exact syllable matches

hold that thought -
This was
all a setup
heard gunshots from
all directions
part grin, and
all molester
was not at
all offended
religious freedom and
all protection
the Texans had
all surrendered
was jazz,
which was
all the better
Claudia, and
all the brethren
more than
all the censures
guarantee and
all the extras
all the question
you and
all the questions
Here we are,
all together
The odds
are against us
are possessions
and campaigns that
are successful
we want
are the measures
the things that
are unpleasant
your class
are, er, restless
Arlen Specter
people by an
armed oppressor
Arthur Symons and
Arnold Bennett
Arnold Wesker
art collection
art collections
looks lived in, not
Arthur Desmond
Arthur Jensen
Arthur Melzer
Cohen's an
artist, says some
of the dark
arts forever
August 7
of the damp
autumn weather
Falcon makes an
awesome entrance
there was that
awful letter
dares to ask
awkward questions
Awkward tension
of Jamaican Scotch
Bonnet peppers
Boston lettuce
bottom edges
bought a French one
boxer engine
boxer engines
Bramah presses
Brocken specter
Brocken spectre
Brocken spectres
Bwana Devil
call the question
call the sheriff
call together
metal cooking-pot
called a kettle
carbon credit
causa della
Charlotte Wessels
Clark Gable, and
Charlton Heston
called the
Charms of Bezel
charter member
charter members
column vector
column vectors
converge toward that
common centre
common egret
Common Era
common gender
common genders
common heather
common kestrel
common kestrels
common pheasant
common pheasants
cut off from
common pleasures
common shelduck
common shelducks
Senators and
congress members
Coligny would have
conquered Belgium
a lot of
conscious effort
const correctness
cottage parent
cottage parents
cotton velvet
cotton velvets
cross assembler
cross assemblers
da Genevra
Doctor Eggman
Crystal clear water,
doctor Kessler
Marc Lawrence and
Donald Reynolds
draw attention
draw together
they are all
drawn together
Drawn Together
drop of their blood
Drop the weapons
We rise and
fall together
fallen pregnant
a star
falls from heaven
falls together
false conception
false conceptions
false dilemmas
run on a
false prospectus
farmer stresses
flock together
fog collection
fog collections
fog collector
fog collectors
That superiority has gone-
fossil resin
Fossil, help her
foster parent
foster parents
his father
fought the rebels
garden center
garden centers
garden centre
garden centres
garden cresses
garden engine
garden engines
not a
God of vengeance
sat all the
gods assembled
Those are
God's directions
God's perfection
all the
Gods, protect us
and they are
and unity are
First Ones are
for they are
knew he was
last moment has
man's honor was
now you are
Old Navy had
O-Mi-God, they're gone,
secret police are
think I was
thought he was
to be, was
world's oceans has
gone forever
of youth have
gone together
I are
gonna get drunk
I was
gonna get her
one was
gonna get hurt
that hat's
you are
gonna help us
I'm not
Well, I'm not
gonna letcha
else I was
gonna mention
I'm not
gonna tell her
all that
they're not
gonna tell us
got ahead of
messed up and
got arrested
of guys that
where we all
got together
Gotham Central
Because nothing had
over time, has
the reliability has
gotten better
Just off the
harbor entrance
We cannot
harbor rebels
really fought
hard against us
hawker centre
hawker centres
Hodge conjecture
honest peasants
It's an
honest question
you're better than
Hot Rebecca
kata benda
knock together
knocked together
knocks together
reading European tax
law amendments
officer, attorney, and
law professor
and a Harvard
Law professor
are the
laws of heaven
loggerhead duck
loggerhead ducks
Loss of essence
human daughter was
then gone and
Those memories are
lost forever
lost her temper
on a
lot of levels
that's a
lot of pebbles
an awful
That's a
lot of pressure
got a
have a
lot of questions
lots of ketchup
Mach suspended
Mara Beller
market segment
market segments
Modern era
of the and
Modern letter
principles of self-defense and
I am
not a beggar
States was
not a menace
That was
not a question
if they are
not arrested
because they are
not attempted
and victory are
not forever
not of feathers
not of leisure
Not one blessed word
occupiers who are
not possessors
They are
We are
not protectors
I was
not selected
but he was
love, they are
that also was
not successful
the death and
the end and
not surrender
I am
not the devil
you are
not the Devil
not the question
first and
those and
not the second
Not the Templars
We are
not together
a nation of have-
nots forever
the socks
off the devil
off the presses
Greek queen ran
off together
it all
off, the pencil
mathematics are
on a level
to pass
on a message
on a pen does
on a second
can have
on a session
warm water
on blood, ever
go on and
hate can last
that had gone
on forever
on observation, and
on reflection
them off
on some beggar
I am
pirate was
on the level
can pass
on the message
on the precious
one track
on the second
Magic Man
on the sensor
an artist
on the spectrum
on the strength of
the supercomputer back
on together
work on and
on unfettered
too hard
on yourself, girl
on, young fella
opera della
Ossa Menor
were a Robert
Palmer extra
par especial
park connector
park connectors
on the
part of Rebels
partial pressure
partial pressures
Representative Ron
Paul of Texas
Pondicherry was
pocket central
pollen parent
pollen parents
pop the question
Problem there, sir
proffer letter
proffer letters
profit center
profit centers
profit centre
profit centres
by graves and
promised heaven
Rahl protect us
it not
rob the present
Robert Bellah
Robert Evans
Robert Heller
Robert Jensen
Richard Connell and
Robert Presnell
Robert Sarah
Robert Spencer
rocket engine
rocket engines
Roger Ebert
Roger Shepard
Ronald Kessler
salt of lemon
scoreboard and
saw the message
scar, It's gonna
scar forever
scarlet letter
Scarlet Letter
scarlet letters
economy that
scarred the era
Scott McClellan
smaller congregations and
small collections
small-world network
small-world networks
It was a
solid effort
Somnath temple
sovereign wealth fund
sovereign wealth funds
spark arrester
spark arresters
spark arrestor
spark arrestors
and Fonda had
starred together
Stop the presses
to glue that
straw together
strong declensions
he was
taught a lesson
first bombardment
taught us better
Thomas Dekker
Thomas Kettle
Thomas Weber
activities and
thoughts affect us
the bureaucrats and
tong collectors
arch the
top of heaven
on the
top of letters
toss together
toss-up question
toss-up questions
trauma centre
Walker Evans
Wallace Stegner
Walter Besant
Teresa Wright, and
Walter Brennan
Walter Slezak
sneezed and got
Wanda pregnant
was a dentist
This man
was a devil
So, that
was a lesson
was a present
was a question
was a set up
his boss
was a terror
the whole gang
The wrong man
was arrested
William Wallace
was from Kenya
was much better
sense of honour
was offended
in which task
often the mass
was successful
was the question
was the second
you into car
wash attendant
think about car
wash attendants
tell me that
wasn't special
people, and
watch the credit
Watch the entrance
water chestnut
water chestnuts
water devil
water devils
water engine
water engines
water lemon
water lemons
water lenses
water lettuce
water level
water levels
water melon
water melons
water pepper
water peppers
water tender
water tenders
Water's precious
That's the
wrong direction

with 1 extra syllable

to measure, I
cannot conjecture
But I
wounded, he
cannot forget her
an edge America
cannot surrender
Galois connection
Galois connections
of my paternal
grandfather, Aaron
you bring
Grandpa a present
the Urdu-medium and
madrassa sectors
Milan Kundera
of the
onslaught against us
osmotic pressure
osmotic pressures
calque of English
rockhopper penguin
rockhopper penguins
Tabata method
intellects are
upon a level
upon reflection

with 2 extra syllables

and replaced Old
Catalan comparer