exact syllable matches
all can talk
and it's
all Dad's fault
going to throw
all fastballs
and gamblers,
all had gone
stand when
all has gone
As almost
all hats are
all have jobs
all mad dogs
something about
all that fog
to have
all that on
along with
all that pot
Sin and
all that rot
When had
all that stopped
the moonwalking,
all that's gone
It's worth
all that's lost
throat of
all that's wrong
me after
all, and stop
mane at
song at
all, at all
chili con carne
and non-
the profits
are as large
We, we
are at fault
are back on
These things
are damn smart
when they
are hacked off
the words
arm and strong
sew his
arm back on
means by
art and arms
art and part
wisdom, philosophy,
art and song
devotion to
art and thought
Art and thought
not considered
art at all
beautiful, spirit,
art, and thought
God do
aught at all
opera and
Bach and Brahms
remember the
ball at all
a cheese
ball at heart
hit a
ball that far
three Golden
Balls have gone
to the
barb hast drawn
on the
block, that's all
Bob, bad Bob
the atomic
bomb at all
call you
boss, that's all
Box and Cox
boxed and coxed
a nightly
brawl, and all
his back
the foundation
broad and strong
broad as long
what I
call that cause
no one ever
called Grandma
calm, that's all
in his
car and talk
damage that
car can cause
outside, the
car had gone
The little
car had heart
car has stopped
you would've
caught that ball
chalk and talk
a negative
charge and was
any Santa
Claus at all
don't have
claws at all
It's a
cock and balls
eggs the
cock sat on
cock, bad cock
combat box
combat log
thousands of my
comrades are
several thousand party
comrades shot
contact ball
contact balls
Imitative of its
contact call
contact calls
All my
contacts, GONE
is to say,
contract pox
gotta breach that
contract, Doc
cop bad cop
doing good
of good
cop, bad cop
at a
cost, that's all
cross-jack yard
cross-jack yards
and thing,
dark and smart
just plain
Dawn and Shawn
With a
dog mask on
works on
dog, cat, dog
mention that
dogs can talk
like a
doll at all
was to
fall and fall
will never
fall at all
nothing to
something to
fall back on
falls back on
was therefore
false and wrong
in so
far as art
get very
far at all
is stronger
far than art
not his
not my
not our
not your
wasn't your
fault at all
full of
faults and wants
fought and lost
to have
fought at all
the Ga
Ga had dawned
More at
gob, jab, chop
to recognize
God as God
is a
god at all
believe in
is no
not hear
was a
God at all
in that
God damn jar
two, where
God has not
is what
God has wrought
Lord our
God shall call
gallon in their
goddam cars
Look at my
goddamn arm
on were your
goddamn bombs
goddamn boss
and drive the
goddamn car
Like a
goddamn dog
is all your
goddamn fault
right through his
Goddamn heart
and running your
goddamn jaw
And fuck the
goddamn law
was mowing the
goddamn lawn
sometimes its so
goddamn long
Touch the
goddamn mark
sink like a
goddamn rock
in your own
goddamn schnozz
me through the
you through the
goddamn wall
coming outta the
goddamn walls
are no
they're no
gods at all
your sister's
gone that far
kid has
got an arm
I never
just never
got that far
should have
got that job
becomes as
hard as rock
wouldn't be
hard at all
him no
harm at all
not a
hawk at all
all his
heart and lost
than no
you no
heart at all
that your
heart had stopped
a little
heart, that's all
change both
hearts and laws
way their
hearts have gone
hops, and
hops, and hops
I look
rich, and
hot and smart
It's not
hot at all
She's a
hot grandma
hot, that's hot
not my
job at all
a trying
job that was
need a
job, that's all
jobs or
to find
jobs at all
John Ashcroft
John Hancock
John Hancocks
anyone who
knocked at all
every nation,
of nations
these nations,
large and small
am as
large as God
is no
law at all
I work
will be
long and hard
grew, became
long and strong
times as
long as broad
you've got
long ass balls
It wasn't
won't take
long at all
death I
long have sought
by this
is no
loss at all
come see
loves their
Ma and Pa
on Matthew,
Mark, and John
Marks and Sparks
Earth from
Mars, and Col
God, Gold,
Mob and Dog
stole from
mom and pop
mom and pops
From mom-and-pop back to
Even the miller-
moth had gone
mots ad hoc
Compare nought,
naught and aught
the back
nod, back nod
a football match,
not Ascot
- no,
- or
aboard, or
all or
all,Or graft
and Armenia
and really
away or
but it's
but moves
children, or
complete or
deter Diogenes
evening than
Facts matter
felt them
he fears
Heh, actually
injure Allah
it works
its consequences
late, or
man or
mean, like,
moved her
not, I'm
now or
often didn't,
Oh, no,
or anyone,
or even
pleasure or
purposefully or
related, others
Renaissance furniture,
rum or
slowly or
surprises me
than mentioned
that governs
That is
the God
the story,
the world,
time mattered
time or
to say,
to swear
together, or
-Vitus kind
Voldemort has
way than
well, oh,
what was
not at all
government is
parties are
risk are
not at fault
good thoughts,
not bad thoughts
delicate fabrics,
not flag cloth
I could
I should
not have gone
You would
not have lost
dead do
I do
not have wants
work dogs,
not lap dogs
but did
constitution may
it did
luck does
situation will
this did
you will
not last long
so that's
not that hard
not that shocked
I am
not that small
admit, I'm
and you're
not that smart
are really
I am
wrong, You're
not that strong
not-quite, the not-yet, the
is not
odd at all
odds and sods
your arm
off and all
and off,
firefly, flickering
long tack
six years
off and on
you taking
off at all
off halfcocked
off half-cocked
and Lena
off that block
anymore names
off that wall
his life,
like you,
to turn
turn it
on and off
can go
cities goes
could go
Days go
earth darts
eons, and
errors goes
expression and
for going
foreplay goes
fusillade went
go dragging
gonna go
have gone
Hunt goes
it goes
It went
just go
just goes
just went
keep going
keep ranting
list goes
list went
lullabyes go
may go
minutes rambling
must continue
on and
stars, dart
that goes
together goes
war, and
will fight
will go
on and on
be stepped
on and squashed
absolutely nothing
come back
There's nothing
on at all
this, but put
and Cleopatra
on that barge
on that box
got hosed
on that call
a note
on that car
the outlier
on that chart
get up
You still
on that cross
it out
on that guard
a spider
on that log
fall asleep
on that part
Go sit
her skull
his chicken
own name
on that rock
been me
on that saw
freaking out
with you
on that song
a fly
need me
want me
on that wall
just go
on, and
on, and on
on, dance
on, dance on
to grab
on, grab on
on, hang
on, hang on
little wax
on, wax off
park that thought
play no
part at all
affect the
plot at all
for holding
pots and jars
the costumes,
props and angst
R and R
god of
Rock and Cock
Glory Road,
rocks and all
He's gonna
romp and stomp
the rivers
Sarre and Sar
you never
saw at all
each wrinkle,
scar and flaw
scarf and barf
scot and lot
fear and
these in
shock and awe
to Operation
Shock and Awe
shocked and awed
shocks and awes
to be
shot at dawn
nice and
smart and hot
smart at all
fall as
soft as cloth
song at all
Redneck Mother
song back on
between the
spark and God
a rock
star at all
animal, man,
star, and god
Stars and Bars
Stars and
stars and stars
heart to
start at all
began to
stop and fall
other stars
stop and watch
intend to
stop that rot
Just a
will be
stopped and lost
could have
stopped that bomb
strong and smart
Strong and smart
to grow
where I'm
strong and tall
mutant as
strong as Charles
talk and
talk and talk
food for
talk and thought
don't really
them to
way I
talk at all
talk, that's all
talked and talked
Dame, going pro, all
future any
if he
thought at all
Chris Weitz and
Todd Alcott
tot an tot
two particles
wa and ga
guy, and
that can
walk and talk
against a
wall and shot
what I
want at all
no, I don't
want dacquoise
want that ball
must really
want that park
what I
want, that's all
had no
wants at all
all that
was as naught
care who
cheap land
Constitution that
this he
was at fault
was blackballed
fallen lady, which
was Dagmar
before I
was Jack Frost
such place
was Nam Dong
rotten life
was that car
was that sharp
was that smart
your wife,
was that wrong
All they did
was trash-talk
watch and watch
His own
watch had stopped
I secretly
watch Nascar
hunt, then I
watch NASCAR
I never
watched that part
in the
is not
wrong at all
knew how
wrong that was
happen to
ya, and ya
with 1 extra syllable
assault at arms
avant, vanguard
just don't
belong, that's all
an autocrat
canteen that
cannot last long
got more
chainsaws, that's all
down to
Chekov and Spock
superglued my
forearms back on
them be
forgot and lost
Grandma, grandpa
newspapers, school, church,
grandpa, grandma
Installed last fall
to be
involved at all
is not
Islam at all
morgue or a
Milan catwalk
Mohan Bhagwat
Unfortunately, al-
Qaeda has not
a good
radar that was
denominations you
regard as false
with 2 extra syllables
the boring
dialogue and plot
allow any
dialogue at all
Panama hat palm
Panama hat palms
outside the
restaurant and stopped
church and
synagogue and mosque
and the
waterfall and all
with 3 extra syllables
Neanderthal man was