue
operations because of
labor disputes
opinion, on the
latest issue
that the
latter is true
pinstriped parasite
lawyer with you
liar will do
Conquer the
liar with truth
suspended in the
liquid diffuse
the record you're
worth watching, or
listening to
national issues as
local issues
hell's the
is the
Whats the
What's the
matter with you
They have
melted into
these marvelous
moments with you
primarily with a
There is no
moral issue
issues are basically
moral issues
shall remain
nameless, near you
protected from such
negative news
Neither will you
class you've
never been to
china had
never been used
Never been used
their children to
nonpublic schools
Protecting and
nurturing you
taken a directly
opposite view
passes, and
orchards in bloom
it was for,
this extends to
other issues
very few
other things do
to steal
other things, too
come on
our trip too
you get
over this tube
dispute the
passage with you
that other
people did too
getting this
survive a
picture with you
led by a
pious Hindu
to change
places with you
accountancy, they're a
positive boon
conduct will only
prejudice you
sartorial triumph, a
thought those were
prison issue
have a
problem with, too
we can
promise in truth
busy to
question its truth
only by a
racial issue
the Green
Ranger is through
axe I were
what I was
referring to
Science is what
scientists do
longer serve to
settle disputes
we can really
settle issues
and I
shouldn't kill you
back your
shower gift too
but not a
single excuse
when Hitler was
slaughtering Jews
religious and other
they consider problematic
social issues
standard issue
solfeggio in the
strangling rooms
why I
struggled in school
He has
suffered with you
trying to eliminate
suffering too
teaches this truth
activities of a
destroy this barbaric
or any other
reemergence of a
terrorist group
history with Kurdish
terrorist groups
tell me who's
threatening you
gimme that
towel, will you
in it,
under its roof
ever rule
under this roof
of the masses, trade-
union disputes
a workman
uses his tools
focusing on these
vital issues
you get our
weaknesses too
wouldn't hit you
What's the matter with
with 2 extra syllables
expense of an
alternative use
Would you like
another tissue
have your
camera with you
commitment is true
What did
Conservatives do
manifests as a
cultural issue
muffins when I'm
developing you
imposed participation, a
different issue
is no
emptiness in you
and the voice
enveloping you
usually not an
ethical issue
deal with the
Hezbollah issue
wise to
implement it, too
sides of some
important issues
guilt or
innocence in you
would you
interpret his mood
interrupting you
absolutely have anger
management issues
matter which
medium is used
approach to the
nuclear issue
or an
obsession with you
is this a
partisan issue
Popular with whom
A general
recession ensued
concluded and diplomatic
relations renewed
Islam's checkered
relations with Jews
that our
religion is true
take up
residence in you
me that
screwdriver, will you
other primates beyond
serious dispute
is a very
serious issue
getting back
together with you
that the
universe is you
into the
Vatican with you
her to
Vienna with you
with 3 extra syllables
History of
Agriculture with you
care to
associate with you
is a tremendously
complicated issue
these lazy
consequences is true
affects the
environment, is doomed
of my
experiments with truth
summit on the
Iranian issue
means of solving
political disputes
as a major
this become a
political issue
must discuss the
without interfering in
political issues
are not God-
Realization in Truth
these were really
significant issues
simulacrum is true
with 4 extra syllables
The manners of
capitalism improve
its ultimate and
indefeasible issue
determination of all
justifiable disputes