exact syllable matches

au large de
au long de
au nom de
blow off steam
the wind
blow on me
blown off steam
blows off steam
brought the
boat on keel
A Canadian
Boat Song, st
ok, they're
born on skis
boron tree
boron trees
thought I burned
both copies
will judge 'em
both harshly
Kane, pushing them
both off-screen
best to pacify
the candidates of
The elites of
both parties
to make a
clone army
just like
coach taught me
cobalt green
cobalt greens
kinds of
codes are these
body to a
cold body
cold Charlie
of my
cold, hard steel
corn dollies
a type of
corn dolly
corn parsley
corn poppies
No, of
course, sorry
doe parties
doe party
don't harm me
You just
don't want me
closed that
door, not me
on front
doors are deed
faux ami
floor hockey
The dragon
flows off screen
foam parties
foam party
with my
folks on St
a Heroic Sacrifice
for Ali
was second-chance time
for Archie
if it weren't
for Artie
for Bobby
health, very harmful
for body
for bomb, please
ain't been over
for coffee cup
I stopped
only have time
was going out
who stopped by
for coffee
the battle cry
for Garfield
arts are fine,
for hobbies
Isn't that
for laundry
We came back
for Marlene
save the eyeballs
for Mommy
Uh, I'm available
for parties
by Pawnee, and
for Pawnee
can't sacrifice them
for Rocky
It's not
for Ronnie
the astro-bastard, time
for talkies
for toffee
not good enough
for Tommy
of the
fort was breached
I have
four on me
George Darley
George Savile
go moggy
Uh, go ahead,
go potty
go walkies
goes potty
does not
Money doesn't
poison apples
grow on trees
gone, the Mice
grow sawcy
Hogan's here
would just
hold on here
got a
hold on me
Hold on, please
Home Army
long way from
home, Bobbie
horned poppies
horned poppy
horse hockey
name for a
horse jockey
in search of
host bodies
it murders the
of Visser One's
host body
Joe Hockey
your little
joke cost me
Well, you all
know Charlie
feed, and
know not me
Lord Party
always use some
soldiers, more famine,
with two and
more bodies
much slower and
more costly
it for one
more heartbeat
us have
more shark meat
loves only the
more strongly
even when the
most falsely
rare, and guarded
most harshly
the light shines
most strongly
mot magique
And we have
no armies
they don't got
We have
no army
I ain't got
no body
Leak you are
no Fonzie
I offed was
no Gandhi
I'm sorry, there
no heartbeat
I have
youngsters, he has
no hobbies
You got
no moxie
Same thing, except
no Nazis
no on here
my song has
no party
Bertrand Russell and
Michel Foucault and
Noam Chomsky
above his inert
old body
out grown that
old carny
Collated with the
Old Copies
Old Dalby
from the Grand
Old Opry
politicians of the
old parties
Monarch, how
old was she
for the Grand
Ole Opry
idiotic, corrupt,
or all three
Clipping of Archibald
or Archie
stuffed animal Fred
or Barney
Not the blood
or bodies
face, hair, eyes,
my face, hair
peace of mind
or body
Borrowed from
or Conly
or Gandhi
by their jobs
or hobbies
for a pastime
or hobby
Nazareth or Gautama
or Mani
or mommy
seems either vulgar
or obscene
Muslim, Sikh, Christian
or Parsi
of a sect
or party
intimate with wine
or poppies
any vases
or pots here
or Scotty
uproot flowers
or small trees
Africa is black
or tawny
as either iambs
or trochees
that of Siddha
or Unani
ore bodies
ore body
build up our
head of their
I want my
own army
have over their
phenomena of our
own bodies
body from our
cell of my
decisions about my
even see my
gate with my
it were my
knife with her
owner of my
see through my
smells like my
to own my
to with her
own body
to order my
own coffee
to get my
own copy
with her
own Harley
like doing my
own laundry
bosses of her
late for my
men in my
primary inside their
own party
I made my
own zombie
por partes
pour cause de
Quotes on greed
robots enter, one
robot leaves
robot meat
of professional child
robots here
sun had
shone on me
that she had
showed Moppy
which is not
shown on-screen
we shared
shows on screen
There's some
snow on here
snowball tree
snowball trees
But then,
this and
vulnerable, and
so are we
You're standing there
so calmly
never for us
so hearty
he has fought
so nobly
if it wasn't
so obscene
my lunch was
so salty
that separates them
so sharply
it would sound
so sloppy
and I am
And I'm
Baby, I am
Buddy, I'm
but I am
freak accident, I'm
girls, I am
happen again, I'm
MacBeth, I'm
Malcolm, I am
man, I am
Mary Poppins, I'm
me and I'm
my gosh I'm
Oh, Cornelia, I'm
Oh, God, I'm
Oh, I'm
out and I'm
Ron, I'm
Rosa, I'm
say that I'm
so sorry, I'm
Sorry, I'm
Stark, I am
Steven, I'm
Well, I'm
so sorry
a view expressed
protons bound otherwise
so strongly
the missions,
those are real
still think about
the identities of
try E at
those parties
He wasn't,
though, was he
take a
toll on me
war parties
war party
Dry, soft,
warm bodies
to cool a
warm body
command of the
cost him a
in check a
me with a
might match a
safety of the
they decimated my
whole army
connection with the
cry of that
energy throughout the
hurt in my
In fact, her
organization of the
possess in their
poured over the
practice, than the
to loosen the
whole body
anything about the
her, for her
whole party
that hedgehog
won't stop me
Iraq and command
me to present
your army
operated on
your balls, Dean
both and burn
possess one of
their way inside
your bodies
a part of
already appeared on
an animal inside
an extension of
And look at
and not on
and out of
any hair on
as twisted as
back up inside
be looking at
being placed on
body and like
bugs crawling up
But not of
calcified pore on
enough to touch
every part of
find semen on
food can enter
for removal of
forever, but minus
hot parts of
in and crush
is sucked out
leaf storm inside
little baby inside
MIND to love
poison that enters
rash somewhere on
realise someone wants
records to identify
red meat on
right out of
ripping out of
shooting out of
take care of
test them on
testicles clean off
the cells of
the curves of
the rest of
want your mind,
warmed more than
without praying over
you all over
You are not
You gotta LOVE
you've gotta LOVE
your body
appears on
your call sheet
You two and
your coffee
are two of
stand out amongst
to some of
your colleagues
So calm
that is of
Victim of
your folly
Your god's weak
wanna rev up
your Harley
I set
your heart free
beauty of
your heart speak
Love without
my footsteps match
to become like
your heartbeat
Pick up
your laundry
those hunters shot
your mommy
But not
your Mommy
Your mom's here
want me at
your parties
ablest man of
presumptive nominee of
run out of
that we ruined
the leader of
your party
herbs out of
your trolley
threats and
your watch beeps
I just saw
your zombies
a red
zone, are we

with 1 extra syllable

adored parties
ahora bien
almost dropped me
her sister,
almost lost me
that they
the parts
alone are real
3 years
her out
alone on St
Leave me
alone, Tommy
also areach
is convenient, but
also costly
is now
also on me
auto bodies
auto body
would it be an
combo party
control car key
out of
control, not me
village from becoming mind-
controlled zombies
Ergo Proxy
Mulattoes, bay,
export coffee
accepted as a
fellow carny
I don't really
follow Hockey
Hello Dolly
hollow body
Lenore Coffee
limestone hawksbeard
Mahomed Ali
Margot Robbie
meadow barley
meadow barleys
Meadow Mari
he's throwing this
mondo party
just went
psycho on me
quattro mani
elements in the
Reform Party
shallow copies
shallow copy
smartphone zombie
Ubaldo Mari
declare, is the
utmost folly
Vasco Rossi

with 2 extra syllables

Am you
Bizarro mommy
here to
diagnose, not heal
insect armies, and
dinosaur armies
go all
Dumbledore on me
Francesco Salvi
stouter and more
pyriform bodies
Salvador Dali

with 3 extra syllables

Diospyros kaki