exact syllable matches

an e
an ear
its appearance on
an EEG
analysis of bars
and beams
meeting-place of gods
and beasts
matter how starched
and bleached
why they spy-hop
and breach
different as chalk
like chalk
unlike as chalk
and cheese
can jump off
and deal
shapes our thoughts
and deeds
our nation strong
that are long
and free
and gee
and geese
quantum wavefunctions, quarks,
and genes
evident-she was large
and green
this sudden shock
and grief
He's behind lock
it under lock
under lock
world by lock
and key
and credit cards
likes credit cards
and keys
by starts
and leaps
up my balls
and leave
at the bar
and leaves
contain garlic, shallot,
and leek
Look at Mark
and me
who's got wants
and needs
sense of calm
and peace
to stand off
and see
freedom of thought
and speech
of the Cross
and St
town was long
and steep
hell are Scott
and Steve
on the sidewalks
and streets
and sweep
opened,And voices soft
and sweet
privilege of rocks
and trees
We run off,
and we
false, and watch
and weep
of its cogs
and wheels
water, sugar, salt
and yeast
Ang Lee
Ann Lee
Anne Steele
rock as hard
roll as hard
was better off
as me
an unjust law,
is not mocked,
sales as long
as St
edible but not
as sweet
ash tree
ash trees
Come on,
ask me
ass cheeks
at ease
at ee
in the art
at least
a tennis ball
a two-dollar watch
first bullet shot
hammer and tongs
louder and charged
take a shot
takes a shot
thrown a rock
Wrestling Federation, not
Your son shot
at me
at peace
Dibs was lost
life raft, lost
at sea
at speed
throw a dart
at thee
back beat
back beats
back feet
- Of knots
driving her car
got us all
Homeworld and crawled
wondering what was
back here
back seat
do not want
back seats
back street
back streets
back teeth
have our ball
back, please
bad beat
bad beats
bad seed
bad seeds
band chief
the lowest bar
band here
band tee
band tees
banh mi
bass C
bat ear
bat speed
bat speeds
black bean
black beans
He worked on
Black Beast
black geese
black mead
Black Pete
Black Sea
Black Sheep
black tea
black teal
black teals
were an all
black team
black teas
blank sheet
blank sheets
blast beat
blast beats
bracht mee
brag sheet
brag sheets
Bragg peak
Bragg peaks
branch tee
branch tees
brand geese
brant geese
brass leaf
a Dom Box
of what art
profound the loss
can be
only the Gods
can hear
Now, all
can see
so that all
can speak
canned cheese
canned heat
cap sheet
cap sheets
cap sleeve
cap sleeves
cat meat
cat tree
cat trees
catch heat
catch me
chan e
Chuang Tse
crab tree
crab trees
crack seed
crack seeds
nobody's on the god-
damn team
damp sheet
damp sheets
dank je
dank meme
dank memes
drag queen
drag queens
fact sheet
fact sheets
fast sheet
fast sheets
fat free
flat feet
flat peach
flat sheet
flat sheets
flax seed
flax seeds
Fran Beal
Frank Keyes
gab preis
gag reel
gag reels
gann de
gap sheet
gap sheets
gas field
gas fields
glans penes
glass eel
glass eels
grand C
grand mean
grand means
Grand Prix
grand scheme
grand schemes
Grands Prix
grass pea
grass peas
grass tree
grass trees
had lief
Haft Seen
half niece
get what I call
hand cream
hand creams
hand screen
hand screens
hand tree
hand trees
Hank Green
harr leef
hash tree
hash trees
hast lieb
Hat Creek
hat lieb
hat tree
hat trees
that, that y'all
have dreams
but you cannot
times, you cannot
have me
I'd rather not
have seen
Huang He
jack bean
jack beans
Jak 3
kal ki
land breeze
lang leve
lap steel
lap steels
last meal
last meals
latch key
latch keys
mad hede
mag wheel
mag wheels
Quite a renaissance
man, Tyr
mass priest
mass priests
Maths B
Maths C
nag screen
nag screens
nahm teil
nam beet
nam deel
nam mee
pack heat
packed heat
packs heat
pak beet
plan B
plan C
Planck speed
rag week
rag weeks
ran de
Fear of God
ran deep
rap sheet
rap sheets
sad tree
sad trees
Sam Keen
Sam Neill
sand eel
sand eels
sand flea
sand fleas
sand sheet
sand sheets
sans gene
sap green
sap greens
sap shield
sap shields
scan sheet
scan sheets
scrap heap
scrap heaps
scratch sheet
scratch sheets
scratch team
scratch teams
Ultimate Prize, all
shall kneel
a little walk,
shall we
slack key
slag heap
slag heaps
slam piece
snack street
snack streets
snap bean
snap beans
snap freeze
snap pea
snap peas
splash screen
splash screens
staff tree
staff trees
Stan Lee
stand treat
tag team
tag teamed
tag teams
tax free
tax shield
tax shields
Thach weave
the worst job
than Jean
folks worse off
were worse off
than me
still better off
than Rhys
obeying other laws
than these
thank ye
thanks be
see the cross
that bleeds
I fucked on
that deal
The witnesses are
that deep
hate the part
that feels
Thousands died on
that field
the chances are
that he
Look at all
to handle all
that meat
that screen
get back on
gracious man on
than anyone on
was not on
that team
Infinite variations on
of variations on
that theme
that thief
that, please
By God,
that's real
that's sweet
trap street
trap streets
val mee
van Beek
van Veen
van Vliet
wax bean
wax beans
yam bean
yam beans

with 1 extra syllable

contact sheet
this mystery man
contacts me
I g-g-got a
talk about the
contract here
lilies of the
goddamn field
I'm a
goddamn Peach
to get some
goddamn sleep
don't turn that
goddamn wheel