exact syllable matches

8 Seconds
know, them chains
ain't medals
It just
ain't penguin
ain't special
Oooh, astonishing sod
ape, welcome
base metal
base metals
, a Dallas-
based Hedge fund
rule out any chromium-
based metals
Bates method
Bay chestnut
Bay chestnuts
Ron Clark, and
Written by
Blake Edwards
Gilroy and William
Blake Herron
say I
blame them much
brake pedal
brake pedals
brake presses
were being a
brave engine
this day a
brave epoch
brayette, from
and most extravagant
cake ever
Cape Breton
Cape chestnut
Cape chestnuts
like the best
cape ever
Cape petrel
Cape petrels
seen as a
case error
our only unsolved
case ever
on lower- and upper-
case letters
cave dweller
cave dwellers
ambled toward the
cave entrance
cannot forward the
chain letter
chain letters
It's off the
chain, Tremel
the family of
change methods
explain, but wouldn't
change, ever
people are like
clay vessels
Craig Venter
Dame Edna
had the worst
have the hottest
Oh, best
date ever
Dave Eggers
day centre
day centres
be the best
her the best
like the best
of someone's worst
was the best
day ever
is the best
day EVER
a bloody Father's
Day present
to learn the
day's lesson
owe them five
days rental
with a number
eight pencil
Nine seconds,
eight seconds
comb of the
eighth segment
with arm and
face gestures
It's my door-in-the-
face special
problems it's ever
faced, ever
Fay Weldon
the subject of
flame spectra
squalor that I
gained sentience
he reads the
game better
game engine
game engines
never won the
game, ever
gauge pressure
gave peril
and what
gave shelter
circumstances that
ideology that
shallows that
gave them birth
gave them guns
We were young,
gay, reckless
reading at a third-
grade level
face of my
That is a
to be a
grave error
I have made
grave errors
Grave Peril
it were a
grave question
sands of the
great desert
great egret
great egrets
Great Epoch
are making a
however, is a
right commit one
great error
These are
great errors
You'll become a
great legend
Party of the
great Lenin
And they're
great letters
not be of
great merit
And a
bit long, but
great message
to be a
great parent
great necessities, and
great perils
, which provides
and yourself a
I am of
great pleasure
be, is the
me is a
Not a
side of a
to argue that
great question
for the
great red one
It angered the
Great Shepherd
builders of the
Great Temple
under conditions of
great tension
to be a
great treasure
great vessel
great vessels
remember on the
great western
Yeah, that's
great, Dexter
grey heron
grey herons
merged in one
grey wetness
do the townspeople
hate Jekyll
hay devil
hay devils
Hayes Center
hey, Benson
hey, Gerald
Hey, guess what
for a lifetime
issued a lifetime
jail sentence
school into another
jail, Kara
, and
James Bevel
James Fenton
James Henson
Written by
James Parrott
James Reston
Named after General
James Screven
and designed by
Jane Jensen
Kate Sheppard
Kay Penman
lace leather
lace leathers
want to get
laid, ever
and the Turtle
Lake Treasure
Emily the
late engine
This is a
This, is a
late parrot
white uniforms, the
latex gloves
lay brethren
lay rector
lay rectors
safely say I
made better
be wronged and
made helpless
the past
made present
Hell, I
made sketches
had this cell
made special
could have
You just
made them up
weather, only it's man-
made weather
led to the
main entrance
at least a
main era
See the
usage, see the
main lemma
struggle, is a
main question
them and
make fresh ones
make letters
make semblant
make sense of
make them jump
thumb and
together, and
make them run
have them,
make them up
knew I'd
other can
make them work
problems, not
make them worse
with moisture
makes them burn
makes them run
no one
makes them up
male member
will mean all
male members
Quotes on fathers,
male parents
May 7
his craft, none
Only one
where no one
may enter
may get hurt
From the given
name Edmund
like the coolest
like, the lamest
That's the coolest
the most awesome
name ever
Norse female given
name Helga
the biblical given
name Sara
Remember that
name well, loves
owner, a magician
named Chester
has a dog
named Edward
taught a guy
named Grendel
of several people
named Helen
name's Harold
name's Sarah
pace setter
pace setters
me a 12
page letter
tissue and the
pain lessens
pay better
phase tester
phase testers
the verb
phrase let up
taller, or just
plain better
plate presses
I was gonna
play center
man to watch
play tennis
never heard them
played better
he almost never
plays tennis
onset of the
Quake era
hearts by the
race question
raid shelter
raid shelters
Well, I have
raised questions
rame hefa
ranged weapon
ranged weapons
transformed into a
rape centre
Ray Leonard
infrared and the x-
ray spectrum
ray tetra
ray tetras
programmed with a fail-
safe measure
sales ledger
sales ledgers
equidistant from the
same center
we have the
same dentist
misled by the
same error
expression of the
same essence
from the
same French word
have, like, the
She had the
same haircut
is at the
not on the
same level
resort to the
same measure
War has the
same merit
everyone's getting the
have preached the
websites carry the
same message
images of the
same metals
examined using the
same method
brothers--orphaned by the
same parent
can have the
same pleasure
answer to the
ask exactly the
asked him the
asking myself the
confronted with the
for itself the
were asked the
same question
us to the
same questions
direction on the
same section
conversation, sometimes the
mentioned in the
times in the
use in the
war in the
were in the
words in the
same sentence
constant, exert the
same tension
We're after the
same treasure
aren't the
same, they're worse
the theme of
same-sex love
So never
say never
Did I
say, better
scaled question
scaled questions
se dresser
se lever
vers moi, sans
se presser
se rendre
se tremper
Seychelles nut
Seychelles nuts
That's a
Snake Venom
neurotoxin like a
snake's venom
tickler and a
space helmet
space weapon
space weapons
space weather
Off the
stage, Helga
competition at the nation-
or a local
state level
condition for the
he already got
level of the
state pension
first and the
state second
Jose for the
of the California
resignation to the
the Republican led
State Senate
for the United
in the United
joining the United
of the United
outside the United
to the United
States Senate
straight edges
straight engine
straight engines
razor than a
straight-edged one
take off the
strait waistcoat
seems like a
That's a
strange question
tail question
tail questions
tailed jaeger
tailed jaegers
tailed penguin
tailed penguins
that I
white-out can't
take care of
take credit
why I gotta
take lessons
which we can
take pleasure
Groening will now
take questions
I must
take theirs first
takes care of
takes effort
to dry, now
takes seconds
tale bearer
tale bearers
tape measure
tape measures
also makes them
and they
kids really does
knows, it might
taste better
obviously can't
taste they're burnt
they better
them, and
they bless us
and where'd
they end up
backs away when
on every circle
they enter
and when
they get hurt
evil when
they get some
that how
they get us
Where are
they headed
excluded that
they helped us
the day
they left us
they mental
They questioned
honor the ignoble,
they rebel
the nation where
they settle
or else
they went nuts
knew how
they'd end up
about the World
at the World
down the World
for the World
hit the World
in the World
of the World
on the World
plane into the
Services at the
up the World
was the World
Trade Center
trade centers
trade dresses
is organic, fair
trade, vegan
complete with a
train engine
of metal shoes, a
vade mecum
Bernadotte, I'll
faces and
wake them up
as someone
wakes them up
wave vector
wave vectors
that I am
That was
way better
admits of no half-
way measures
way, welcome
you like modern
ways better
You see, that
way's better
weight measure
weight measures
Yates Center

with 1 extra syllable

reason to be
afraid, ever
Because new is
always better
we will
where I
always end up
And you
always get hurt
The problems
they can
always get worse
where you were
always headed
Nadine was
always jealous
his society is
always pleasant
about mutuality and
always pleasure
At least, they're
end, which is
God, it is
his grace is
is hidden but
of consciousness us
always present
I can
always rent love
Fred, you were
always special
all stand is
always threatened
destroyed, strangers were
intended job is
message was not
my president,He is
They were
always welcome
Rare, medium, but
always well-done
Andre Breton
think, act and
attain heaven
away dresses
I'm not going
away EVER
as a going
here's a going
away present
to put
away their guns
Dance them
Take him
away, Sheriff
bodyguards guarding the
backstage entrance
be the best
best surprise first
of the best
the most rockingest half-
birthday ever
bought you a
bring my mother's
his first ever
news about your
send you a
world as your
your very special
birthday present
What thoughtful
birthday presents
to see the
bridesmaid's dresses
cascade method
cocktail dresses
the White House
complaint center
document and any
contained excerpts
essay question
Highgate resin
the Sierra
Madre del Sur
first and not
Malay second
Marais breton
to record of
mundane pleasures
here's a typical
MySpace message
is hard to
obtain betel
significantly affected by
phosphate levels
they send us
someplace special
Sunday letter
Sunday letters
name, from the
surname Bedson
botanist with the
surname Rehmann
you changed that
today, Shepard
big game
today, yes sir
degree Centigrade above
today's levels
I'm leading
today's session
on Fridays, but
today's special
like to hear
today's specials

with 2 extra syllables

database engine
database engines
Compare alleviate,
elevate, leaven
Faraday tensor
Feldenkrais Method
Star Wars
The Star Wars
Holiday Special
Kostanay centre
have uppercase and
is spelled with
lowercase letters
detectable in the
microwave spectrum
the bullets to
penetrate Kevlar
them each a
separate legend
not considered a
separate letter
somebody on a
separate level
film comprises three
separate segments
should have an
uppercase letter
and aired on
USA Network

with 3 extra syllables

constitute and
articulate their world
to learn to
communicate better
the lava that
incinerates Wesker