exact syllable matches

hand chopped off -
All Black
All Blacks
all caps
all hands
That was
all Pam
All That
ar fad
ar tam
arc lamp
arc lamps
ark clam
ark clams
arm span
arm spans
arse crack
arse cracks
art glass
Aung San
aw man
aww yeah
bald cap
bald caps
bald patch
ball bag
ball bags
ball cap
ball caps
ball sack
ball sacks
ball valve
ball valves
bar graph
bar graphs
barf bag
barf bags
barm brack
barn dance
block ab
block grant
block grants
block graph
block graphs
blockt ab
Bob Black
bod am
bog ab
bon app
bon plan
bon sang
bond vast
bonde vast
bondt vast
bonk bag
bonk bags
bonne chance
bons plans
bot an
box calf
box van
box vans
brought back
call back
call backs
call graph
call graphs
call stack
call stacks
calls back
calme plat
car bras
car crash
car glass
card clash
card stand
card stands
carte blanche
caul fat
chalk bag
chalk bags
charge hand
charge hands
Charles Dance
Charles Lamb
Claude glass
claw back
clock jack
clock jacks
clog dance
cloth cap
cloth caps
cocked hat
cocked hats
Cop land
is that thoughts
cross back
cross bat
cross bats
cross cap
cross caps
cross paths
cross tab
cross tabs
da an
da cam
da das
dart sac
dart sacs
dart tag
dog bag
dog bags
dog flap
dog flaps
dog grass
dog man
dog nap
dog napped
dog naps
dog sat
dog tag
dog tags
domme gans
You are on
which she cannot
draw back
draw blank
drop back
drop backs
drop cap
drop caps
drop tank
drop tanks
fahr rad
fall an
fall back
fall flat
false flag
false flagged
false flags
false flat
false flats
false flax
false tack
false tacks
farm hand
fart sack
fart sacks
fart tax
flog ab
floss ab
focht an
fog bank
fog banks
fog lamp
fog lamps
foie gras
font stack
fought back
frost lamp
frost lamps
froth pack
froth packs
gall dang
gall gnat
gall gnats
gauze mat
gauze mats
God class
god dag
God damn
god hand
god hands
gods damn
is all on
God's hands
And that was
God's plan
golf clap
golf claps
gone at
gone back
which have not
gone bad
gone halves
gone past
got at
guard band
guard bands
hall pass
Han Shan
Hans Frank
hard cash
hard clam
hard hand
hard hands
hard hat
hard hats
hard matte
hard mattes
hard pass
hard tack
hard tacks
hark back
harked back
harks back
haul ass
hauled ass
hauls ass
haut ab
heart cam
heart cams
heart valve
heart valves
hearth tax
hob ab
hob an
Hoff crab
hot blast
hot blasts
hot chat
hot chats
hot damn
hot dang
hot flash
hot hand
hot hands
hot hatch
hot lab
hot labs
hot pants
hot stamp
hot stamps
hot tap
hot taps
Jacques Plante
jaw ang
jock strap
jock straps
John Kass
John Nash
John Pratt
John Stapp
kans grass
Karl Brandt
knock back
knocked back
knocks back
knot span
knot spans
La France
La Land
La Tache
laas nag
large cap
large caps
las ab
launch pad
launch pads
law calf
lob jam
lob jams
lock an
locke an
lockt an
log an
log jam
log jams
Long An
long black
long blacks
Long Branch
Long Drax
At long,
long last
lost track
lost wax
ma huang
mach an
Mach band
Mach bands
mach nass
mall rat
mall rats
march past
mark as
Mark Strand
marked as
marks as
marsh gas
marsh grass
maus gras
mob cap
mob caps
mod man
mod pack
mod packs
Mont Blanc
na man
friend, yeah, na,
na, yeah
nog lang
non jam
not bad
not half
not that
odd man
off as
off brand
off brands
off chance
off pat
off tap
on blast
on hand
on tag
on tap
on task
I can start
the odds are
on that
on track
op pad
par chance
pas mal
Paul Bass
Paul Nash
Paul Vance
paunch mat
paunch mats
paw at
pawed at
paws at
pomme blanche
pop tags
pot hat
pot hats
pot man
pot plant
pot plants
prop blast
prop blasts
prop shaft
prop shafts
rock band
rock bands
rock bass
rock cam
rock cams
rock crab
rock crabs
rock rat
rock rats
rock shaft
rock shafts
rock slam
rock slams
ROK flag
salt flat
salt flats
salt gland
salt glands
salt pan
salt pans
sar san
sauce blanche
sauf ab
Saul Bass
saw grass
schloss ab
schloss an
schnall an
schon mal
Scotch hands
Scotch snap
Scotch snaps
shawl strap
shawl straps
shot glass
poet was not
shot, as
small ad
small ads
small caps
small hand
small slam
smart ass
smart band
smart bands
smart chance
snot rag
snot rags
soft hand
soft hands
soft matte
soft mattes
som tam
Song Nam
sot gan
spark gap
spark gaps
spot cash
squat rack
squat racks
squaw man
star grass
star pass
starr an
starre an
staub an
stomp pad
stomp pads
stop plank
stop planks
stop that
stop valve
stop valves
straw hat
straw hats
straw man
straw manned
straw mans
strong man
swamp ass
swamp gas
swot vacs
talk at
talk back
talk past
talk smack
talk trash
talked at
talked back
talked past
talks at
talks back
talks past
Tall Blacks
tall man
tar sand
tar sands
taut hand
taut hands
thought back
Tian Shan
tog bag
tog bags
tom cat
tom cats
Tom Hanks
Tom Rath
tom yam
tom yams
top brass
Top Cat
top cats
top hand
top hands
top hat
top hats
trots dat
va banque
va man
voir grand
walk back
walked back
walks back
Walt Stack
wank bank
wank banks
want ad
want ads
would God not
want that
wasch ab
Washed hands
watch cap
watch caps
watch glass
watch strap
watch straps
zock ab

with 1 extra syllable

ballpark frank
ballpark franks
Bhagwan Das
fromage blanc
saving your fat
pockmarked ass
Salto Grande
sauba ant
sauba ants

with 2 extra syllables

Carlotta, beautiful
Carlotta, sad
carnauba wax
Cognate with
Catalan and

with 3 extra syllables

Kitasato flask