exact syllable matches
2 Kings
blew it
Blue Cheer
blue chip
blue chips
blue film
blue films
blue fish
Blue Hill
blue link
blue links
blue pill
blue pills
blue print
blue prints
Blue Ridge
blue rinse
blue tit
blue tits
boo hiss
boob milk
boog neer
boot crimp
boot crimps
boot disk
boot disks
Boot Hill
Bruce Timm
chew stick
chew sticks
clue in
clue stick
clue sticks
cool kid
cool kids
coon it
coup stick
coup sticks
a bird on
cruise ship
cruise ships
do ill
do in
a Judge cannot
and does not
breakthroughs, I cannot
British Telecom
but you cannot
did the Rock
do a job,
Frankly, we cannot
Go on, John,
I shall not
no, I cannot
or he cannot
Politicians cannot
recognize you cannot
some cities cannot
They better not
We cannot
You cannot
you must not
do it
do sin
country can not
democracy, you cannot
I cannot
that he cannot
You cannot
do this
do with
dook in
be a long
few years
food fish
food mill
food mills
and you cannot
fool him
fool with
fooled with
fools with
glue ears
glue stick
glue sticks
goon stick
goon sticks
goose skin
goose wing
goose wings
goot in
group ring
group rings
9 characters are
grouped in
hoof it
hoof pick
hou in
jour fixe
June 6
Liu Ching
loop in
loose lip
loose lips
We absolutely cannot
lose Briggs
lose it
mood ring
mood rings
Mood swing
temper, and broad
mood swings
moon milk
Moon Mist
moose deer
moose deers
moose limb
moose limbs
moose milk
moose miss
you better not
move him
move in
Come on,
Come on, Hoss,
move it
she was all
moved in
moves in
moves it
mule deer
mule twist
New Inn
New Mills
New Thing
New Tricks
New Weird
New Year
New Years
News Quiz
pool im
poor thing
poor things
All our arts
but we cannot
was, you cannot
prove it
q tip
q tips
room in
and a large
extra-, extra-, extra-large
root beer
root beers
root kit
root kits
Roux limb
Roux limbs
rule in
evil does not
universe - not
rule it
school trip
school trips
school year
school years
screw it
screw this
screw with
screwed with
screws with
shoe in
shoe lift
shoe lifts
shoo in
shoo ins
it doesn't stop,
shoot it
and my mom
shoots it
Shu Ting
skew bridge
skew whiff
sloop in
sloot in
sluit in
souk in
spruce beer
spruce beers
through bridge
play the part
through him
almost has gone
But I got
we ever got
through it
through with
to bits
grill from blah
to bling
I just want
to chill
the stars start
to dim
the bar, not
to drink
to the pond
you can talk
to fish
it's gonna cost
to fix
All I got
I have sought
she didn't want
to give
ahead and talk
and I'll talk
as a shock
as I talked
but never talked
Chang and talk
closest of all
do that, not
go and talk
gonna wanna talk
had done wrong
had passed on
Heenan had got
I can't talk
I just talked
I talked
I'll talk
I'm gonna talk
just didn't talk
Just talk
me and not
my hat off
owe a lot
parents had talked
perhaps, but not
professor and talked
returned Robin's heart
should have talked
the power got
throw the ball
try and talk
up and talk
We can talk
we gonna talk
You can talk
you can't talk
to him
and, I talked
to Him
that people want
to hit
a softer heart
battlefield to correspond
better hang on
Devoted precious thought
I'm gonna talk
not a Bar
pair of balls
put a stop
putting a stop
relations with regard
something in regard
the plane corresponds
then, with regard
ton of salt
to it
for a dog
to kick
a license not
horrible, and hard
only purpose was
soldier's job was
to observe, not
to kill
hot I want
of the dark
to kiss
To Kit
I wouldn't want
innocuous but hard
to miss
does not want
to mix
find a spot
to pimp
for the boss
to pitch
he has got
just as hard
to quit
World gone
to shit
I promise not
stage and wants
to sing
the club starts
to skip
to persons, not
to things
I didn't want
they managed not
thoughts I want
well as strong
we're not taught
to think
put a stop
want tacked on
to this
American nation are
Americans want
and just want
athlete that wants
have not fought
he just wants
one I want
She doesn't want
who doesn't want
to win
to wisse
to wit
to yeer
The files are
The world was
too big
imperfections were all
too clear
Thighs are
too thick
tool kit
tool kits
toom in
true bill
true bills
True Grit
true rib
true ribs
tune in
tuned in
tunes in
two bits
two fifths
two pips
of ice on
two sticks
Disher Uh, not
two years
U Minh
I can not
so they cannot
use it
and phrases are
used in
He's a god
who will
matter after all
who wins
Can I call
come on,
you bitch
I just saw
you blink
I'm gonna watch
you cringe
I thought
That's all
you did
But how are
you him
about how hard
in the car
you hit
I've locked
northwest and called
of business are
on, I'll log
What situation are
Whose business are
you in
man, part god,
you lived
Can I call
you Liz
I'm gonna call
you Nick
What are
What, are
you queer
What are
you sick
sing a song
you sing
how are
you still
What are
you things
you think
Chances are
you will
you win
you wish
she cheated on
we can charge
which one are
you with
this isn't on
you, kid
Why not
you, Miss
What are
you, Nick
that's the song
you'd sing
every innocent drop
you've spilled
yue qin
yue qins
zoom in
zoomed in
zooms in
with 1 extra syllable
that you couldn't
argue with
sounded like some
cartoon shit
of the dragon
costume, kid
all the rocks
backfires his curse
he knows dad's
onto him
aim to hang
ball and hung
that is projected
want to hang
you must hang
onto it
you should hang
onto this
pontoon bridge
of Physical Science,
Volume XXIX